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Gnfnnosb - Fidonet GNF_NOV_NWOS_SRV_B
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
B3IWSP6A.ZIP 36465012 1999-03-23 07:51:00 BETA of Localized NetWare Support Pack v6.0 This file contains a comprehensive set of updates for all of the services contained in the NetWare box (NetWare 4.11, Novell Internet Access Server 4.0, NetWare MPR 3.0 and 3.1, NetWare/IP, NFS, LAN drivers, etc.). It features an improved installation program. The patches contained have completed rigorous quality testing. This testing includes component testing, core OS testing, and integration testing with other Novell products. B3IWSP6A.ZIP
ENTSRVBT.ZIP 41561016 1998-04-11 08:27:28 Netscape Enterprise Server for NetWare Enhancement Pack BETA. Netscape Enterprise Server For NetWare is the world*s leading commercial enterprise-strength Web and application server, optimized for the NetWare platform. It enables organizations to manage and publish information to the Web and deploy network-centric applications throughout the enterprise. Enterprise Server is built on open Internet standards and is integrated with Novell Directory Services, leveraging existing investments in hardware, applications, and information ENTSRVBT.ZIP
FSTSVRBT.ZIP 28305625 1998-04-11 08:18:46 Netscape Fast Track Server for Netware Enhancement Pack Beta Netscape Fast Track Server For NetWare is the world*s leading commercial enterprise-strength Web and application server, optimized for the NetWare platform. It enables organizations to manage and publish information to the Web and deploy network-centric applications throughout the enterprise. Fast Track Server is built on open Internet standards and is integrated with Novell Directory Services, leveraging existing investments in hardware, applications, and information FSTSVRBT.ZIP
FTRKNW5.ZIP 30378879 1998-08-01 01:31:34 NetScape Fast Track Server for NetWare This is the latest (BETA) build of FastTrack intended to run on NetWare 5. This is BETA code for test purposes only FTRKNW5.ZIP
ODI33F.ZIP 1364050 1998-01-12 09:02:38 ODI 3.31/1.11 Update. This BETA file contains the latest LAN ODI 3.31/1.11 support modules (NBI, MSM, TSMs, etc.) for both Novell NetWare file servers and clients. LAN drivers written by Novell are also included. (There are no third party LAN drivers included.) This new ODI spec adds support for Hot Plug PCI, and for removing a single instance of a driver. Do not use ODI33F with NetWare Connect 2.0 (or lower), MPR 3.0 (or lower), or NetWare for SAA. If NIAS v4.0 or MPR v3.1 is installed ODIWANx.ZIP is also required. ODI33F.ZIP
ONSITB5B.ZIP 1483434 1999-03-01 06:06:12 Onsite Admin Pro v1.0 - beta5b Onsite Admin Pro is a Multi-Server Analysis, Maintenance, and Configuration tool for NetWare servers. No NLMs are required to be loaded on any server. You can monitor, analyze, update, and configure multiple servers all from a single workstation. There is a "one click" FTP update feature that downloads all updates necessary for a server to be up-to-date per the latest Novell specifications. You can also distribute NLMs, files, console commands, and SET parameters to multiple servers at the same time. Extensive reporting capabilities for servers are included. The beta of the Onsite Admin Pro expires on June 1, 1999. ONSITB5B.ZIP
ONSITEB3.ZIP 1441348 1999-02-11 03:14:22 Onsite Admin Pro v1.0 - beta3 Onsite Admin Pro is a Multi-Server Analysis, Maintenance, and Configuration tool for NetWare servers. No NLMs are required to be loaded on any server. You can monitor, analyze, update, and configure multiple servers all from a single workstation. There is a "one click" FTP update feature that downloads all updates necessary for a server to be up-to-date per the latest Novell specifications. You can also distribute NLMs, files, console commands, and SET parameters to multiple servers at the same time. Extensive reporting capabilities for servers are included. ONSITEB3.ZIP contains v1.0 (beta3) of the tool that expires on Feb 28, 1999. ONSITEB3.ZIP
ONSITEB4.ZIP 1472731 1999-02-16 01:46:00 Onsite Admin Pro v1.0 - beta4 Onsite Admin Pro is a Multi-Server Analysis, Maintenance, and Configuration tool for NetWare servers. No NLMs are required to be loaded on any server. You can monitor, analyze, update, and configure multiple servers all from a single workstation. There is a "one click" FTP update feature that downloads all updates necessary for a server to be up-to-date per the latest Novell specifications. You can also distribute NLMs, files, console commands, and SET parameters to multiple servers at the same time. Extensive reporting capabilities for servers are included. ONSITEB4.ZIP contains v1.0 (beta4) of the tool that expires on June 1, 1999. ONSITEB4.ZIP
TBOX4.ZIP 53345 1998-02-07 09:45:56 Tools for a NetWare Server v1.08a TOOLBOX.NLM version 1.08a BETA (NetWare v3.12, v4.x, and IntranetWare) TOOLBOX.NLM provides various utility functions to be executed on the server console or via NCF files (without involving any clients). NOTE: This utility helps system administrators. It is provided free of charge as a courtesy, and therefore, is not a Novell supported product. Problems or questions regarding this product can be reported via e-mail to NTSUTIL@NOVELL.COM. TBOX4.ZIP
TCPN04.ZIP 1123887 1997-08-12 23:24:36 Common TCPIP.NLM for NW 3.12 and 4.x This file contains a new TCPIP.NLM (v4.00e) that runs on all LAN (3.12,4.x) and WAN (MPR 3.1, NWC 2.0) platforms. Also included is a seperate stack for customers running in a Netware 3.11 environment for backward compatibility (doesn't include any of the new features). TCPN04.ZIP
WPGWZ23.ZIP 16138577 1998-10-30 00:56:12 Upgrade Wizard v2.3 Novell Upgrade Wizard is an easy-to-use solution for upgrading the existing NetWare 3 bindery and file system across-the-wire (referred to as a migration) to an existing NDS Directory. Novell Upgrade Wizard makes migrating your NetWare 3 bindery and file system as easy as dragging and dropping an object from one location to another. WPGWZ23.ZIP
Total 11 Files, 156042 Kilobytes

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