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Fastecho - FastEcho_Support

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Fastecho - Fidonet FastEcho_Support
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
BUPD124A.ZIP 16960 1994-06-22 13:45:52 BUpdate 1.24a (needed to apply FastEcho patches) BUPD124A.ZIP
FDESC147.ZIP 24291 1995-08-05 19:48:30 FeDesc 1.47 Editor for area descriptions Makes it much easier to enter area descriptions -Importing from different arealists is possible Needs Fastecho 1.45 or newer <<<< (c) 1995 by Volker Imre >>>> >> Public Domain Software << FDESC147.ZIP
FE145A.ZIP 627965 1995-10-22 02:45:00 FastEcho 1.45a * Maintenance release FE145A.ZIP
FE145AX.ZIP 307334 1995-10-22 02:45:00 FastEcho 1.45a DPMI * requires FE145A.ARJ! FE145AX.ZIP
FE145MF.ZIP 3668 1995-07-02 02:45:00 files missing in 145 archiv FE145MF.ZIP
FE146.ZIP 715065 1997-04-01 02:46:00 FastEcho 1.46pl1 Bugfixed Easter Update Very fast FTN mail processor for Hudson- (aka QBBS), JAM-, Squish- and Fido/*.MSG- style messagebases. Internal AreaFix, dupe checking, full security, NetMail routing, full screen setup, area grouping, network- and multitasking-support, auto area add function supporting all major BBS systems, great msgbase tool included, carbon-copy- function. Archive contains DOS executables plus all files needed for other platforms. NEW FEATURES IN v1.46: Native OS/2 setup program, more groups, more areas, enhanced AreaFix functions and much more! [Shareware, $15/25] Copyright (c) 1991-1997 by Software Technik Burchhardt, Waltrop, FRG. FE146.ZIP
FE146P.ZIP 494697 1997-04-01 02:46:00 FastEcho 1.46pl1 Very fast FTN mail processor for Hudson- (aka QBBS), JAM-, Squish- and Fido/*.MSG- style messagebases. [Shareware, $15/25] Includes OS/2 32 bit executables only, requires full package (FE146.RAR) to run! Now also included: native OS/2 FESetup ... Copyright (c) 1991-1997 by Software Technik Burchhardt, Waltrop, FRG. FE146P.ZIP
FE146PL1.ZIP 50761 1997-04-04 00:43:30 FastEcho 1.46 update to 1.46pl1 (needs BUPD124A.RAR!) Only needed when running a mailer with Binkley-style outbound and using FastEcho PACK -P ! FE146PL1.ZIP
FE146X.ZIP 702321 1997-04-01 02:46:00 FastEcho 1.46pl1 Very fast FTN mail processor for Hudson- (aka QBBS), JAM-, Squish- and Fido/*.MSG- style messagebases. [Shareware, $15/25] Includes DPMI executables only, requires full package (FE146.RAR) to run !!! Now also featuring 32 bit version of FESetup. Copyright (c) 1991-1997 by Software Technik Burchhardt, Waltrop, FRG. FE146X.ZIP
FECFG146.ZIP 12177 1997-04-01 02:46:00 FastEcho 1.46 CFG-Structs, Pascal und C FECFG146.ZIP
FECV154.ZIP 262740 1996-01-04 21:37:22 FeConv 1.54 converts your fastecho-setup (1.45a) to RA/IM/FD/PB/SBBS/Maximus -creates almost freely definable text-files with information from fastecho.cfg -writes several reports: passive areas, passive nodes, errors reported by fastecho, areas with one/two links, areas w/o description, etc... FECV154.ZIP
FEKIL148.ZIP 172806 1996-02-26 19:28:54 FeKill V1.48 Maintenance tool for FastEcho 1.45(a) -Deletes and unlinks "dead" echos -Notifies downlinks of "dead" echos -Announces new areas and many more features FEKIL148.ZIP
FESQ101.ZIP 40768 1996-10-09 20:20:26 FESQ 1.01 bearbeitet Squish- und *.MSG-Areas. Die Area-Definitionen werden der Konfigurationsdatei von Fastecho entnommen. FESQ beseitigt damit die Schwchen von FEUTIL bezglich Squish-Areas. Kommandos: LINK, PACK, PACKFILE. FESQ101.ZIP
FEUNL150.ZIP 18328 1996-10-01 19:13:10 Feunlink 1.50 -little tool to unlink and delete echoares by command-line and writes mails to "areafix" of all links -supports FIDOKILL.NA as input -supports FE's busy-semaphore -the file "feunlink.anc" is ready to get posted via FEUTIL POST -needs Fastecho 1.45(a) -"netmailware" FEUNL150.ZIP
REGISTER.ZIP 24600 1993-12-31 02:40:00 Latest FastEcho registration forms (October 1995) REGISTER.ZIP
Total 15 Files, 3393 Kilobytes

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