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Gfdapp - GFD_OS2:_Applications

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 21UPRT75.ZIP Size: 195985 Date: 1999-03-05 Time: 20:14:08
(V7.5) - 21UPRT.ZIP - FREEWARE OS/2 program to print 2UP in landscape mode or 1UP in portrait mode on laser printers using PPDS, PCL or PostScript commands. Will number lines or support ANSI control characters. Suppresses multiple blank lines and page ejects. Supports A4 and legal paper sizes and other functions. Roger Lapp -

 ACCOS25G.ZIP Size: 168376 Date: 1996-04-08 Time: 05:53:04
Updated accos25g.dll for ColorWorks V2 and V1+. Fixes errors when loading large TGA, PCX, and GIF files.

 ACDC031B.ZIP Size: 197139 Date: 1999-04-24 Time: 07:19:30
Audio-CD-Creator V0.31b (C) Chris Wohlgemuth 1999 5785/ This version replaces all previous releases (V0.2/V0.3) ---------------------- This is a folder class for the WPS which works as a frontend for cdrecord/2 for creating of Audio-CDs. Just put wavefiles or shadows of wavefiles into this folder and press 'write'. Arbitrary ordering of files is possible via DnD. Full WPS aware. New in this version: -Time calculation -More status windows and log-files -More online help Now also support for data CDs. You need mkisofs for imagefile creation. For your convenience the CDRTools executable V1.02 is also included. It supports some common tasks like TOC reading or blanking. Licence: This package is provided 'as is' under the Gnu public Licence (GPL). All files must be kept together. Read the file 'Copying' for further information.

 ALARM.ZIP Size: 122974 Date: 1999-01-30 Time: 01:10:12
Alarm-Funktion, (c) 1998 Joachim Scholtysik

 ALFLD_15.ZIP Size: 7482 Date: 1999-01-31 Time: 05:44:48
AllFolders v 1.5 - AllFolders sets

 ASTROLOG.ZIP Size: 597637 Date: 1999-04-01 Time: 16:58:24
Initial port of Astrolog 5.30 to OS/2 Version 0.95a. Astrolog for OS/2 can be used to calculate all sorts of astrological charts including natal charts for personality profiling. FreeWare (source available). By Magnus Olsson

 BA2PR40D.ZIP Size: 1390176 Date: 1999-03-08 Time: 04:00:00
Back Again/2 Professional Edition - Professional Backup and Recovery for OS/2, Evaluation Edition 4.00i. Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 by Computer Data Strategies, Inc. Copyright (C) 1994-1996 by Box Turtle Software. Now available via BMT Micro.

 BIGRED.ZIP Size: 218073 Date: 1999-03-07 Time: 10:37:26
Sound scheme for OS/2 based on "Big Red Racing" game sounds. Required

 BLENDGIF.ZIP Size: 156065 Date: 1999-03-12 Time: 13:03:12
BlendGIF ver. 1.13 - Create a multi-framed animated GIF. BlendGIF is a free, REXX application that will create a multi-frame animated GIF file from several single image GIF files. In addition to merely appending images together, BlendGif will create intermediate images -- thereby supporting a variety of fade, pan, rotation, translation, and dissolve effects. By Daniel Hellerstein

 BTERR2.ZIP Size: 949723 Date: 1999-01-31 Time: 19:42:00
BTERM v3.42 1s. BTERM is a small VT320 terminal emulator. It is free for single user non-commercial use. This packet is for OS/2, with RSA.

 BTER_2.ZIP Size: 940091 Date: 1999-01-31 Time: 19:42:00
BTERM v3.42 1s. BTERM is a small VT320 terminal emulator. It is free for single user non-commercial use. This packet is for OS/2, without RSA.

 CDR18A19.ZIP Size: 209067 Date: 1999-03-18 Time: 10:49:10
CDRecord/2 V1.8a19 - Cdrecord is a CD-writing program for creating data or audio-cds. It's a port of cdrecord from *nix. Textmode program. The EMX runtime libraries are necessary. (C) Chris Wohlgemuth 1998-99.

 CDWOS2D.EXE Size: 1380549 Date: 1999-05-04 Time: 09:37:36
RSJ CD Writer File System Version 2.77 update, german. Experimental support for bootable CDs based on the "El Torito" standard.

 CDWOS2US.EXE Size: 1293301 Date: 1999-05-04 Time: 09:37:14
RSJ CD Writer File System Version 2.77 update, english. Experimental support for bootable CDs based on the "El Torito" standard.

 CDWOS2US.ZIP Size: 848088 Date: 1999-04-26 Time: 22:57:02
RSJ CD Writer File System Version 2.76, 30 days demoversion, english. Now available via BMT Micro. Experimental support for bootable CDs based on the "El Torito" standard.

 CDWRIT11.ZIP Size: 265927 Date: 1999-03-31 Time: 17:10:30
A PM front end for the freeware CD writer CDRecord/2. This is version 1.1 with an improved GUI. By Thomas Kellerer

 CFOSCOST.ZIP Size: 39696 Date: 1999-01-23 Time: 02:45:00
* CFOS-Kosten-Auswertung Version 0.2 * Dieses Programm dient der Auswertung der Datei logfile, die CFOS/2 anlegt. Es filtert hinausgehende Anrufe (OUT), erzeugt fuer jede MSN eine eigene Datei und zaehlt die angefallenen Gebuehren- impulse. Das Format (comma-delimited ASCII) bleibt erhalten, so da man die Dateien in eine Tabellenkalkulation uebernehmen kann. In dieser Version sind nur Fehler be- seitigt worden.

 CID2-095.ZIP Size: 115842 Date: 1999-03-25 Time: 23:22:58
CallerID/2 .95 eta Caller ID program for

 CLOCK095.ZIP Size: 134551 Date: 1999-04-25 Time: 23:13:26
World Clock is a configurable clock with Daylight Savings Time, Stopwatch, Alarm and Program launcher for Warp. World Clock allows you to define 9 cities from 360+ cities in the provided City list, or add new city.

 CLUST115.ZIP Size: 126141 Date: 1999-04-10 Time: 10:19:38
CARRIE R. LUST 1.15 - Highly configurable phone-cost and online time tracking utility for OS/2 in the tradition of Richard Papo's "MemSize" systemresources monitor. Connection autodetect, 11 stats available, possibility to log connections, 4 warning modes, easy integration into login scripts, remote control, etc. Written by Thorsten Thielen <> (Member of Team OS/2 Region Trier e.V.) Mailware. WWW: " thielen/clust/".

 COPILOT2.ZIP Size: 165825 Date: 1997-05-25 Time: 02:55:28
Copilot/2 Beta 1 - Copilot/2 is an OS/2

 CPT_003A.ZIP Size: 71044 Date: 1999-02-03 Time: 05:16:22
Capture/2 V0.03a, TV program for OS/2. Capture/2 is based on a program example of the videotoolkit by Abbotsbury Software Ltd. including a function based on the Nagra-code. Requires an Happauge WinCastPCI card with driver WCast1.021W or higher.

 CRAFT35A.ZIP Size: 2085078 Date: 1999-03-28 Time: 13:20:30
Craft 3.5 is a Warcraft-like multiplayer and computer opponent strategy game running under XWindow

 CSTEP5.ZIP Size: 123085 Date: 1999-03-26 Time: 01:11:50
Customized version of EPM. Adds an Actions menu, containing various actions (mostly already available as commands), and which lets you dynamically add and delete menus for adding markup in GML, SGML, HTML, or LaTeX, and one for sending printer codes to your printer. 5.51 .ex files only; see CSTEPM.

 CSTEP6.ZIP Size: 118252 Date: 1999-03-26 Time: 01:12:08
Customized version of EPM. Adds an Actions menu, containing various actions (mostly already available as commands), and which lets you dynamically add and delete menus for adding markup in GML, SGML, HTML, or LaTeX, and one for sending printer codes to your printer. 6.03 .ex files only; see CSTEPM.

 CSTEPM.ZIP Size: 64646 Date: 1999-03-26 Time: 01:09:00
Customized version of EPM. Adds an Actions menu, containing various actions (mostly already available as commands), and which lets you dynamically add and delete menus for adding markup in GML, SGML, HTML, or LaTeX, and one for sending printer codes to your printer. This file is the main one; see also CSTEP5/ for precompiled .ex files for EPM versions 5.51 and 6.03, respectively.

 DBADMIN.ZIP Size: 74937 Date: 1999-02-07 Time: 05:54:34
OS/2 executable of dbadmin utility. A CGI

 DBGRPH21.ZIP Size: 984344 Date: 1999-03-12 Time: 19:33:34
dbGraph v2.1 Beta 3, (FREEWARE) OS/2 PM-Programm zum grafischen Darstellen von Funktionen u.v.m. OS/2 PM-program to plot mathematical functions a.m.m.

 DBI-1_02.ZIP Size: 454469 Date: 1999-02-21 Time: 02:43:52
DBI Perl interface for mSQL. Additional requirements: Perl 5.003 or higher, EMX enviroment, mSQL modules.

 DCITU17B.ZIP Size: 701066 Date: 1999-01-31 Time: 13:30:24
Digital Camera Image Transfer Utility for OS/2 - OS/2 PM application to allow serial port transfer of images from the following digital camera models: Kodak DC25, Kodak DC120, Kodak DC200, Kodak DC210, Kodak DC220 (?), Kodak DC260, Agfa ePhoto, Epson PhotoPC, Nikon Coolpik, Olympus, Sanyo VPC/DSC, Sierra SD640 and Toshiba PDR-2. By Stephane Charette

 DFSEE294.ZIP Size: 593454 Date: 1999-04-20 Time: 00:55:54
File-system display & analysis utility. Shows partition-tables and bootsectors. Shows HPFS/FAT internal disk structures like Superblock, Fnodes, Dirblocks etc. Check allocation integrity for volume. Can find any data-sequence on the disk and identify the file it belongs to. Display allocation maps for the disk and for the directory-band. Includes CHKDSK UNDELETE/copy functionality for HPFS. DFSee, (c) 1994,1998 Jan van Wijk

 DHG_106A.ZIP Size: 396598 Date: 1999-03-02 Time: 20:36:16
DH-Grep_PM is an OS/2 PM version of grep that is designed as a user friendly application for a multitasking environment. The often cryptic command line options have been replaced with easy to use menu selections. The output of the search is sent to a PM window and the user has easy access to all of the information that was found. Version 1.06

 DIFFER.ZIP Size: 88599 Date: 1999-02-17 Time: 05:14:44
Directory Differ 1.4 (Compare Directories). Directory Differ allows comparing complete directories for binary differences. The program is a PM-front end for GNU-Diff. By Carsten Mueller

 DIRSYNK.ZIP Size: 104680 Date: 1999-03-06 Time: 13:34:24
Dir Synk is a utility written in Object

 DIRTOOLS.ZIP Size: 136085 Date: 1999-03-06 Time: 07:20:08
Several REXX utilities for working with directories. This contains 3 utilities: DELDIR - delete a directory tree. COPYDIR - robustly copy a directory tree. DIRTREE - sort and display files (by relative filename) in a directory tree. By Daniel Hellerstein

 DISCI082.ZIP Size: 129527 Date: 1999-03-29 Time: 07:25:12
Discipulus Ver. 0.82, Ein Vokabeltrainer f den OS/2 PM.

 DRAWIT29.ZIP Size: 1154951 Date: 1999-01-29 Time: 12:40:48
DrawIt 2.9c for OS/2 Warp. DrawIt is a vector oriented drawing tool where in you can combine bitmaps and metafiles with your own drawings. It supports the im/export of GIF,TIFF,BMP,PCX, TGA,XBM,MET,PIC,JPEG and the internal file format. Drag/Drop is supported for Bitmaps, colors and fonts. It it highly recommended to read the About and the Getting started chapters of the online help in DrawIt.

 DREKBAKA.ZIP Size: 125963 Date: 1999-04-09 Time: 08:58:02
DreckBak Version 2.a Easy backups for your Hard Drive using Info-Zip Double Integrity and Error checking. Full logging built in. Complete, EASY instructions and installer to create all objects, folders and directories. by Murray Weismer Member: Philadelphia Area Computer Society (PACS) OS/2-Java Special Interest Group (SIG) -==========================-

 DREKBK3B.ZIP Size: 139950 Date: 1999-04-17 Time: 08:39:18
DreckBak Version 3.b Easy backups for your Hard Drive using Info-Zip Double Integrity and Error checking. Full logging built in. Complete, EASY instructions and installer to create all objects, folders and directories. by Murray Weismer Member: Philadelphia Area Computer Society (PACS) OS/2-Java Special Interest Group (SIG) -==========================-

 DREKBK4B.ZIP Size: 134093 Date: 1999-05-01 Time: 14:59:22
DreckBak Version 4.b Easy backups for your Hard Drive using Info-Zip Double Integrity and Error checking. Full logging built in. Complete, EASY instructions and installer to create all objects, folders and directories. NEW** Updated automatic install - No editing by Murray Weismer Member: Philadelphia Area Computer Society (PACS) OS/2-Java Special Interest Group (SIG) -==========================-

 DS132.EXE Size: 1263751 Date: 1999-02-24 Time: 01:13:00
(v1.31) DirSync - Directory

 ECO11.ZIP Size: 12064 Date: 1999-04-12 Time: 14:58:02
ECO v1.1 - EPM plugin for compiling Java, C and IPF. ECO provides a menu for running a compiler from within the EPM, viewing the compilation transcript and linking error messages to the corresponding lines in the source file. Works best with Java (javac), GNU C and IPF compiler. Syntax highlighting can be controlled via the menu, too. (Comes with source.). By Walter Schmidt

 ENH_E120.ZIP Size: 523092 Date: 1999-04-01 Time: 05:55:54
Enhanced E & Enhanced EE v1.20 Two editors, an Enhanced version of the OS/2 System Editor (adds printing capability, print selected text, time insert, date insert and a popup menu) also included is the Enhanced EE Editor with everything the Enhanced E has plus a toolbar, popup menu, autosave, search by line#, name insert, signature file insert, file history save selected text, multiple language support for menu items, presentation mode, html code stripping, bubble help, spawn session, import, drag & drop, integrated code template tool, text to IPF conversion mime conversion, spellcheck in cooperation with SpellGuard and more...

 EPMHTMB3.ZIP Size: 17514 Date: 1999-01-06 Time: 04:49:24
EPM Gismo/kHTepm macro launcher. This file contains a Rexx EPM macros to launch Gismo, Netscape, and html highlighting and some instructions concerning using Ken Arway's excellent epm macro under OS/2 warp epm 6.* PLus a few hints and tips.

 EPMTFE24.ZIP Size: 96665 Date: 1999-04-08 Time: 05:45:08
EPM TeX Front End 2.4 - (La)TeX environment based on EPM. The EPM TeX Front End is an additional module for the EPM editor. It turns the EPM into an integrated TeX environment, providing TeXing, dvi and PS previewing, printing etc. from the EPM menu. Remarkable features are: Postscript support (dvips on-the-fly); optional TeXing of a marked region of a file; interface to OS/2 shell and WPS; optional LaTeX syntax assist. Documentation is provided in English and German. By Walter Schmidt

 ESCRI096.ZIP Size: 695436 Date: 1998-01-20 Time: 04:03:24
Escriba v0.96d (Rick Papo, 19 January 1998, $30). A medium-scale WYSIWYG word processor for OS/2 PM. Supports all ATM fonts, any printer with a PM driver, color, bitmap graphics, as well as most basic word processing functions. In English, French, German, Spanish and Dutch. Formerly Pluma.

 ESCR_DEU.ZIP Size: 189944 Date: 1998-01-20 Time: 04:05:18
Escriba v0.96d (Rick Papo, 19 January 1998, $30). A medium-scale WYSIWYG word processor for OS/2 PM. German version. Requires main archive ESCRI096.ZIP.

 ESJBCO10.ZIP Size: 210202 Date: 1999-04-21 Time: 11:59:06
ES-JubiCheck 1.0. Jubil ums Checker f r

 ESSMIX13.ZIP Size: 59215 Date: 1997-12-09 Time: 18:33:50
ESS Audio Mixer V1.3 for OS/2 PM Supports Stereo, not Requires MMPM/2. (C) Oleg Deribas

 ESWSLO10.ZIP Size: 286093 Date: 1999-04-04 Time: 04:41:18
ES-Web-Slide Show 1.0 R1. A program which allows to create slide shows of your web-pages, using HTM or HTML format.

 ET314.ZIP Size: 2720866 Date: 1999-03-11 Time: 12:38:38
Electronic Teller 3.13. Electronic Teller is a home finance application. It features a rich set of functions and utilities. By Paul Caron

 FAX102.ZIP Size: 610823 Date: 1999-02-05 Time: 03:20:48
Fax Receive/Send/Poll/View/Print/Convert

 FBROWSER.ZIP Size: 636147 Date: 1999-04-14 Time: 11:06:16
File Browser Beta 9 for OS/2 Warp 3/4 (c) 1998/99 by Christoph Bratschi + File manager + Web browser + Graphic viewer + Netscape Plug-in support and much more E-Mail: Homepage:

 FC2_210.ZIP Size: 267577 Date: 1999-05-01 Time: 10:10:00
File Commander/2 v2.10, Norton Commander(TM) (DOS) clone for OS/2 Provides powerful file management functions, program launch, text viewing and editing facilities, built in archiver support (ZIP,ARJ,RAR,LZH,ACE) in 32 bit OS/2 text mode.

 FCOPY413.ZIP Size: 13786 Date: 1999-02-19 Time: 13:19:06
FatCopy - Copies files or directories between HPFS and FAT. Converts long HPFS names to 8.3 FAT names. Generates unique names if necessary. Generates log file on request. You may use wildcards, i.e. "*" and "?" in file names. By Rolf Lochbuehler

 FED024.ZIP Size: 87328 Date: 1999-04-26 Time: 05:35:50
Fast Editor Lite v0.2.4 for OS/2. FED is a small text mode editor. Small but powerful enough to be used as everyday editor. By Sergey I. Yevtushenko

 FRBE_104.ZIP Size: 489267 Date: 1999-02-07 Time: 15:00:00
Frontend for Bladeenc for OS/2 V 1.04 - A graphical frontend for the MP3 encoder Bladeenc for OS/2. By Joachim Scholtysik

 FRLE_101.ZIP Size: 525802 Date: 1999-02-07 Time: 15:00:00
Frontend for Leech. A graphical frontend

 FTE0497P.ZIP Size: 470210 Date: 1999-04-15 Time: 14:23:00
FTE Text Editor Release 0.49.7. Text Mode text editor. Color syntax highlighting for C/C++, REXX, HTML, IPF, PERL, Ada, Pascal, TEX. Multiple file/window editing, Column blocks, configurable menus and keyboard bindings, mouse support, undo/redo, regular expression search and replace, folding, background compiler execution. By Marco Macek. Pentium optimized executables only!

 FWE210.ZIP Size: 1071434 Date: 1999-04-06 Time: 08:30:00
Future Wave Editor v2.10 - Future Wave Editor Editor (FWE) is a text editor for OS/2 Warp 3.0 and later. FWE enables you to work on the development of a professional program as well as edit a simple text file such as Config.Sys. It is a highly-functional text editor which allows you to write macros in the REXX language. (C) Copyright Future Wave Limited 1996-1999. All right reserved.

 GAMBLER.ZIP Size: 282722 Date: 1999-02-02 Time: 13:03:10
Compulsive Gambler's Toolkit for OS/2 v1.00 Two popular casino games with help. By IglooSoft

 GBMOS2.ZIP Size: 393425 Date: 1999-03-21 Time: 08:05:06
Generalised Bitmap Module, OS/2 command line .exe's From Andy Key (

 GBMOS2PM.ZIP Size: 462257 Date: 1999-03-21 Time: 07:54:12
Generalised Bitmap Module, OS/2+PM .exe's and source. From Andy Key (

 GD13.ZIP Size: 202125 Date: 1999-02-11 Time: 17:37:18
GD gif-manipulating library v1.3 compiled with emx 0.9d. gd is a graphics library. It allows your code to quickly draw images complete with lines, arcs, text, multiple colors, cut and paste from other images, and flood fills, and write out the result as a .GIF file. This is particularly useful in World Wide Web applications, where .GIF is the format used for inline images.

 GDYNTEXT.ZIP Size: 31600 Date: 1999-04-17 Time: 16:47:40
GIMP Dynamic Text v1.4.1, a GIMP image filter plug-in. GIMP Dynamic Text is a GIMP plug-in that works like the text tool but allows you writing multi-line text and made you able of modifying it later. By Hung-Chi Chu

 GFOLDR.ZIP Size: 107477 Date: 1994-04-04 Time: 07:15:00
Allows you to create visable sunsections within a given folder. Thus, you have more control over the reorginization of the contents of the folders.

 GFXMUSE.ZIP Size: 185401 Date: 1999-01-21 Time: 17:17:10
Graphics Muse Tools v0.1, plug-ins for GIMP/2. ArrowGFX - Create arrows and pointers, CardGFX - Generate Business and Greeting cards, TransGFX - Improved interactive rotation tool. By Hung-Chi Chu

 GIF_INFO.ZIP Size: 43778 Date: 1999-02-25 Time: 05:46:04
GIF_INFO, ver 1.1, is an OS/2 REXX program that will extract information from a GIF file. This information includes the height, width, color table information, the number of images, the content of comment blocks, color table values, pixel values, and lots more.

 GIMPRESS.ZIP Size: 472013 Date: 1999-02-15 Time: 18:31:38
GIMPressionist (c) 1998 Vidar Madsen. The GIMPressionist is free software, and may be distributed freely, provided this file is included! The GIMPressionist is a plug-in for the GNU Image Manipulation Program, a.k.a. the GIMP. It can be used to create natural looking painting effects and similar. It can also be run in primitive "standalone" mode.

 GLEYES.ZIP Size: 58448 Date: 1999-02-05 Time: 16:18:52
OS/2 port of GLeyes 0.2 by Eugen Kuleshov. Requires OpenGL

 GLOBE12.ZIP Size: 34324 Date: 1999-03-19 Time: 05:24:08
WarpGLOBE puts in your OS/2 desktop an

 GNUCHESS.ZIP Size: 3080629 Date: 1999-01-15 Time: 20:23:10
OS/2 port of GNU Chess 4.0 pl 79 (without XBoard) including sources. This port was made from the original GNU Chess 4.0.pl79 distribution by Erast V. Kunenkov ( This archive includes all patched sources and compiled binary files. Requires OS/2 and emx 0.9c. termcap.dat is optional.

 HCDB02.ZIP Size: 763788 Date: 1999-04-15 Time: 09:50:42
HyperCD Beta 2 - HyperCD CD/MP3 Player Beta 2 with database and graphic equalizer. By Jeroen van den Horn

 HEXOS2.ZIP Size: 269154 Date: 1999-04-22 Time: 10:28:24
Hexen for OS/2 Beta 12. Hexen is the property of Activision and Raven. In order to play this game you need to have installed DIVE. Then you need to get a hexen.wad file. Either the original version that comes with the Hexen for DOS or the demo version. The demoversion hexen.wad is included in HEXDEMO.EXE available at the GFD. Hexen for OS/2 is freeware. Ported by Jostein Ullestad.

 ICAST10A.ZIP Size: 99559 Date: 1999-02-20 Time: 19:29:52
icecast 1.0.0 port (MP3 broadcasting system). icecast makes MP3 streams available via HTTP for a wide range of clients, supports remote admin console. By Peter Meerwald

 ILM_177.ZIP Size: 158892 Date: 1999-02-08 Time: 12:56:20
isdn Line-Monitor/2 V1.77 (08.02.1999) - OS/2 und DOS - Programm f r den Conrad- ISDN-Linemonitor, liest den Speicher aus und erzeugt Listen f r eingehende und ausgehende Rufe, Anrufer und eine Geb hren bersicht. Optional k nnen die Daten danach gel

 IMGM421.ZIP Size: 708582 Date: 1999-03-14 Time: 04:10:14
ImageMagick-4.2.1 for XFree86/OS2. Requirement: jpeg.dll, png.dll, tiff.dll, zlib.dll. Changes: Uses new graphics DLL's. Uses XSHM. So you must have a good X server without XSHM problem.

 INC252.ZIP Size: 5884048 Date: 1999-05-01 Time: 05:07:06
In Charge v1.02 In Charge is a full function personal and small business financial system for OS/2. Supports all types of accounts-checking, credit card, margin, etc. Integrated systems for budgets, accounts pay/rcv, fixed assets, financial investments. Prints checks, interfaces to TurboTax, imports transactions from CheckFree. On-line user's guide and extensive context senistive help. Supported.

 ISPELLER.ZIP Size: 220211 Date: 1998-01-19 Time: 09:45:16
ISpeller v0.96d (Rick Papo, 19 January 1998, Free). A spelling checker module built for use with the Escriba word processor. Based on the GNU ISpell program, this program is freeware with complete source code included.

 J_TOOLS.ZIP Size: 62196 Date: 1999-03-03 Time: 05:13:34
CLI tools for Japanese text-code manipulation. Ports of Ken Lunde's command-line tools for converting and inspecting Japanese text codes and generating Japanese character sets. Includes source code. By Stephen A. Carter

 KON114.ZIP Size: 195175 Date: 1999-03-05 Time: 05:32:34
Kon version 1.14, Build 1077. Kon is a

 KVEC_OS2.ZIP Size: 623669 Date: 1999-01-18 Time: 02:30:30
KVEC Version 2.39, Copyright (c) KK-Software, 1996, 1997, 1998. Vectorization of BMP,TIF and GIF-Files. Shareware.

 LBCSM100.ZIP Size: 40503 Date: 1999-03-31 Time: 10:13:58
LBCSMix v.1.00. A mixer for Crystal Semiconductors mode 2 codecs. This is free software. It is distributed under GNU General Public License.

 LBMID001.ZIP Size: 137285 Date: 1999-04-01 Time: 15:40:20
LBMIDI v.0.01. A set of MIDI libraries.

 LBPLY006.ZIP Size: 149317 Date: 1999-04-06 Time: 09:02:02
LBPlay v.0.06 A simple multiport text mode and PM MIDI player/front end with karaoke and playlists. Requires my MIDI libraries (LBMIDI).

 LBRAP002.ZIP Size: 123456 Date: 1999-04-22 Time: 15:03:16
LB Real Audio Player for OS/2 ver. 0.02. This is a quick and dirty port of Amiga Real Audio decoder 1.1/2.0 with DART playback.

 LCMD097.ZIP Size: 358366 Date: 1999-05-01 Time: 11:00:04
Larsen Commander is a 32-Bit OS/2 Presentation Manager based File Manager which is inspired by the grand old Norton Commander for DOS and the great File Commander/2 for OS/2. It has a built in command line and a scrollable console monitor. Powerful, nice and snappy.

 LIGHTING.ZIP Size: 22642 Date: 1998-10-07 Time: 17:06:26
Lighting Effects 0.2.2, Copyright (C) 1996-98 Tom Bech, Copyright (C) 1996-98 Federico Mena Quintero. 'Lighting Effects' is a plug-in for GIMP/2 XFree86 version.

 LOOK233.ZIP Size: 122148 Date: 1999-03-31 Time: 08:37:54
(v3.3) LOOK2 - OS/2 Directory/File Viewer. Full-screen utility to view and manipulate dirs and files. Unique convenient directory history for easy travel between directories. Mark, move, delete, touch, search, sort, archive viewing, hex mode, group marking, and more. Very friendly and customizable. Shareware (US$ 20. credit cards accepted) BMT Micro, Inc.

 LOTTO100.ZIP Size: 83243 Date: 1999-01-30 Time: 11:29:36
LOTTO ver.1.00 is a Lotto Generator. It's freeware! It allows combinations between 1/1 and 99/99. Program can generate 999 combinations. 5 numbers can be fixed, to appear in every combination. Result can be saved to file.

 MACAOS2B.ZIP Size: 1011483 Date: 1999-04-02 Time: 05:32:30
OS/2 Port of MacAnova 4.07.3 binary files. MacAnova is a statistical analysis package. Copyright (C) 1994 - 1999 Gary W. Oehlert and Christopher Bingham. Additional requirements: EMX 0.9d runtime.

 MCPM113.ZIP Size: 773935 Date: 1999-03-20 Time: 23:18:56
Sehr leistungsf hige Haushaltgeldverwaltung f r OS/2 PM. Die Daten werden in einer Tabelle abgelegt; zu jedem Eintrag bzw. Position steht ein Notizdialog bereit. Das Programm ist ideal um endlich einmal einen berblich ber seine monatlichen Einnahmen/Ausgaben zu bekommen. Shareware mit freien Updates.

 MEDO125E.ZIP Size: 728180 Date: 1999-03-03 Time: 16:23:18
MED is a highly configurable shareware texteditor for programmers (OS/2 PM, Windows95/NT). Features: C, C++, Java, HTML, REXX, Ada, Pascal, Modula-2, LaTEX support, syntax-highlighting (display and printer), section browser, section display, persistant blocks (column, stream), compiler support, configurable keyboard, third-party online-help and NDX support, multiwindowed, views, configurable toolbar, drag-n-drop, persistant bookmarks, EA support, sorting, multilevel undo/redo, multiple backups and much more...

 MEDO125G.ZIP Size: 752105 Date: 1999-03-03 Time: 16:22:04
MED is a highly configurable shareware texteditor for programmers (OS/2 PM, Windows95/NT). Features: C, C++, Java, HTML, REXX, Ada, Pascal, Modula-2, LaTEX support, syntax-highlighting (display and printer), section browser, section display, persistant blocks (column, stream), compiler support, configurable keyboard, third-party online-help and NDX support, multiwindowed, views, configurable toolbar, drag-n-drop, persistant bookmarks, EA support, sorting, multilevel undo/redo, multiple backups and much more...

 MEMSZ400.ZIP Size: 794592 Date: 1999-04-14 Time: 13:13:48
System Resources v4.00 (Rick Papo, 14 April 1999, Free). A simple utility for monitoring system activity and resources. Source included. English, French, Spanish, German, Catalan, Danish, Chinese (BIG5), Norwegian, Italian, Japanese, Hungarian, Finnish and Brazilian Portuguese language files.

 MINTA227.ZIP Size: 436919 Date: 1999-04-11 Time: 13:13:40
MINTA 2.27 - MP3 information, tagging and listing PM-utility for OS/2. Displays information for MP3 audio files, allows adding and removing of ID3-tags (v1.0/1.1) can output all files with their info to a listfile, can autorename files, etc. Easy editing of multiple files, either one by one or all at once. Written by Thorsten Thielen <> (Member of Team OS/2 Region Trier e.V.) Mailware. WWW: " thielen/minta/".

 MMIND13W.ZIP Size: 329628 Date: 1999-02-08 Time: 13:51:50
Mastermind for OS/2 Warp or higher, v1.3, uses drag'n'drop, fully helpenabled. The goal of mastermind is to guess the colors of your opponent (the computer). After each of your tries you get hints in the form of black and white pins which tell you how many of your guessed colors were absolutely right or right but you put them on the wrong place.

 MMIND14A.ZIP Size: 187532 Date: 1999-04-17 Time: 12:27:38
Mastermind for OS/2 Warp or higher, v1.4, uses drag'n'drop, fully helpenabled, supports multiple languages. The goal of mastermind is to guess the colors of your opponent (the computer). After each of your tries you get hints in the form of black and white pins which tell you how many of your guessed colors were absolutely right or right but you put them on the wrong place. By Rene Auberger

 MMOS2025.ZIP Size: 99171 Date: 1999-03-19 Time: 07:40:24
MultiMail offline reader for OS/2, v0.25 - Reads Blue Wave and QWK packets. This is a 32-bit OS/2 executable. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs at least OS/2 2.0, InfoZip, and the EMX runtime library. C++ source is available in (or mmail025.tgz), or William McBrine <>

 MNOTEB04.ZIP Size: 145700 Date: 1999-04-07 Time: 16:59:54
MultiNote B4 OS/2 information manager. Allows you to drag/drop store textual information in a notebook interface.

 MODBC095.ZIP Size: 117089 Date: 1998-08-17 Time: 19:27:22
This is the 0.9.5 version of mSQL odbc driver for Sibyl. (c) Mika Laitio.

 MODEMWAR.ZIP Size: 29275 Date: 1999-02-03 Time: 02:24:30
Modem utility for modem pools. By David

 MSHELL.ZIP Size: 59129 Date: 1994-01-19 Time: 16:45:00
Mini PM Shell for OS/2

 MSQL209B.ZIP Size: 253451 Date: 1999-04-17 Time: 04:15:32
mSQL 2.0.9 for OS/2 Warp build 1. This release of mSQL has been compiled with EMX 0.9D, so it doesn't work with the previous runtime. You must upgrade to the latest runtime before running mSQL. mSQL is a relational, client/server database server that supports a subset of ANSI SQL. It is very popular as a back end for web sites on Unix plataforms mSQL is free for non-commercial and has third-party support for Java, REXX and Sibyl under OS/2, besides the included C/C++ support, the included "Lite" scripting language and the included web gateway W3-mSQL.

 MYSQL322.ZIP Size: 1407593 Date: 1999-03-13 Time: 11:33:00
MySQL/2 3.22.19b - Multithreaded SQL

 NOTA26D.ZIP Size: 1541899 Date: 1999-02-09 Time: 15:04:10
NOTA MUSICA Demonstration Version 2.6 (English and German). Music notation and composition program.

 NOTIZ096.ZIP Size: 332256 Date: 1999-03-08 Time: 09:57:22
Notizen ++, version 0.96, (c) Copyright Christoph Kuechler. Notizen ++ is a program that allows you to create lots of little "sticky notes" on your OS/2 desktop.

 OTGZPM24.ZIP Size: 313106 Date: 1999-02-11 Time: 09:36:28
TarGz-Pm V2.3 ORexx. Email Ware Front end

 OTGZPM25.ZIP Size: 313264 Date: 1999-02-06 Time: 15:00:00
TarGz-Pm V2.5 ORexx. Email Ware Front end

 PABIN102.ZIP Size: 491760 Date: 1999-04-24 Time: 08:03:18
PmAs - Astronomy for the Presentation Manager. (c) 1998-1999 Cornelis Bockem hl. Version 1.02. PmAs does astronomical calculations and outputs the results as tables or graphics. It is made up of a number of programs and modules which are responsible for certain tasks. Cooperation between the parts is based on the capabilities of the OS/2 presentation manager. It may be run in german and english and includes documentation and online help in both languages. Program modules.

 PADAT102.ZIP Size: 1731387 Date: 1999-04-24 Time: 06:31:28
PmAs - Astronomy for the Presentation Manager. (c) 1998-1999 Cornelis Bockem hl. Version 1.02. PmAs does astronomical calculations and outputs the results as tables or graphics. It is made up of a number of programs and modules which are responsible for certain tasks. Cooperation between the parts is based on the capabilities of the OS/2 presentation manager. It may be run in german and english and includes documentation and online help in both languages. Data for the program.

 PADE102.ZIP Size: 207696 Date: 1999-04-24 Time: 06:39:10
PmAs - Astronomy for the Presentation Manager. (c) 1998-1999 Cornelis Bockem hl. Version 1.02. PmAs does astronomical calculations and outputs the results as tables or graphics. It is made up of a number of programs and modules which are responsible for certain tasks. Cooperation between the parts is based on the capabilities of the OS/2 presentation manager. It may be run in german and english and includes documentation and online help in both languages. German program and help texts.

 PAEN102.ZIP Size: 189876 Date: 1999-04-24 Time: 06:39:16
PmAs - Astronomy for the Presentation Manager. (c) 1998-1999 Cornelis Bockem hl. Version 1.02. PmAs does astronomical calculations and outputs the results as tables or graphics. It is made up of a number of programs and modules which are responsible for certain tasks. Cooperation between the parts is based on the capabilities of the OS/2 presentation manager. It may be run in german and english and includes documentation and online help in both languages. English program and help texts.

 PAPD7OS2.EXE Size: 2209849 Date: 1999-03-20 Time: 23:00:20
Papyrus v7.12 for OS/2 Warp (Demoversion), by R.O.M. logicware. Very slim and fast word processor.

 PAWLD102.ZIP Size: 1251535 Date: 1999-04-24 Time: 06:31:28
PmAs - Astronomy for the Presentation Manager. (c) 1998-1999 Cornelis Bockem hl. Version 1.02. PmAs does astronomical calculations and outputs the results as tables or graphics. It is made up of a number of programs and modules which are responsible for certain tasks. Cooperation between the parts is based on the capabilities of the OS/2 presentation manager. It may be run in german and english and includes documentation and online help in both languages. Data for world map display (optional).

 PAXST102.ZIP Size: 2771492 Date: 1999-04-24 Time: 06:31:28
PmAs - Astronomy for the Presentation Manager. (c) 1998-1999 Cornelis Bockem hl. Version 1.02. PmAs does astronomical calculations and outputs the results as tables or graphics. It is made up of a number of programs and modules which are responsible for certain tasks. Cooperation between the parts is based on the capabilities of the OS/2 presentation manager. It may be run in german and english and includes documentation and online help in both languages. Star positions of 9th to 11th magnitude (optional).

 PC2V209E.ZIP Size: 686407 Date: 1999-02-14 Time: 18:09:00
PROGRAM COMMANDER/2 V2.09e for OS/2 Copyright (C) by Roman Stangl February, 1999 PC/2 is a WPS enhancement or replacement, that features a program launcher, Virtual Desktops, Hotkey support, Sliding focus, Advanced Marking, Dynamic Menu Selection, Environment Spaces, WIN95 key support, QuickSwitch and SessionBar window, Hardware Panning support, TitleBar Smarticons, Lockup and Password protection support, Scheduler, WPS extraction and a Spooler Control Window (which enables spooling even when running PC/2 as a WPS replacement). Running PC/2 as the WPS replacement can save about 4 MB precious RAM, even on well equipped machines you can notice decreased swapper size and activity giving you a performance boost compared to running the WPS (due to the much smaller memory requirements compared with the WPS). For those of you who want to know the "tricks" used in PC/2, the full source (requires long filename support) is included, however it can be decrypted only on the 32-bit OS/2 platform

 PC2V209I.ZIP Size: 700139 Date: 1999-04-30 Time: 18:09:00
PROGRAM COMMANDER/2 V2.09e for OS/2 Copyright (C) by Roman Stangl February, 1999 PC/2 is a WPS enhancement or replacement, that features a program launcher, Virtual Desktops, Hotkey support, Sliding focus, Advanced Marking, Dynamic Menu Selection, Environment Spaces, WIN95 key support, QuickSwitch and SessionBar window, Hardware Panning support, TitleBar Smarticons, Lockup and Password protection support, Scheduler, WPS extraction and a Spooler Control Window (which enables spooling even when running PC/2 as a WPS replacement). Running PC/2 as the WPS replacement can save about 4 MB precious RAM, even on well equipped machines you can notice decreased swapper size and activity giving you a performance boost compared to running the WPS (due to the much smaller memory requirements compared with the WPS). For those of you who want to know the "tricks" used in PC/2, the full source (requires long filename support) is included, however it can be decrypted only on the 32-bit OS/2 platform

 PCBAX220.ZIP Size: 1566911 Date: 1999-04-30 Time: 13:48:52
PC-BaX for OS/2 v2.20 - evaluation Die Backup-Software mit integrierter Option auf die Zukunft. Wenn professionelle Anwender nach einer leistungs- und zukunftsf higen Backup-Software fragen, gibt es nur eine Antwort: PC-BaX von Cristie !

 PDFBLDR1.ZIP Size: 217458 Date: 1999-04-17 Time: 09:14:30
PdfBuilder/2 v. 1.03.00. This program will create adobe PDF files given a source input of HTML. Shareware. By Dan Holmes

 PHOTO200.ZIP Size: 450774 Date: 1999-02-27 Time: 15:07:58
PhotoTiger is a OS/2 PM program for editing digital photos and pictures. Supported file formats: BMP, JPG, IMG, PNG. By Michael Moegn

 PLCTHERM.ZIP Size: 101643 Date: 1999-05-02 Time: 22:03:12
PLC Thermometer for OS/2 Version 1.0. Freeware. This program reads out temperature from a Siemens TI545 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) connected to a com port. To run this program, you must have a TI545 PLC with a 505-7028 Thermocouple module and you also need RXASYNC.DLL for the serial communications.

 PLK091UP.ZIP Size: 38416 Date: 1999-03-03 Time: 16:40:04
Update to Pilot Link 0.9.1 for OS/2 ( The original distribution does not include PilotPMMail.

 PLK092.ZIP Size: 1602860 Date: 1999-04-14 Time: 15:35:36
Pilot Link 0.9.2 - An OS/2 port of the Pilot Link tools for UNIX Version 0.9.2. For use with the 3COM Pilot or IBM WorkPad handheld computers. By Stefan Zechmeister

 PMBU13.ZIP Size: 53465 Date: 1998-09-17 Time: 04:03:00
PMBackup for OS/2 version 1.30 - It's a frontend for the OS/2-command backup.exe. Backup.exe is a part of OS/2. PMBackup frees you from entering the command- line parameters for backup.exe you may forget if you use backup.exe only from time to time. Shareware. By Holger Schmidt

 PMCDR001.ZIP Size: 256737 Date: 1999-04-20 Time: 12:10:14
PMCDRec V0.01 public beta, (c) Markus

 PMCONV06.ZIP Size: 293257 Date: 1999-04-11 Time: 08:18:16
PMConverter V0.06 public beta, (c) Markus Hannig 1998. MP3 Frontend which supports l3enc and 8hz-mp3 as encoder, alfons and leech as grabber, CDDB, REXX.

 PMEURO14.ZIP Size: 115685 Date: 1999-02-07 Time: 15:27:44
PM-Euro 1.4 - Euro Currency Calculator, german and english user interface. Configurable quotations and currencies, correct converting/calculating. Some new features, for example Auto-Copy, Auto-Clip, Freeware by Carsten Mueller

 PMR13.ZIP Size: 92893 Date: 1999-05-02 Time: 18:30:00
PMRADIO V1.3 by Paul Ratcliffe. OS/2 PM application for driving the Reveal RA300 FM radio card and the old version of the AIMS Labs. RadioTrack card. Push button tuning, 20 memories, drag and drop colour and font support, per memory volume settings. English, German and Spanish versions included.

 PMSAN050.ZIP Size: 1511243 Date: 1999-02-16 Time: 16:14:52
PMSANE V0.50 - PM scanner program. PM frontend for SANE for OS/2 (Scanner Access Now Easy). Works with HP, Epson and Microtek scanners and integrates with your preferred image viewer application. Mustek support included but not completely functional. Also included - English and German versions of the online help. This release includes support for SANE v0.74. (c) Stan Irish

 PMS_121.ZIP Size: 376909 Date: 1999-02-25 Time: 01:57:48
PMStripper. A fully functional, OS/2 PM utility which strips HTML codes from Web pages leaving some formatting intact. PMStripper may also be installed as the html source viewer in WebX which will make it easier to cut and paste information from web pages. Shareware by Don Hawkinson (

 PMVW105.ZIP Size: 1330324 Date: 1999-03-15 Time: 02:39:36
(v1.05) PMView This is a very fast bitmap viewer for files in JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, Photo CD and 30 other formats. This program also allows conversions between image formats, minor editing adjustments (such as cropping and rotation), screen capture, and simple slideshows. SHAREWARE US$42 registration fee. Contact:

 PMVW105D.ZIP Size: 1384300 Date: 1999-03-08 Time: 17:05:14
(v1.05) PMView deutsch Sehr schneller Bildbetrachter f r Dateien der Formate JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, Photo CD und 30 anderer. Konvertierungen der verschiedenen Formate sind ebenso m glich wie einfache Bildbearbeitung, einfangen von Fensterinhalten und Diaschauen. Unterst tzt Scanner mit TWAIN-Schnittstelle. SHAREWARE 89,-- DM Registrierungsgeb hr. Kontakt:

 POVR31E.ZIP Size: 1510883 Date: 1999-04-06 Time: 06:31:56
Persistance of Vision Raytracer 3.1e, compiled for OS/2.

 PSI030B.ZIP Size: 467032 Date: 1999-02-02 Time: 01:51:36
Psion utilities version v. 0.30. This package gives you access to Psion series 3/3a/3c/5 and Siena machines over a serial line. (c) Erik Huelsmann, HCS Software 1998.

 QCAM091.ZIP Size: 55464 Date: 1999-03-17 Time: 23:57:40
Quickcam Capture Utility and Library. Fast Black and White Quickcam capture utility and library. This is a port of qcam 0.91 from Linux and requires EMX and XF86Sup.sys installed. By Eduardo Fernandez

 QIXOS210.ZIP Size: 64142 Date: 1999-04-07 Time: 12:07:44
QIX for OS/2 Version 1.0, classic DOS game now for OS/2

 QV2-202.ZIP Size: 422371 Date: 1999-04-03 Time: 18:02:00
Viewer for the Connectix Quickcam (Pro, VC, Colour and Greyscale) cameras. By Dale Whitfield. Shareware multi-function viewer for the Connectix Quickcam, supporting Pro, VC, Colour, Colour 2 and Greyscale cameras. The QuickCam Viewer's native 32-bit OS/2 support consists of a device-driver and a PM application.

 RAR250P.EXE Size: 265177 Date: 1999-03-24 Time: 09:59:36
The RAR archiver v2.50 for OS/2 Integrated archive manager ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - full screen interface / command-line driven - tight general and multimedia compression - recovery record option - management of non-RAR archives - RCVT aRchive ConVersion Tool - FREE unRAR utility - ANSI color comments, volume labels and more..

 REPLTEXT.ZIP Size: 45732 Date: 1999-02-10 Time: 08:24:24
ReplText/2 v1.01 10-Feb-99 Freeware (c) 1999 R. Schroeder. Simple string replacing utility for text files.

 ROMES075.ZIP Size: 842166 Date: 1999-05-02 Time: 13:00:52
RoboticsMessenger/2 - USR Message Modem Control. RoboticsMessenger/2 is a PM Program for controlling the USRobotics Message Modems (all models). Includes Faxviewer, Raw G3 to Tiff and GSM to WAV converter. Freeware by Rossen Assenov.

 RSYNC221.ZIP Size: 356984 Date: 1999-03-12 Time: 08:53:12
rsync version 2.2.1 Copyright Andrew

 SAOLC2.ZIP Size: 213638 Date: 1999-04-20 Time: 07:41:14
MPEG-4 Structured Audio decoder/renderer. Port of the reference software SAOLC from the media lab at MIT, with enhancements and DART backend. By Jan-Helge Bergesen

 SDBDEMO.ZIP Size: 136251 Date: 1999-04-26 Time: 13:18:48
This is the demo version of Sdb V1.0. Sdb is an IBM System Object Model software class that applications can use to create and maintain indexed databases of records.

 SE219441.ZIP Size: 1262082 Date: 1999-03-23 Time: 07:08:08
Secure Entry 3.0. SecureEntry/2 is an IBM

 SE219442.ZIP Size: 1432475 Date: 1999-03-23 Time: 06:41:32
Secure Entry 3.0. SecureEntry/2 is an IBM

 SE219443.ZIP Size: 1393630 Date: 1999-03-23 Time: 06:34:32
Secure Entry 3.0. SecureEntry/2 is an IBM

 SE219444.ZIP Size: 976189 Date: 1999-03-23 Time: 06:39:14
Secure Entry 3.0. SecureEntry/2 is an IBM

 SEMTEX10.ZIP Size: 2188774 Date: 1999-03-15 Time: 10:17:20
Bomberman clone for OS/2 for 2-4 players. Semtex is an OS/2 game for Warp 3 or Warp 4. Release 1.0c. Have fun! (c) 1998 Phobyx Creativ Labs

 SIMBLOB.ZIP Size: 380912 Date: 1999-03-08 Time: 13:10:24
SimBlob, build time 8. March 1999. SimBlob is a project started by Amit Patel. Blob City is the current result of the experimentation, but it is not complete.

 SNES9X.ZIP Size: 406266 Date: 1999-04-13 Time: 07:15:08
Snes9X2-1.18d-jerodd0 - Super Nintendo emulator. This is a port of Snes9X, a popular emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, to OS/2. It is from the 1.18d codebase. This version has no sound and requires XFree86 (or at least the XFree86 client libraries). A future version will hopefully support DART and AUDIODD for sound and DIVE and VGA for display.

 SNPDMP.ZIP Size: 309360 Date: 1994-03-02 Time: 01:17:00
SnapDump and SnapDump Formatter are tools for software defect support on OS/2 product. They provide the ability to easily capture a wide variety of data into a single file and format/display this data.

 SP2.ZIP Size: 1445934 Date: 1999-04-28 Time: 15:53:54
South Park Speaks. Programmed in a spare weekend by Chris Graham Warpspeed Computers. Public Domain.

 SSMS408.ZIP Size: 220749 Date: 1999-02-18 Time: 04:36:34
SemdSMS v4.08. SendSMS is a program to send ShortMessages (SMS) to GSM-phones or pagers via the protocols TAP, UCP or GSM. (c) Wolfgang Boecherer

 STLV053.ZIP Size: 136693 Date: 1999-03-21 Time: 05:44:30
StlView v0.53a OS/2 PM application for viewing of STL files, de-facto standard for Rapid Prototyping systems.

 STLVIEW.ZIP Size: 97950 Date: 1999-03-04 Time: 04:30:02
STL file viewer for PM. By Andrea

 STOFREG.ZIP Size: 13561 Date: 1998-12-21 Time: 14:54:14
StarOffice WPS Class & Object Installer Zur Registrierung der WPS Klassen und erstellung der WPS Objekte nach einer NeuInstallation von OS/2 - wenn man nicht gleich das ganze OfficePaket neu installieren m chte :-) Voraussetzungen: Installierter Rexx Support, installiertes StarOffice. F r die Versionen 3.0, 4.0 und 5.0

 STWTV108.ZIP Size: 513208 Date: 1999-02-26 Time: 09:49:30
StWTV 1.08 f r WinCast PCI TV Karten. TV-Applikation mit Senderbuttons Neu: Float on Top, Flexiblere Toolbar, Sendersuchlauf, Filmaufnahme. Ben tigt Warp 4 FP#6 oder h her. Freeware. Datum vom 26.02.1999

 TABLE100.ZIP Size: 86531 Date: 1999-01-30 Time: 11:25:32
Table - ver.1.00 is combination of an ASCII character code chart and a tool to convert and display BIN, DEC, HEX and ASCII representations of a string.

 TBUCHOS2.ZIP Size: 536311 Date: 1999-02-27 Time: 09:08:22
TEXTBUCH 1.98 f r OS/2 2/1999 Doppelte Buchf hrung f r Selbst ndige und kleine bis mittlere GmbH's mit graphischer Benutzerober- fl che, Sprechblasen und kontextsensitiver Hilfe, Multithreading und integriertem Editor. Euro- Umstellung vorgesehen. Arbeitet wie ein Compiler. Input und Ouptut sind Textdateien. Input sind Kontenplan und Buchungssatz-Listen; Output sind z. B. T-Konten, GuV, Bilanz usw. Mittels Makro- sprache wird angewiesen, was das Programm erzeugen soll. Inventarfunktion. Max 255 Konten. Shareware ab 80 DM bei > 250 Buchungss tze pro Jahr. Nur auf Deutsch. Auch f r Win95/NT ab 2.0 Martin Vieregg

 TIM20121.ZIP Size: 255944 Date: 1999-04-28 Time: 19:51:28
Timidity++ 2.0.1 OS/2 port rev.1. TiMidity is a MIDI to WAVE converter and player that uses Gravis Ultrasound(*)-compatible patch files to generate digital audio data from General MIDI files. The audio data can be played through any sound device or stored on disk. On a fast machine, music can be played in real time.

 TIMIDITY.ZIP Size: 189343 Date: 1998-12-30 Time: 16:48:06
One more port of TiMidity (a software MIDI sunth) to OS/2. Based on TiMidity 0.2i by Tuukka Toivonen. Also includes reverb, chorus, phaser and celeste real time effects, SF2/SBK support and dual port (32 channels) support. Revision 3.

 TINYED.ZIP Size: 77009 Date: 1994-01-31 Time: 23:41:10
A tiny editor that is fast, configurable and easy to use. Includes DOS and OS/2 versions. This is a text mode editor. Version 2.20A

 TYRA140E.ZIP Size: 714997 Date: 1999-03-31 Time: 15:52:52
(v1.40)Tyra/2 OS/2 Config.sys Editor. Tyra/2 is an easy to use OS/2 config.sys file editor and analyzer. All of the statements in your config.sys file are displayed logically in a notebook. You don't have to worry about the correct spelling or what parameters are available. Most commands can be set up with just a click of the mouse. For all commands, there are help pages available with a description of the command and what parameters can be used with that particular entry in your config.sys file. Requires Vrobj.dll Ver. 2.1D availbe at: Shareware by Oliver Poggensee

 VDIAL322.ZIP Size: 349626 Date: 1999-04-13 Time: 14:57:02
VoiceDialer/2 V3.22 - voice modem speakerphone program for OS/2. Supports Rockwell, USRobotics and Cirrus Logic voice modems. By Rossen Assenov

 VIL82OS2.ZIP Size: 254422 Date: 1998-10-25 Time: 13:44:02
vile, version 8.2 - vile is a text editor which is extremely compatible with vi in terms of "finger feel". in addition, it has extended capabilities in many areas, notably multi-file editing and viewing, key rebinding, and real X window system support. the authors of vile are Paul Fox, Tom Dickey, and Kevin Buettner.

 WNOTE173.ZIP Size: 87700 Date: 1999-03-07 Time: 05:20:10
WARPNOTE v1.73: Tired of those yellow

 WORD2X.ZIP Size: 371211 Date: 1999-02-21 Time: 12:40:14
This program (word2x for OS/2) converts Microsoft Word files (.DOC) to Plain-Text, HTML or LaTex. It is an enhanced port of the original Unix version 0.003 (or so). It is based on an earlier port of some other guy. The version number is EX3 (ex==experimental).

 WUNIT101.ZIP Size: 703915 Date: 1999-03-26 Time: 03:23:08
Unit conversion tool (german version). Update of version 1.0 from dec 1998

 XCOMP110.ZIP Size: 42134 Date: 1998-08-31 Time: 17:10:00
XCOMP/2 - The recursive file compare

 YADTV116.ZIP Size: 95089 Date: 1999-02-11 Time: 01:22:04
YADTV/2 version 1.16. YADTV/2 is an MCI based Television application that should work with any MCI based TV tuner card driver. This application uses the Abbotsbury Wincast/TV driver GRADD direct draw to display the TV picture. You must have a GRADD video driver installed to use the application.

 YADTV121.ZIP Size: 100771 Date: 1999-02-15 Time: 05:27:46
YADTV/2 is an MCI based Television application that should work withany MCI based TV tuner card driver. It has only been tested with the Hauppauge Wincast/ TVdriver. By Lorne Sunley

 Z24B93.ZIP Size: 176138 Date: 1999-03-21 Time: 15:05:48
z! v2.4 by dink - z! is a powerful textmode mpeg player for OS/2 Warp.

 ZIPCT262.ZIP Size: 830620 Date: 1998-11-16 Time: 18:02:00
RPF ZIP CONTROL(TM) v2.6.2--Easy OS/2 PM "point & click" interface to UNZIP.EXE, ZIP.EXE, and PKZIP.EXE. Many features. Zip Control is an easy to use OS/2 PM program which shields you from the command line when using the freeware ZIP.EXE & UNZIP.EXE and PKWARE's PKZIP for OS/2 2.50+. Zip & UnZip are compatible with ZIP files created by PKWARE's PKZIP Program.

Files: 174 Kilobytes: 89956

© 2003-2024 by Ulrich Schroeter   00457