Listing created 2024-08-23 at 14:24 | |
Packer - Packer |
Filename | Filesize [bytes] | File Date/Time | Description | Download |
ARJ230.ZIP | 199085 | 1992-01-30 14:31:26 | ARJ v2.30 - Shareware Release | ARJ230.ZIP |
ARJ250A.ZIP | 272186 | 1996-12-06 10:06:26 | ARJ v2.50a - Shareware Release | ARJ250A.ZIP |
ARJ260X.ZIP | 353468 | 1997-11-25 18:50:00 | ARJ archiver, v2.60 international version. This archive contains the arj260x.exe self- extracting archive. | ARJ260X.ZIP |
FIXZIP10.ZIP | 21376 | 1991-02-27 01:13:40 | repariert kaputte ZIP Packete | FIXZIP10.ZIP |
GIF2JPG2.ZIP | 82806 | 1991-04-25 13:52:00 | GIF PACKER-ENTPACKER......ENDLICH.... | GIF2JPG2.ZIP |
GUS_150.ZIP | 24283 | 1992-02-15 02:50:00 | Uncompress, entpackt automatisch ARC/ARC+/ARJ/DWC/HYP/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO | GUS_150.ZIP |
GUS_195.ZIP | 42780 | 1995-03-15 22:50:00 | General Unpack Shell v1.95 | GUS_195.ZIP |
ISL21.ZIP | 15084 | 1991-03-01 02:40:40 | erkennt LZEXE und PKLITE Programme | ISL21.ZIP |
LH113C.ZIP | 37110 | 1990-01-06 06:02:12 | LHArc v1.13c, Packer/Entpacker (1st version) | LH113C.ZIP |
LHA213.ZIP | 43644 | 1991-08-31 00:58:36 | LHA 2.13 - auch unter DOS 5.0, Highload | LHA213.ZIP |
LZEXE_E.ZIP | 34298 | 1990-05-08 14:18:14 | Komprimierer fuer EXE (auch Clipper) LZEXE auf englisch gepatcht fr nicht Franzosen | LZEXE_E.ZIP |
PAK250.ZIP | 94882 | 1990-09-26 01:04:28 | PAK from NoGate V2.50. PAK | PAK250.ZIP |
PK361.ZIP | 109578 | 1989-12-14 09:55:04 | Packer/Entpacker 3.61 ARC | PK361.ZIP |
PKLITE.ZIP | 13127 | 1990-11-21 08:04:44 | Packer von EXE/COMs (auch OVL?,Clipper..) | PKLITE.ZIP |
PKZ110.ZIP | 146993 | 1990-03-22 04:52:00 | PKZIP/PKUNZIP v1.10 ZIP | PKZ110.ZIP |
PKZ120.INF | 3580 | 1991-04-29 15:53:40 | There is a file being circulated on BBS's called PKZ120.ZIP or PKZ120.EXE or similar, and that claims to be version 1.20 of PKZIP but in fact is a hacked version of PKZIP 1.10. | PKZ120.INF |
PKZ204G.ZIP | 202187 | 1993-03-06 08:26:38 | Pkzip v204g by PKWare | PKZ204G.ZIP |
RAR1_52D.ZIP | 148274 | 1994-10-06 08:12:22 | RAR v1.52d Archiver from Russia | RAR1_52D.ZIP |
RAR200.ZIP | 266716 | 1996-05-08 12:52:08 | RAR v2.00 Archiver from Russia | RAR200.ZIP |
SEZ230.ZIP | 5853 | 1987-08-07 23:37:28 | Make self-extracting files from ZOO's | SEZ230.ZIP |
SHAID241.ZIP | 31955 | 1997-12-18 14:46:26 | SH Archive Identifier v2.41 < SH Archive Identifier v2.41 (10 Dec 1997) > --------------------------------------------- Most extensive archive identifier available: recognizes 76 archive and 24 SFX files. Small and fast. Returns archive type and errorlevel to DOS. Can be used traditionally and like TestFile. Tested quality software. Documents both in English and Finnish. FREEWARE! --------------------------------------------- Archives: 777,ACB,ACE,AIN,AMGC,AR7,ARC,ARG, ARI,ARJ,ARJZ,ARQ,ARX,BOA,BSA,BSARC,BTS,CAB, CHARC,CODEC,CP Shrink,CPAC,DWC,DPA,ELI 5750, ESP,FOXSQZ,GNUZIP,HA,HAP3,HPACK,HYPER,JAR, JARCS,JRC,LARK,LEO,LHA,LHARC,LHARK,LZOP, Magic 2,MAR,MDCD,MP3,NULIB,PAK,PKPAK,PSA, PUT and GET,QFC,QUANTUM,QUARK,RAR,RKIVE, SAR,SKY, SOF,SQUASH,SQZ,SQWEZ,TAR,TGZ,TSComp,UC2, UHarc,YAC,X1,XPack,ZAR,ZET,ZIP,ZOO,ZPK. Self-extracting files: ACE,ACESFXjr,AIN,ARC, ARJ,ARX,BSA,CHARC,DWC,ESP,HYPER,LARC,LEO,LHA, LHARC,LHARK,PAK,PKPAK,PKSFX,PKSFXjr,QUARK, RAR,SQWEZ,SQZSFX,SQZSFXjr,UC2. | SHAID241.ZIP |
SHEZ65.ZIP | 169760 | 1992-01-28 14:11:56 | SHEll for Zip and others. Best out there direct from author! | SHEZ65.ZIP |
TXT2LZH.ZIP | 35650 | 1991-02-14 00:54:34 | Banners in LZH Files einbauen | TXT2LZH.ZIP |
X30.ZIP | 20156 | 1991-03-02 05:59:18 | starte Programme aus einem Archiv heraus | X30.ZIP |
ZOO201.ZIP | 77035 | 1991-01-18 10:16:08 | ZOO Entpacker 2.01 ZOO | ZOO201.ZIP |
Total | 25 Files, 2394 Kilobytes |
© 2003-2025 by Ulrich Schroeter | 01449 |