Listing created 2012-07-26 at 02:12

Gfdftn - GFD_OS2:_FTN

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 AMU320P.ZIP Size: 285126 Date: 1999-02-11 Time: 07:54:14
Automated Maintenance Utility (AMU) v3.20 Final Release (OS2 version)

 BBBS_2.ZIP Size: 1721770 Date: 1999-01-31 Time: 19:42:00
BBBS v3.42 1s. Complete BBS package with

 BBS2HTML.ZIP Size: 64050 Date: 1999-04-26 Time: 06:55:46
BBS2HTML v1.4.4 FILES.BBS to INDEX.HTM converter. DOS, Win32, OS/2, sources (PASCAL). (c) mahatma

 BLO103.EXE Size: 160526 Date: 1999-05-03 Time: 22:03:22
"BLENDER for OS/2" v1.03 RELEASE New Advanced Nodelist update utility. ====================================== Fast Nodelist update, Nodelist Subset Generator with correct Nodelist updating, Nodelist integrity checking utility, ArcMail-Attach Nodediff(s) distribution feature, MultiColor & Easy-to-use configuration utility, MultiLine/MultiTask support... and FINALLY: multi Nodelists/Nodediffs Support and Binkley-style outbound for Nodediffs distribution. File BLD103.EXE contains DOS version!

 CFR-A95B.ZIP Size: 345588 Date: 1999-03-15 Time: 04:12:42
CFROUTE 0.95 alpha. Binkley-style netmail packer. Binaries for OS/2, DOS, Linux, Win32. Alternate routing based upon destination system, origin system, day of the week, file attach and encryption. Extremely flexible parser. Very powerful wildcard processor. Generates type 2 and 2+ packets. Unlimited number of AKAs, passwords, routes, etc. No hardcoded limits! Multiple netmail directories. May import FastEcho's configuration. Freeware. C++ source code available. Year 2000 ready. Users of older CFRoute versions, please do upgrade!

 CL_103.ZIP Size: 708691 Date: 2001-01-13 Time: 15:00:20
CantaLoup 1.03 [01-01-04] - A 32b Mail System using FidoNet Technology, running under OS/2 2.x and Warp PM. German Documentation.

 DOCTL11.ZIP Size: 7439 Date: 1999-03-07 Time: 09:22:02
---------- KoelschNet --------- DOCTL 1.1 Verarbeitet CTL's (GFD, BBS) Updatet jetzt FILES.BBS Kann gel schet Files jetzt verschieben Geschrieben in REXX klein & SCHNELL totale, absolute FreeWare ! ---------- KoelschNet ---------

 EB_004G2.ZIP Size: 991164 Date: 1999-02-27 Time: 16:04:00
EleBBS v0.04.g1 - public gamma release of EleBBS. A RA v2.5x compatible BBS. Features lightbarred menus, built-in TELNET server, newsgroups retrieval program and longfilename support! Available for DOS, Win95/NT and OS/2. OS/2 version

 FD54OS2.ZIP Size: 178505 Date: 1999-02-27 Time: 21:40:00
FILEDUDE 5.4 (OS/2) - Great RG file

 FLET1241.ZIP Size: 1191526 Date: 1999-04-27 Time: 10:28:48
FleetStreet 1.24.1 for OS/2 2.x/3.x/4.x PM is a flexible and powerful FTN message reader for Squish, *.MSG & JAM areas, multithreaded, 32 bit, CUA'91, Rexx, drag'n'drop, highly configurable, supports Squish, Fastecho, IMail, LoraBBS, FMAIL, WMail, BBToss, english, german, swedish and italian version. Open source version!

 GEO301.ZIP Size: 456328 Date: 1999-05-03 Time: 22:03:20
GoldED 3.0.1 Official Release By Odinn Sorensen, FidoNet 2:236/77. Homepage: Requires an existing setup. OS/2 version.

 HPT2_026.ZIP Size: 481335 Date: 1999-04-09 Time: 19:01:32
Highly Portable Tosser hpt/2 0.26 compiled for OS/2 by Oleg Deribas 2:461/13 This is `binaries only' distribution Sources and other stuff available at

 IREXP118.ZIP Size: 647056 Date: 1999-02-11 Time: 16:25:04
Internet Rex 1.18 for OS/2 ------------------------------------- A program for sending your BBS mail over the net. Supports email, FTP, MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO, Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor, Binkley, D'Bridge and more. Packed with features.

 ITX143_O.ZIP Size: 300291 Date: 1999-03-14 Time: 15:37:26
itraX public beta 1.43 REXX library of FTN functions (freeware) Supported operating systems: OS/2, Win32. Supported REXX versions: built-in OS/2 REXX, IBM Objective REXX (Win32), Regina REXX (Win32). Originally based on a popular Itrack netmail tracker, it has since then developed into a powerful scripting tool. Powered by REXX, itraX takes advantage of many REXX-specific features, such as stems and shared variable pool, which makes it possible to write sophisticated scripts useful in many aspects of FTN message handling, such as netmail/echomail tracking, filtering, traffic flow control, automatic message processing, creating of various robots, and more. The library also offers a lot of useful extensions in functionality not found in the original Itrack tracker, such as: - full support of JAM, Squish, and Msg message bases; - support of long bink-style outbound (as found in the Brake! mailer); - support of file boxes (both the Brake! anf T-Mail formats);

 MSERVB2.ZIP Size: 60886 Date: 1999-02-11 Time: 10:06:10
multiserver v1.0 beta2 an e-mail server for OS/2 and Win32 works with most BBS softwares..

 NLMAKE1B.ZIP Size: 241284 Date: 1999-03-20 Time: 03:47:44
Nodelist make 1.11/OS/2. Create nodelist from segments, create diff files stand- alone, apply diffs, check nodelist crc. emx Runtime required

 ORIONV6X.ZIP Size: 2463456 Date: 1999-02-09 Time: 13:23:24
OrionCBCS V6.0a - OrionCBCS V6.0a, full featured, internet ready BBS/Mailer with full seamless squish support in this version. Includes Telnet, Sockets, Pop3 Smtp, NNTP, Ftp and more.

 PM002B2.ZIP Size: 154605 Date: 1999-04-17 Time: 03:18:30
-------PktMail v0.02------- public BETA 2 OS/2-Version Ein Squish-Like Tosser - Frei verf gbar - Source verf gbar - incl. Areafix - Squish- hnliche CFG's

 PS1221.ZIP Size: 170086 Date: 1999-02-14 Time: 01:43:54
KTSecretary v1.22.1 Nachrichtenfilter fuer das Fido-PKT For- mat 2, 2.2 und 2+. Verwendbar... - als lokaler Filter fuer Nodes und Points, z.B. auch als SPAM Filter fuer GateWays. - als beim Boss installierter Filter, den ER UND SEINE POINTS jeweils selb- staendig konfigurieren koennen: Fil- tern der MSGs beim SysOp, dadurch: + Telefonkosten sparen! + HDD-Platz beim Sysop wird gespart! + Kuerzere Reaktionszeit bei automati- schen Antworten! => Ein MUSS fuer Sysops pointfreund- licher Boxen! - Funktionen: Nachrichten loeschen, kopieren, beant- worten, verschieben, forwarden und auf- listen sowie loeschen von Kludges. Beantworten in neu angelegten Areas, die Antworten werden automatisch in die richtige Area zurueckverschoben! Flexible Installation: Kompatibilitaet mit vielen gaengigen Fido-Programmen. Beispielinstallationen fuer FastEcho, FMail, GEcho, IMail, Squish, APoint, XP, FIPS, WinPoint, WaterGate, Terminate. Lauffaehig unter DOS und OS/2

 PS1221I.ZIP Size: 161345 Date: 1999-02-14 Time: 01:42:48
KTSecretary v1.22.1 Message filter for the Fido PKT formats 2, 2.2 and 2+. Usable as... - local filter for nodes, points and UseNet GateWays. - remote filter for a sysop and his down links, who can each configure the fil- ter completely by themselves. Filtering at the uplink, thus: + Save downlinks' money by reducing his phone bills! + Save sysop's money by saving HDD space! + Create automatic replies with a much shorter reaction time! Functions: Delete, copy, reply, move, forward and list messages, delete kludges. You can reply within by PKTSec newly created areas, replies will be automa- tically moved back to the right area. Flexible installation: Compatibility with the most commonly used Fido pro- grams. Configuration examples included for FastEcho, FMail, GEcho, IMail, Squish, Terminate, WaterGate. Runs under DOS and OS/2 Released: 14.02.99 -

 SHOWL132.ZIP Size: 754807 Date: 1999-02-02 Time: 09:17:22
* SHOW-LOG 1.32 Bugfix * OS/2, DOS and DPMI version inc. -comfortable Logfile-Viewer and Manager for MD, FD, RA, BINK, T-MAIL, McMAIL, INTERMAIL, SBBS CANTALOUP, XENIA, PROBOARD, MAX CONCORD, PCBOARD, FX.UUCIO ARGUS, UUPC & any other Mailer -is aware of multiline-systems -powerfull searching system -simple cost-calculating -creates reports as NM, TXT or PKT to different recipients -freely defineable subjects and report-templates -shows both, mailer- and online- calls on one screen -recognizes incoming FAX-Calls -able to shorten any logfile -freely defineable colors -releases timeslices -reads more, freely defineable- logfiles (max. 50) -able to open logfiles even if they are in use by the mailer -and many, many other features -ASCII based fullscreen setup ENGLISH AND GERMAN VERSION -- by M.Becker & S.Boettner -

 SOUPG103.ZIP Size: 368834 Date: 1999-02-04 Time: 12:39:46
SoupGate v1.03: easily configurable yet quite powerful Fidonet-Internet gateway software; requires SOUP mail/news client. Supports DOS, OS/2 and Windows 9X/NT. Public gamma version (1999-02-04). --- FREEWARE ---

 SPOLV101.ZIP Size: 337677 Date: 1999-04-01 Time: 01:45:00
*********** SparPoll V1.01 ************ * Reguliert die Outbound-Groesse fuer * * Downlinks, um grosse Filemengen zum * * guenstigen Tarif pollen zu koennen, * * bzw. um Pollslots festzulegen. * *************************************** * - fuer alle Systeme mit Binkley- * * Style-Outbound-Struktur * * - komfortables Setup mit Import der * * Nodekonfiguration von Allfix 5.x, * * Megatic 1.6x und Filescan 1.58. * * - alle Einstellungen koennen durch * * Downlinks per Netmail geaendert * * werden * * - erstellt Outbound-Statistik aller * * Nodes, auch als PKT zum Tossen in * * beliebige Echomail-Area * * - inkl. Event-Scheduler (nur OS/2) * * fuer automatische SparPoll- und * * andere Systemevents (z.B. Starten * * von Programmen, Poll-Files erzeu- * * gen, auf Flagfiles reagieren) * * - y2k-fest * * - OS/2 und DOS-Version im Archiv * * - Shareware 20.- DM (10.23 Euro) *

 TB!-717.ZIP Size: 1356099 Date: 1997-07-13 Time: 08:22:06
The Brake! FTN-compatible mailer for OS/2, Version 717, Copyright ( ) 1995-97 by John Gladkih. All rights reserved.

 TB!718A9.ZIP Size: 1880730 Date: 1999-04-29 Time: 02:37:38
The Brake!(tm) FTN-compatible mailer for OS/2(tm), Version 718a9, Copyright (c) 1995-99 by John Gladkih and Bad Data, Inc. All rights reserved.

 TQBUS097.ZIP Size: 146368 Date: 1999-04-01 Time: 12:54:52
tqBusy 0.97 (by daniel hahler) -[shareware: 10dm]----------[os2&dos]- Das ultimative Statistik-Tool f r Binkley (CostLog+Binkley.Log), Xenia, Cantaloup, FrontDoor, MxBuck, MaxFreq. tqBusy wertet die Sessions/Requests Deines Systems aus und erstellt eine konfigurierbare (Tages/Wochen/Monats/ Jahres)-(In/Out/Total/Top-(In/Out)-/ Cost-(In/Out)-/Line-/Frequest-) Statistik, die dann gepostet werden kann und bestaunt werden wird. Insgesamt gibt es 44(!) verschiedene Statistik-Kombinationen. Beispiel-Ausgabedateien liegen bei. -[magic TQBUSY bei 2:2432/337]--------

 TWBF011.ZIP Size: 188452 Date: 1999-03-11 Time: 10:37:02
Sector bubble locator for Tradewars 2002

 TWPPF006.ZIP Size: 194923 Date: 1999-03-13 Time: 20:13:20
Port pair locator for Tradewars 2002 BBS door game. Will locate adjacent port pairs, for trading, stealing/selling, robbing, etc, based on CIM data. Supports 65535 sectors, and simultaneous multiple type searches. DOS, DPMI, and OS/2 executables plus source included. Version 0.06

 Y2KTOOL2.ZIP Size: 461588 Date: 1999-03-15 Time: 15:29:14
Fido Year 2000 Tools Rel. 2 by Tobias Ernst =========================================== PKTDATE 1.0 is a program that can analyse PKT files for structural errors that result from year 2000 related bugs in the creating software and automatically fix such broken PKT files. It is intended for use at hub level in the Fidonet distribution structure in order to alleviate the effects of the year 2000 problem on the smooth operation of Fidonet. Also included is a general information text on the year 2000 problem in Fidonet and tools for analysing MSG and Squish message base files. Includes OS/2, Win32, DOS, Linux and Amiga executables and source code. Unzip with -d option!

Files: 29 Kilobytes: 16094

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