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Ggnumis - GFD_OS2:_GNU_MISC

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Ggnumis - Fidonet GFD_OS2:_GNU_MISC
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
TEXINF51.ZIP 13873914 2013-05-19 17:04:26 GNU Texinfo version 5.1 for OS/2. Copyright (C) 1988-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Texinfo is the official documentation format of the GNU project. It was invented by Richard Stallman and Bob Chassell many years ago, loosely based on Brian Rei TEXINF51.ZIP
TEXINF63.ZIP 16035027 2017-01-21 02:03:26 GNU Texinfo version 6.3 for OS/2. Copyright (C) 1988-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Texinfo is the official documentation format of the GNU project. It was invented by Richard Stallman and Bob Chassell many years ago, loosely based on Brian Reid's Scribe and other formatting languages of the time. It is used bymany non-GNU projects as well. This port was done by: KO Myung-Hun. TEXINF63.ZIP
UNITS201.ZIP 582928 2013-07-07 17:42:10 GNU Units for OS/2 version 2.01. Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. A converter between many systems of measurement. GNU Units converts quantities expressed in various systems of measurement to their equivalents in other systems of me UNITS201.ZIP
UNITS202.ZIP 795248 2013-11-09 21:00:12 GNU Units for OS/2 version 2.02. Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. A converter between many systems of measurement. GNU Units converts quantities expressed in various systems of measurement to their equivalents in other systems of me UNITS202.ZIP
UNITS212.ZIP 837823 2015-12-06 16:34:38 units 2.12 for OS/2. GNU units converts between different system of units. "Ported" from Unix/Linux version. The units program converts quantities expressed in various scales to their equivalents in other scales. The units program can handle multipl UNITS212.ZIP
V124XOS2.ZIP 1654272 2012-10-12 08:02:02 V portable C++ GUI Framework V 1.24 XFREE86/OS2 (2000-03-26). V is a free portable C++ GUI Framework intended to develop a wide variety of applications on different graphical interface platforms. Port by Jon Hacker. Released under GNU GPL Version 2 V124XOS2.ZIP
VOS2-121.ZIP 1596405 2012-10-12 08:02:06 V portable C++ GUI Framework V 1.21 (1999-03-12). V is a free portable C++ GUI Framework intended to develop a wide variety of applications on different graphical interface platforms. Port by Jon Hacker. Released under GNU GPL Version 2 license. VOS2-121.ZIP
Total 7 Files, 34546 Kilobytes

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