Listing created 2024-08-23 at 14:24

Gwpsfnt - GFD_OS2:_WPS_FONT

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Gwpsfnt - Fidonet GFD_OS2:_WPS_FONT
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
ALMSWISS.ZIP 85769 2021-02-18 05:05:50 "Almost Swiss" v1.1, proportional bitmap font based on 8.Helv but in larger sizes. Copyright (c) 2008-2019 Alex Taylor. Almost Swiss is an OS/2 bitmap font inspired by the 8 and 10-point sizes of the system font "Helv". The problem with Helv is that larger point sizes use very heavy strokes which look unattractive or out of place in many contexts. Almost Swiss was created to fulfill a desire for larger sizes in a lighter style. As a screen font, it is particularly well-suited for use in lists, tables, and container controls at higher resolutions. Additional requirements: WarpIN 1.0.15 or later, INSTFONT optional but recommended. ALMSWISS.ZIP
ALMVIO.ZIP 44745 2012-05-08 12:37:28 "Almost VIO" v1.00, fixed-width bitmap font based on 6.System VIO but in larger sizes. Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Alex Taylor. Almost VIO is a bitmap font inspired by the 7x15 "System VIO" font, but which offers larger point sizes in a loosely similar ALMVIO.ZIP
ALMVIO11.ZIP 66324 2021-02-18 05:05:50 "Almost VIO" v1.1, fixed- width bitmap font based on 6.System VIO but in larger sizes. Copyright (c) 2006-2019 Alex Taylor. Almost VIO is a bitmap font inspired by the 7x15 "System VIO" font, but which offers larger point sizes in a loosely similar style. Designed to be suitable as a programming, editor or message font, especially at higher screen resolutions. Version 1.1 adds more character support, provides various design improvements, and adds a new 13-point size available in both light and medium weight. Additional requirements: WarpIN 1.0.15 or later, INSTFONT optional but recommended. ALMVIO11.ZIP
ASRC2020.ZIP 2635315 2016-05-03 11:26:20 Adobe Source fonts. This package is a collection of high-quality open source fonts from Adobe: Adobe Source Code Pro, Adobe Source Sans Pro, and Adobe Source Serif Pro. The font installation will use the INSTFONT utility if it is found on your syste ASRC2020.ZIP
ATHN5002.ZIP 1404923 2015-07-20 20:36:24 New Athena Unicode Fonts as WPI package. New Athena Unicode is a freeware multilingual font distributed by the American Philological Association. It follows the latest version of the Unicode standard and includes characters for English and W ATHN5002.ZIP
CALADEA.ZIP 121709 2015-12-30 18:16:08 Caladea Fonts as WPI package. Caladea is a modern, friendly sans-serif font, metric-compatible with Microsoft Fonts Cambria font. Caladea comes in regular, bold, italic, and bold italic. The WPI uses INSTFONT if present. CALADEA.ZIP
CARLITO.ZIP 1069554 2015-12-30 18:16:44 Carlito Fonts as WPI package. Carlito (Google's Carlito font, google-crosextrafonts-carlito) is a modern, friendly sans-serif font, metric-compatible with Microsoft Fonts Calibri font. Carlito comes in regular, bold, italic, and bold italic. The WPI CARLITO.ZIP
CHARTER.ZIP 136310 2013-01-06 01:00:54 Bitstream Charter (version 2.00) in CHARTER.ZIP
DEJAV234.ZIP 5191545 2013-08-27 12:47:48 DejaVu fonts 2.34 (c) 2004-2013 DejaVu DEJAV234.ZIP
DROID102.ZIP 3389806 2019-01-17 20:15:06 Google Droid fonts release 1.02. "Droid" is a family of high-quality fonts originally designed for Google Android, and released under the Apache open source license. This package includes Droid Sans (regular and bold), Droid Sans Mono (regular), and DROID102.ZIP
ECO_VERA.ZIP 55124 2017-11-26 06:09:04's free Ecofont Vera Sans ECO_VERA.ZIP
GENTIUM.ZIP 2033621 2014-10-29 15:21:42 Gentium Plus Compact Font 5.000 as WPI package. Gentium is a Unicode serif typeface. It has wide support for languages using the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic alphabets, and the International Phonetic Alphabet. The WPI uses INSTFONT if present. GENTIUM.ZIP
HEURI101.ZIP 521115 2013-01-06 00:59:50 Heuristica (version 1.01), a TrueType font based on Adobe Utopia. Heuristica is an open source modern serif face maintained by Andrey V. Panov. It is an expanded version of Utopia, a font family donated by Adobe to the TeX User Group. Character supp HEURI101.ZIP
JETBRAIN.ZIP 507530 2020-01-20 20:46:08 JetBrains Mono fonts. "Mono" is a family of high-quality fonts designed specifically for the needs of developers and released under the Apache open source license. Features include taller lowercase characters, 138 code-specific ligatures, and other JETBRAIN.ZIP
MIDORI02.ZIP 43431 2012-10-28 20:59:50 Midori Sans v0.2, a slightly condensed humanist style TrueType font. Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Alexander Taylor. Midori Sans is a semi-condensed sans-serif font with styling similar to Frutiger, Verdana or DejaVu Sans, but narrower and with a taller MIDORI02.ZIP
MIDORI04.ZIP 46225 2016-08-13 11:10:36 Midori Sans v0.4, a slightly condensed humanist style TrueType font. Copyright (c) 2011-2016, Alexander Taylor. Midori Sans is a semi-condensed sans-serif font with styling similar to Frutiger, Verdana or DejaVu Sans, but narrower and with a taller MIDORI04.ZIP
MIDORISR.ZIP 37705 2016-08-13 11:11:50 Midori Sans v0.4 (source in FontLab and BDF format), a slightly condensed humanist style TrueType font. Copyright (c) 2011-2016, Alexander Taylor. Midori Sans is a semi-condensed sans-serif font with styling similar to Frutiger, Verdana or DejaVu Sa MIDORISR.ZIP
MSCLRT10.ZIP 194844 2013-07-30 02:03:58 Automated installer for the Microsoft ClearType Font Collection. This package allows you to install the TrueType fonts of the Microsoft ClearType Collection (a.k.a. the "new Vista fonts"): Calibri, Cambria, Candara, Consolas, Constantia, and Corbel. MSCLRT10.ZIP
MSCLRT11.ZIP 194998 2014-10-16 15:46:30 Automated installer for the Microsoft ClearType Font Collection Version 1.1. This package allows you to install the TrueType fonts of the Microsoft ClearType Collection (a.k.a. the "new Vista fonts"): Calibri, Cambria, Candara, Consolas, Constantia, MSCLRT11.ZIP
MSFONT20.ZIP 3506905 2015-11-11 19:33:16 The MS Core fonts as WPI package. Fixed WPI install error. Core fonts for the Web was a project started by Microsoft in 1996 to create a standard pack of fonts for the Internet. It was terminated in 2002. It included the proprietary fonts in TrueTyp MSFONT20.ZIP
NEWATHEN.ZIP 286930 2012-12-14 20:47:22 New Athena Unicode Fonts 4.0.5 as WPI package. New Athena Unicode is a freeware multilingual font distributed by the American Philological Association. It follows the latest version (5.2) of the Unicode standard and includes characters for English a NEWATHEN.ZIP
OS2PGFTR.ZIP 17344 2016-05-08 10:02:10 Bitmap OS/2 Programming Font. A Bitmap OS/2 Font for programming purposes. Binary and source code project files to explain how simple it is build a bitmap font for OS/2, .fnt source files are not included. Bitmap OS/2 Programming Font is copyrighted OS2PGFTR.ZIP
SYSES110.ZIP 52720 2023-11-02 16:39:32 System Proportional Extended Sizes Font SYSES110.ZIP
TTFPATCH.ZIP 39299 2017-02-22 13:52:46 TTFPatch sets the embeddable flag of TTF fonts. TTFPatch 1.0 is a commandline (no GUI) tool which lets fonts designers set the 'embeddable' flags of their TrueType fonts for inclusion into PDF files for distribution. TTFPATCH.ZIP
UNIFONT.ZIP 2748092 2018-08-04 03:34:22 GNU Unifont glyphs v11.0.01 for eCS. The Unicode version 11 TrueType font files are GPLv2 licensed, with the exception that embedding the font in a document does not in itself constitute a violation of the GNU GPL. The WPI install script supports IN UNIFONT.ZIP
URWC44P1.ZIP 1980803 2012-12-22 22:09:30 URW/GhostScript core fonts (Type 1 format), release urwcyr1.07-pre44 (part 1: recommended fonts). The URW++ core fonts are high-quality open source clones of the basic PostScript core font set (Cyrillic-enabled versions from Valek Filippov and the G URWC44P1.ZIP
URWC44P2.ZIP 1128799 2012-12-22 22:09:42 URW/GhostScript core fonts (Type 1 format), release urwcyr1.07-pre44 (part 2: redundant fonts). The URW++ core fonts are high-quality open source clones of the basic PostScript core font set (Cyrillic-enabled versions from Valek Filippov and the Gho URWC44P2.ZIP
URWC44T1.ZIP 1620550 2012-12-22 22:10:16 URW/GhostScript core fonts (TrueType format), release urwcyr1.07-pre44 (part 1: recommended fonts). The URW++ core fonts are high-quality open source clones of the basic PostScript core font set (Cyrillic-enabled versions from Valek Filippov and the URWC44T1.ZIP
URWC44T2.ZIP 925924 2012-12-22 22:10:26 URW/GhostScript core fonts (TrueType format), release urwcyr1.07-pre44 (part 2: redundant fonts). The URW++ core fonts are high-quality open source clones of the basic PostScript core font set (Cyrillic-enabled versions from Valek Filippov and the G URWC44T2.ZIP
URWPCL45.ZIP 3619069 2012-12-22 23:48:18 URW PCL-compatibility fonts in TrueType format (from GhostPCL). The URW++ type foundry has very generously provided these high-quality TrueType fonts to the open source community (originally for use with Artifex GhostPCL). This set includes 45 fonts URWPCL45.ZIP
WPCON001.ZIP 16704 2015-08-17 07:54:50 Workplace Console Condensed Version 0.01 in Truetype format (in development). Copyright (c) 2015 Alexander Taylor. All rights reserved. Workplace Console is an early attempt at creating a monospaced font suitable for both terminals and text editors, WPCON001.ZIP
WPGOTH03.ZIP 80670 2016-03-27 15:31:50 Workplace Gothic Font Version 0.3, a TrueType font designed for user interfaces. Copyright (c) 2009-2016, Alexander Taylor. All rights reserved. Workplace Gothic is a moderately condensed sans-serif font which has been designed principally for use i WPGOTH03.ZIP
WPGOTHSR.ZIP 44440 2016-03-27 15:00:38 Workplace Gothic Font Version 0.3 (source WPGOTHSR.ZIP
WPSUB091.ZIP 192245 2012-10-18 07:01:46 WORKPLACE SANS FONT Version 0.91 (2012-10-17) Workplace Sans is a semi-condensed sans-serif TrueType font with Unicode encoding. It has been designed for use as a dialog/user interface font, and is inspired by the OS/2 bitmap font "WarpSans". WPSUB091.ZIP
WPSUB104.ZIP 123630 2019-07-17 05:45:54 Workplace Sans Font Version 1.04 (bitmap-enhanced version), a TrueType font designed to resemble WarpSans. Copyright (c) 2003-2019, Alexander Taylor. All rights reserved. Workplace Sans is a Unicode TrueType font with embedded bitmaps for selected p WPSUB104.ZIP
WPSUS091.ZIP 402452 2012-10-18 07:07:40 Workplace Sans Font Version 0.91 (source in FontLab and BDF format), a TrueType font designed to resemble WarpSans. Copyright (c) 2003-2012, Alexander Taylor. Workplace Sans is a Unicode TrueType font with embedded bitmaps for selected point sizes, WPSUS091.ZIP
WPSUS104.ZIP 334867 2019-07-17 05:45:26 Workplace Sans Font Version 1.04 (source in FontLab and BDF format), a TrueType font designed to resemble WarpSans. Copyright (c) 2003-2019, Alexander Taylor. All rights reserved. Workplace Sans is a Unicode TrueType font with embedded bitmaps for s WPSUS104.ZIP
WPSUT091.ZIP 143914 2012-10-18 07:01:46 Workplace Sans Font Version 0.91 (without bitmaps), a TrueType font designed to resemble WarpSans. Copyright (c) 2003-2012, Alexander Taylor. Workplace Sans is a Unicode TrueType font with embedded bitmaps for selected point sizes, designed resemble WPSUT091.ZIP
WPSUT104.ZIP 79183 2019-07-17 05:45:54 Workplace Sans Font Version 1.04 (without bitmaps), a TrueType font designed to resemble WarpSans. Copyright (c) 2003-2019, Alexander Taylor. All rights reserved. Workplace Sans is a Unicode TrueType font with embedded bitmaps for selected point siz WPSUT104.ZIP
WRPES130.ZIP 126794 2023-11-02 16:27:40 Extended sizes for the WarpSans font (v1.30). Copyright (c) 2013, 2023 Alexander Taylor. This is an unofficial extension to the OS/2 WarpSans bitmap font which provides several larger sizes (10 and 11 point) in both the regular and Bold weights. Thi WRPES130.ZIP
Total 40 Files, 34425 Kilobytes

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