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Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
95211UT1.ZIP 323302 1998-10-16 05:14:20 Client 32 v2.11 Utilities This file contains utilities that are associated with the NetWare Client 32 v2.11 for Windows 95, including the uninstall utility (UNC32) for version 2.11 and Novell updates to the MSBatch installation process. UPDATE: Is available primarily for the NWSETUP.DLL 8-29-96 which can be used to resolve the "Call to undefined dynalink" error (TID <@@/cgi-bin/search /tidfinder.cgi?2929660,2929660@@>). 95211UT1.ZIP
95250P1.ZIP 658909 1998-09-24 12:04:34 Patches for Windows 95 v2.5 NetWare Client CD 2 (April 98) This file contains patches to the Novell Client for Windows 95 v2.50 (ie v1.0 ). Also contains INF files for MSBATCH install of the Windows 95 v2.5 Client. 95250P1.ZIP
95250P2.ZIP 904251 1999-03-25 08:12:26 Patches for Windows 95 v2.5 This file contains patches to the Novell Client for Windows 95 v2.50 (ie v1.0 ). Also contains INF files for MSBATCH install of the Windows 95 v2.5 Client. 95250P2.ZIP
98BATCH.ZIP 168451 1999-03-15 04:56:40 Batch 98 OS and NetWare Client Install These notes describe the process of preparing the source directory and installing Windows 98 and the Novell* Client* for Windows** 95/98 software simultaneously. The protocol will be IP,IPX. This release supports workstations running the following versions of Windows: * Windows 98 This release does not support Windows 95. 98BATCH.ZIP
ADM32_22.ZIP 474884 1997-09-20 23:26:32 IntranetWare Client Admin Files (for DW &AMP) These files are provided as a supplement to the electronic release of the IntranetWare Clients 2.20 for DOS/Windows 3.x and Windows 95. Included are utilities for the DOS ACU install, a diagnostic utility (NWD2), INF files for the MSBATCH install, the CLIENT32.ADM policy template file, a few required patches for NetWare 3.11 and 4.10, two MIB files for NMS, and an uninstall utility (UNC32.EXE). These are the same files that are included with IntranetWare Clients CD (August 1997). ADM32_22.ZIP
BMNW95B.ZIP 2338426 1997-11-23 23:46:58 Fix for BorderManager NWADMIN 95 This is a patch for BorderManager's NWADMIN snapin for WIN95. It has not gone through Novell testing. Please read the entire document before installing. BMNW95B.ZIP
BMNWNTB.ZIP 2406543 1997-11-23 23:47:28 BorderManager NWADMIN for NT This is a BMNWNTB.ZIP
CLIENTS.TXT 7409 1999-03-19 10:33:36 Novell NetWare Cl CLIENTS.TXT
CLOS2D1.ZIP 6745277 1999-01-05 01:20:22 NetWare Client for OS/2 v2.12 (diskette) This is the Netware Client for OS/2 v2.12. This version shipped with NetWare 4.11 and IntranetWare. This is the diskette install version, enabled for the following langauges: English, Deutsch, Espanol, Francais, Italiano, Portugue. This is the final version of the Novell Client for OS/2. Technical Support for this client will be discontinued after the Year 2000. CLOS2D1.ZIP
CLOS2N1.ZIP 6748397 1999-01-05 01:21:22 Netware Client for OS/2 v2.12 This is the Netware Client for OS/2 v2.12 that shipped with NetWare 4.11 and IntranetWare. This client is enabled for the following langauges: English, Deutsch, Espanol, Francais, Italiano, Portugue. This is the network install version of this client. This is the final version of the Novell Client for OS/2. Technical Support for this client will be discontinued after the Year 2000. CLOS2N1.ZIP
CLTY2KP1.ZIP 174895 1999-03-08 06:17:46 NetWare Client Year 2000 Fixes If you are running the IntranetWare Client v2.20 for DOS/WIN or Windows 95, IntranetWare Client 4.11 for Windows NT, or the NetWare Client for 0S/2 2.12 then you are year 2000 ready. The only exception is if you are in a locale that displays the year first. There are no Year 2000 updates for the current released versions of the Novell Client. CLTY2KP1.ZIP
DW26EN.ZIP 8903288 1998-10-27 01:26:24 Novell Client v2.6 for DOS and Windows 3.1x English Novell Client v2.6 for DOS and Windows 3.1x is the latest DOS and Windows 3.1x client software release available from Novell. It supersedes all previous DOS and Windows 3.1x client releases and contains all of the functionality included in previous clients. This client supports the Novell Z.E.N. works(TM) Starter Pack and is included with the product. The following features have been added to the product since the v2.5 release: Native IP Support Contextless Login Starter Pack added to the client product with v2.5 release ADSI NDS Provider Support The following bugs have been resolved since the v2.5 release: Unable to login using cached domain information when disconnected from the network Problem changing LAN card after Client upgrade User Variables not added to the user environment Problem locating specified path during CAPTURE Other bug fixes and enhancements are included in this release. DW26EN.ZIP
DW26GN.ZIP 9076303 1998-12-01 15:03:38 Client 2.6 for DOS and Windows 3.1x Deutsch Novell Client v2.6 for DOS and Windows 3.1x is the latest DOS and Windows 3.1x client software release available from Novell. It supersedes all previous DOS and Windows 3.1x client releases and contains all of the functionality included in previous clients. This client supports the Novell Starter Pack and is included with the product. DW26GN.ZIP
DW271DE.ZIP 9073347 1999-03-26 01:11:16 Client 2.71 for DOS and Windows 3.1x Deutsch Novell Client v2.71 for DOS and Windows 3.1x is the latest DOS and Windows 3.1x client software release available from Novell. It supersedes all previous DOS and Windows 3.1x client releases and contains all of the functionality included in previous clients. This client supports the Novell (TM) Starter Pack and is included with the product. No diskette installation is available for this product. The following features have been added to the product since the v2.6 release: NetWare 5.0 Service Pack 1 Support Many problems have been resolved since the v2.6 release including: Improved NPDS Support Improved Login Process In addition to these, many other fixes are included in this release. DW271DE.ZIP
DW271E.ZIP 8912206 1999-02-24 06:28:16 Client 2.71 for DOS and Windows 3.1x English Novell Client v2.71 for DOS and Windows 3.1x is the latest DOS and Windows 3.1x client software release available from Novell. It supersedes all previous DOS and Windows 3.1x client releases and contains all of the functionality included in previous clients. This client supports the Novell (TM) Starter Pack and is included with the product. No diskette installation is available for this product. The following features have been added to the product since the v2.6 release: NetWare 5.0 Service Pack 1 Support Many problems have been resolved since the v2.6 release including: Improved NPDS Support Improved Login Process In addition to these, many other fixes are included in this release. DW271E.ZIP
ENDW221.ZIP 1742105 1997-09-23 00:26:06 IntranetWare Client v2.2 DOS/Win 3.x #1 ENDW221.ZIP
ENDW222.ZIP 1005991 1997-09-23 00:23:56 IntranetWare Client v2.2 DOS/Win 3.x #2 ENDW222.ZIP
ENDW223.ZIP 1026120 1997-09-23 00:24:10 IntranetWare Client v2.2 DOS/Win 3.x #3 ENDW223.ZIP
ENDW224.ZIP 1442015 1997-09-23 00:24:28 IntranetWare Client v2.2 DOS/Win 3.x #4 ENDW224.ZIP
ENDW225.ZIP 1634717 1997-09-23 00:24:52 IntranetWare Client v2.2 DOS/Win 3.x #5 ENDW225.ZIP
ENDW226.ZIP 1763436 1997-09-23 00:25:16 IntranetWare Client v2.2 DOS/Win 3.x #6 ENDW226.ZIP
ENDW227.ZIP 1856686 1997-09-23 00:25:42 IntranetWare Client v2.2 DOS/Win 3.x #7 ENDW227.ZIP
ENDW228.ZIP 1541377 1997-09-24 00:09:12 IntranetWare Client v2.2 DOS/Win 3.x #8 ENDW228.ZIP
ENNT4111.ZIP 4146117 1997-10-11 00:38:24 IntranetWare Client 4.11a for Windows NT ENNT4111.ZIP
ENNT4112.ZIP 4647076 1997-10-11 00:39:20 IntranetWare Client 4.11a for Windows NT ENNT4112.ZIP
ENNT4113.ZIP 2283617 1997-10-11 00:39:46 IntranetWare Client 4.11a for Windows NT ENNT4113.ZIP
ENW95221.ZIP 1738273 1997-09-24 00:09:32 IntranetWare Client v2.2 Win95 #1 ENW95221.ZIP
ENW95222.ZIP 1677268 1997-09-24 00:09:52 IntranetWare Client v2.2 Win95 #2 ENW95222.ZIP
ENW95223.ZIP 1416339 1997-09-24 00:10:10 IntranetWare Client v2.2 Win95 #3 ENW95223.ZIP
ENW95224.ZIP 1729637 1997-09-24 00:10:30 IntranetWare Client v2.2 Win95 #4 ENW95224.ZIP
ENW95225.ZIP 1741805 1997-09-24 00:10:52 IntranetWare Client v2.2 Win95 #5 ENW95225.ZIP
ENW95226.ZIP 1500663 1997-09-24 00:11:10 IntranetWare Client v2.2 Win95 #6 ENW95226.ZIP
GDCNT411.ZIP 5207716 1998-02-19 02:42:28 IntranetWare Client v4.10 for Windows NT Deutsch - Diskette Installation 1/3 GDCNT411.ZIP
GDCNT412.ZIP 4329139 1998-02-19 02:43:20 IntranetWare Client v4.10 for Windows NT Deutsch - Diskette Installation 2/3 GDCNT412.ZIP
GDCNT413.ZIP 4034117 1998-02-19 02:44:06 IntranetWare Client v4.10 for Windows NT Deutsch - Diskette Installation 3/3 GDCNT413.ZIP
GNCNT411.ZIP 5103345 1998-02-19 02:45:28 IntranetWare Client v4.10 for Windows NT Deutsch - Network Installation 1/3 GNCNT411.ZIP
GNCNT412.ZIP 5562441 1998-02-19 02:46:30 IntranetWare Client v4.10 for Windows NT Deutsch - Network Installation 2/3 GNCNT412.ZIP
GNCNT413.ZIP 2958815 1998-02-19 02:47:04 IntranetWare Client v4.10 for Windows NT Deutsch - Network Installation 3/3 GNCNT413.ZIP
GNNT4111.ZIP 11513114 1998-04-11 08:09:26 IntranetWare Client v4.11a for Windows NT Deutsch - Network Installation GNNT4111.ZIP
GNW95221.ZIP 5652260 1998-04-11 08:06:42 IntranetWare Client v2.2 for Windows 95 Deutsch - Network Installation 1/2 GNW95221.ZIP
GNW95222.ZIP 4139820 1998-04-11 08:07:28 IntranetWare Client v2.2 for Windows 95 Deutsch - Network Installation 2/2 GNW95222.ZIP
HSTDEV.ZIP 1068128 1999-03-16 01:00:32 PSERVER.NLM Host Device Change Utility This utility will change the Host Device property of a print server object without having to delete the print server object and recreate it. HSTDEV.ZIP
IN42SP2.ZIP 7338662 1998-07-23 01:12:58 InForms 4.2 Service Patch 2 NOTE: The InForms 4.2 Service Pack 2.0 "Patch" will only update an existing US installation of 4.2. It does not contain any multilingual components. This release fixes known problems and includes the NDS Security Database functionality. IN42SP2.ZIP
IWCLIENT.TXT 4079 1997-09-20 23:26:36 Where are the IntranetWare Clients? Novell has created a new Electronic Software Distribution area on the web site. IWCLIENT.TXT
NA4NTY2K.ZIP 216664 1998-03-03 10:44:24 NA4NT Year 2000 Update Novell Adminstrator for Windows NT 2.0c Year 2000 fix None of the year 2000 issues addressed by this update pose any threat to the network or to data integrity. NA4NTY2K.ZIP
NADMINE1.ZIP 6027439 1997-12-08 20:19:54 Novell Administrator for Windows NT Server 2.0c NADMINE1.ZIP
NAL201P2.ZIP 1772863 1999-03-23 07:53:24 NAL 2.01 Patches NAL 2.01 updates for SnapShot and NAL Explorer. This download file includes fixes for 601 error when creating application objects using AOT files and partially extended schema problems. Also included, is an AOTDUMP utility. These files have not been System Tested by Novell. NAL 2.01 is not the current version. To download the current version of NAL, which is included with the Novell Clients and ZENworks, go to <@@http://,http://www.>. NAL201P2.ZIP
NDPSINF.ZIP 21639 1998-09-01 01:27:14 NDPS 32 Bit Driver Support 32 bit driver support with NDPS. (Novell Distributed Printing Services 1.0) NDPSINF.ZIP
NETARNG3.ZIP 137341 1999-03-16 07:53:38 Win 95 Provider Order Tool NETARNG3.ZIP is a Windows utility that allows one to modify the network and print provider order for the Windows 95. NETARNG3.ZIP
NT411B.ZIP 10928759 1999-01-14 01:36:04 Client 4.11b for Windows NT Network Install English The Novell Client v4.11b for Windows NT allows users of Windows NT 3.51 Workstations to access and use all of the services available on NetWare 3.x, NetWare 4.x, and NetWare 5 servers. The Novell Client for Windows NT brings the full power, ease of use, manageability, and security of NetWare to Windows NT workstations. Customers using Windows NT v3.51 should use this client because later versions no longer support Windows NT v3.51. Novell has updated the IntranetWare Client v4.11a for Windows NT to include support for the Citrix WinFrame 1.7 product. This updated Client, version 4.11b, supercedes the IntranetWare Client v4.11a for Windows NT and includes the following functionality: base-level functionality that was present in the 4.11a Client all patches and fixes that have been made to the 4.11a Client Citrix WinFrame integration (NWGINA integration) NT411B.ZIP
NT411P1.ZIP 1083278 1998-08-28 10:12:44 IntraNetWare NT Client Updates This file contains the latest patches for the InteranetWare Client v4.11 and v4.11a for Windows NT. Note: This patch should not be applied to the older NT IntranetWare Client v4.10 or the newer NetWare Client v4.30 for Windows NT ( v1.0) NT411P1.ZIP
NT430P1.ZIP 345908 1998-10-06 04:44:26 NT client updates This file contains the latest patches for the NT Client v4.30 for Windows NT. Note: This patch should not be applied to the Novell Windows NT Client v4.10 or v4.11. NT430P1.ZIP
NT430P2.ZIP 742971 1999-04-06 08:19:36 Novell Client v4.3 for Windows NT Updates This file contains the latest patches for the Novell Client v4.30 for Windows NT. Note: This patch should not be applied to the Novell Client for Windows NT v4.10 or v4.11. NT430P2.ZIP
NTNPRINT.ZIP 161045 1997-11-23 23:47:36 NPrinterNT is an NPrinter solution for Windows NT workstations with NetWare Clients. NPrinterNT supports multiple printers, and can simultaneously service print queues from multiple trees. NPrinterNT is fully language enabled - the initial release supports English and German. NPrinterNT is easily installed, and allows for installation in unattended mode. NPrinterNT v1.0 is available now. NTNPRINT.ZIP
NW5W95CL.ZIP 11438057 1998-09-15 09:23:26 Novell Client v3.0 for Windows 95/98 Novell(R) Client(TM) v3.0 for Windows* 95/98 is the latest Windows 95 client software release available from Novell. It supersedes all previous Windows 95 client releases. This client can be used in conjunction with the (TM) Starter Pack. The Starter Pack is available for download elsewhere on this same web site. No diskette installation is available for this product. NW5W95CL.ZIP
OS2PT1.ZIP 170372 1997-08-18 00:37:04 Patches for v2.12 NetWare Client for OS/2 This file contains the latest patches for the v2.12 NetWare OS/2 Requester. OS2PT1.ZIP
RADATR.ZIP 34040 1998-02-07 09:46:02 RADIUS attribute file RADATR.ZIP contains the most recent additions to the RADIUS Services for NDS attribute file. Please see the radatr.txt file for specific attributes that have been added. RADATR.ZIP
TCP32K.ZIP 398720 1998-04-11 08:20:10 TCPIP.NLM version 1.10K for Client32 TCP32K.ZIP
W2N213.ZIP 698738 1999-04-08 02:48:56 WIN2NCS v2.13 WIN2NCS version 2.13. W2N213.ZIP
W95302.ZIP 11988460 1998-11-17 01:48:40 Novell Client v3.02 for Windows 95/98. The Novell IPX/IP Gateway is included with this release of Novell Client for Windows 95/98. W95302.ZIP
W9530E.ZIP 11429511 1998-10-27 02:20:54 Novell Client v3.01 for Windows 95/98 English Novell(R) Client(TM) v3.01 for Windows* 95/98 is the latest Windows 95/98 client software release available from Novell. It supersedes all previous Windows 95 client releases and contains all of the functionality included in previous clients, except for the IP gateways, which are being updated and will be released soon. This client can be used in conjunction with the (TM) Starter Pack. The Starter Pack is available for download on this same web site. No diskette installation is available for this product. The following features have been added to the product since the v2.5 release: Native IP Support Windows 98 Support Contextless Login Starter Pack added to the product with v2.5 release ADSI NDS Provider Support The following bugs have been resolved since the v2.5 release: Unable to login using cached domain information when disconnected from the network Problem changing LAN card after W9530E.ZIP
W9530G.ZIP 14227220 1998-12-02 06:02:28 Client v3.01 for Windows 95/98 Deutsch Novell(R) Client(TM) v3.01 for Windows* 95/98 is the latest Windows 95/98 client software release available from Novell. It supersedes all previous Windows 95 client releases and contains all of the functionality included in previous clients, except for the IP gateways, which are being updated and will be released soon. This client can be used in conjunction with the (TM) Starter Pack. The Starter Pack is available for download on this same web site. No diskette installation is available for this product. W9530G.ZIP
W9531DE1.ZIP 7870416 1999-03-26 01:04:48 Client v3.1 for Windows 95/98 including Starter Pack Deutsch Novell(R) Client(TM) v3.1 for Windows* 95/98 is the latest Windows 95/98 client software release available from Novell. It supersedes all previous Windows 95 client releases and contains all of the functionality included in previous clients. This client is included with the Novell (TM) product. No diskette installation is available for this product. Part 1 of 2 W9531DE1.ZIP
W9531DE2.ZIP 7717503 1999-03-26 00:51:46 Client v3.1 for Windows 95/98 including Starter Pack Deutsch The following features have been added to the product since the v3.01 release: NetWare 5.0 Service Pack 1 Support Enhanced support for the NetWare 5 Migration Agent IP/IPX Gateway Many bugs have been resolved since the v3.0 release which have: Improved Auto Reconnect Increased Desktop Accessibility on congested networks Improved NDPS Support Decreased Login Time In addition to these, many other bug fixes are included in this release. Part 2 of 2 W9531DE2.ZIP
W9531E1.ZIP 7910188 1999-02-26 01:34:22 Client v3.1 for Windows 95/98 including Starter Pack English Novell(R) Client(TM) v3.1 for Windows* 95/98 is the latest Windows 95/98 client software release available from Novell. It supersedes all previous Windows 95 client releases and contains all of the functionality included in previous clients. This client is included with the Novell (TM) product. No diskette installation is available for this product. Part 1 of 2 W9531E1.ZIP
W9531E2.ZIP 6784217 1999-02-26 01:29:14 Client v3.1 for Windows 95/98 including Starter Pack English The following features have been added to the product since the v3.01 release: NetWare 5.0 Service Pack 1 Support Enhanced support for the NetWare 5 Migration Agent IP/IPX Gateway Many bugs have been resolved since the v3.0 release which have: Improved Auto Reconnect Increased Desktop Accessibility on congested networks Improved NDPS Support Decreased Login Time In addition to these, many other bug fixes are included in this release. Part 2 of 2 W9531E2.ZIP
WKSTRK.ZIP 27250 1997-08-18 00:34:32 Trouble shooting fileserver cannot be found NTSTRK is "TRACK ON" for the client instead of at the fileserver. It prints the same sap information from the lan/wan. THIS PROGRAM IS NOT SUPPORTED BY NOVELL. IT IS FOR TROUBLE SHOOTING PURPOSES ONLY. WKSTRK.ZIP
WNT45E1.ZIP 7289720 1998-10-26 02:57:32 Novell(R) Client(TM) v4.5 for Windows* NT* Including the Starter Pack Novell(R) Client(TM) v4.5 for Windows* NT* is the latest Windows NT client software release available from Novell. It supersedes all previous Windows NT client releases and contains all of the functionality included in previous clients. This client is included with the Novell product. No diskette installation is available for this product. The following features have been added to the product since the v4.3 release: Native IP Support Novell Distributed Printing Services (NDPS) Contextless Login Citrix MetaFrame Support / Windows Terminal Server Starter Pack added to the client product with v4.3 release IP/IPX Gateway ADSI NDS Provider Support The following bugs have been resolved since the v4.3 release: Unable to login using cached domain information when disconnected from the network Problems accessing floppy disks within NT Explorer Problem changing LAN card after Client WNT45E1.ZIP
WNT45E2.ZIP 4992255 1998-10-26 02:01:52 Novell(R) Client(TM) v4.5 for Windows* NT* Including the Starter Pack Part 2 of 2 WNT45E2.ZIP
WNT45G1.ZIP 7506578 1998-12-01 05:13:58 Client 4.5 for Windows NT including Starter Pack Deutsch Part 1 of 2 ONLY EXTRACT THESE FILES ON WINDOWS NT WORKSTATIONS THAT HAVE HAD SERVICE PACK 3 INSTALLED ON THEM. Novell(R) Client(TM) v4.5 for Windows* NT* is the latest Windows NT client software release available from Novell. It supersedes all previous Windows NT client releases and contains all of the functionality included in previous clients. This client is included with the Novell product. No diskette installation is available for this product. WNT45G1.ZIP
WNT45G2.ZIP 4903104 1998-12-01 04:59:14 Client 4.5 for Windows NT including Starter Pack Deutsch Part 2 of 2 WNT45G2.ZIP
WNT46DE1.ZIP 8005337 1999-03-26 00:39:10 Client 4.6 for Windows NT including starter Pack Deutsch ONLY EXTRACT THESE FILES ON WINDOWS NT WORKSTATIONS THAT HAVE HAD SERVICE PACK 3 INSTALLED ON THEM. Novell(R) Client(TM) v4.6 for Windows* NT* is the latest Windows NT client software release available from Novell. It supersedes all previous Windows NT client releases and contains all of the functionality included in previous clients. This client is included with the Novell product. No diskette installation is available for this product. Part 1 of 2 WNT46DE1.ZIP
WNT46DE2.ZIP 5625207 1999-03-26 00:28:32 Client 4.6 for Windows NT including starter Pack Deutsch The following features have been added to the product since the v4.3 release: NetWare 5.0 Service Pack 1 Support Enhanced support for the NetWare 5 Migration Agent Many bugs have been resolved since the v4.5 release which have: Improved Auto Reconnect Increased Desktop Accessibility on congested networks Improved NDPS Support Decreased Login Time In addition to these, many other bug fixes are included in this release. Part 2 of 2 WNT46DE2.ZIP
WNT46E1.ZIP 8000774 1999-02-22 02:23:00 Client 4.6 for Windows NT including starter Pack English ONLY EXTRACT THESE FILES ON WINDOWS NT WORKSTATIONS THAT HAVE HAD SERVICE PACK 3 INSTALLED ON THEM. Novell(R) Client(TM) v4.6 for Windows* NT* is the latest Windows NT client software release available from Novell. It supersedes all previous Windows NT client releases and contains all of the functionality included in previous clients. This client is included with the Novell product. No diskette installation is available for this product. Part 1 of 2 WNT46E1.ZIP
WNT46E2.ZIP 4772268 1999-02-22 01:28:20 Client 4.6 for Windows NT including starter Pack English The following features have been added to the product since the v4.3 release: NetWare 5.0 Service Pack 1 Support Enhanced support for the NetWare 5 Migration Agent Many bugs have been resolved since the v4.5 release which have: Improved Auto Reconnect Increased Desktop Accessibility on congested networks Improved NDPS Support Decreased Login Time In addition to these, many other bug fixes are included in this release. Part 2 of 2 WNT46E2.ZIP
ZSP101E1.ZIP 9894926 1998-11-05 01:55:50 Starter Pack. V 1.01 The name stands for Zero Effort Networks. reduces the costs and complexities of maintaining network PCs and delivers zero effort networking for users. With, you can centrally create and manage policies and mandatory user profiles with the NetWare Administrator (NWAdmin) utility and NDS. incorporates the technologies previously offered as Novell Application Launcher(TM) and Novell Workstation Manager. The Starter Pack does not include some of the features in the complete product. These features, including remote control of workstation and the ability to create and manage the hardware inventories on individual workstations, are available only through the complete product. For more information on, refer to the web site at Part 1 of 3 ZSP101E1.ZIP
ZSP101E2.ZIP 9965437 1998-11-06 02:06:08 Starter Pack. V 1.01 Part 2 of 3 ZSP101E2.ZIP
ZSP101E3.ZIP 4249278 1998-11-03 06:23:28 Starter Pack. V 1.01 Part 3 of 3 ZSP101E3.ZIP
ZSP101G1.ZIP 9941800 1998-12-01 05:24:56 Starter Pack. Deutsch Part 1 of 3 The name stands for Zero Effort Networks. reduces the costs and complexities of maintaining network PCs and delivers zero effort networking for users. With, you can centrally create and manage policies and mandatory user profiles with the NetWare Administrator (NWAdmin) utility and NDS. incorporates the technologies previously offered as Novell Application Launcher(TM) and Novell Workstation Manager. The Starter Pack does not include some of the features in the complete product. These features, including remote control of workstation and the ability to create and manage the hardware inventories on individual workstations, are available only through the complete product. For more information on, refer to the web site at ZSP101G1.ZIP
ZSP101G2.ZIP 9805428 1998-12-01 05:23:56 Starter Pack. Deutsch Part 2 of 3 ZSP101G2.ZIP
ZSP101G3.ZIP 5570909 1998-12-01 05:01:14 Starter Pack. Deutsch Part 3 of 3 ZSP101G3.ZIP
ZSP11DE1.ZIP 10011768 1999-03-26 00:32:02 Novell Z.E.N. works Starter Pack Version 1.1 Deutsch Network Install 1/3 ZSP11DE1.ZIP
ZSP11DE2.ZIP 9906456 1999-03-26 00:36:28 Novell Z.E.N. works Starter Pack Version 1.1 Deutsch Network Install 2/3 ZSP11DE2.ZIP
ZSP11DE3.ZIP 5316147 1999-03-26 00:22:38 Novell Z.E.N. works Starter Pack Version 1.1 Deutsch Network Install 3/3 ZSP11DE3.ZIP
ZSP11E1.ZIP 9980271 1999-02-22 02:25:16 Novell Z.E.N. works Starter Pack Version 1.1 English Network Install 1/3 ZSP11E1.ZIP
ZSP11E2.ZIP 9579927 1999-02-22 02:45:16 Novell Z.E.N. works Starter Pack Version 1.1 English Network Install 2/3 ZSP11E2.ZIP
ZSP11E3.ZIP 4866409 1999-02-22 02:17:04 Novell Z.E.N. works Starter Pack Version 1.1 English Network Install 3/3 ZSP11E3.ZIP
ZW100P1.ZIP 1038442 1998-10-13 05:17:20 1.0 Patches ZW100P1.ZIP contains the following 1.0 fixes: 1. A new Windows NT Remote Control agent (WUSER32.EXE) to resolve a problem where the remote control service failed to start 2. A new NWAdmn32 Remote Control snapin DLL (LDWMNT.DLL) to resolve the problem where a remote control session would fail if the user at the controlling workstation has a blank space in its distinguished name 3. A new SnapShot to allow it to work on the Korean version of Windows 95. These files have not been System Tested ZW100P1.ZIP
ZW110P1.ZIP 305165 1999-03-19 09:03:02 1.1 Patches This file contains 1.1 fixes for the following issues: 1. An attempt to update a file in use on a Windows NT workstation will fail if the user is not a member of the Administrators group. 2. Apps marked Force run, Run once, and Prompt distribution, if the prompt is declined, the user is repeatedly prompted to re-run the application. 3. NAL GPF on Windows 95/98 if Macro has more than 128 characters. 4. GPF when distributing a registry key with no value. The GPF happens on Windows 3.x only. These files have not been system tested. ZW110P1.ZIP
ZW110P2.ZIP 397908 1999-04-14 12:00:26 1.1 Patches This file contains 1.1 fixes for the following issues: 1. An attempt to update a file in use on a Windows NT workstation will fail if the user is not a member of the Administrators group. 2. Apps marked Force run, Run once, and Prompt distribution, if the prompt is declined, the user is repeatedly prompted to re-run the application. 3. NAL GPF on Windows 95/98 if Macro has more than 128 characters. 4. GPF when distributing a registry key with no value. The GPF happens on Windows 3.x only. 5. Search Drive in Drive/Ports fails when search drive in login script works. 6. Remote Control, Ctrl-alt-del not possible with Unisys Aquanta DX. 7. ZENRC32.ZIP and Invalid Page Fault in Module WM95API.DLL. These files have not been system tested. ZW110P2.ZIP
Total 90 Files, 391385 Kilobytes

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