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Tnt_Bbs - TNT_BBS

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Tnt_Bbs - Fidonet TNT_BBS
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
ARCON2_K.ZIP 63943 1999-02-09 18:20:18 ARCON.EXE is an automatic archive format converter with the ability to add or remove files, virus scan, auto delete text from FILE_ID.DIZ and add a banner to the converted archive. Useful for Sysops who want all the files on the BBS in the same form ARCON2_K.ZIP
ARTFIX09.ZIP 100267 2006-12-27 23:32:44 This archive contains the binary year 2000 patches for Timed and Netmgr, a tool to apply these patches, and German and English installation instructions. ARTFIX09.ZIP
AVTDH1_7.ZIP 105114 1997-10-22 17:11:58 On-Line archive viewer for most BBS types. Allow your users to look inside archives while on line. RemoteAccess users can even allow files to be extracted and downloaded AVTDH1_7.ZIP
DIZL160.ZIP 208121 1998-03-13 07:39:38 The DiZList v1.6 Shareware version of the BEST filelist maker available. Use for ANY BBS, or none at all. Can create lists of files and descriptions in 9 attractive styles supports 7 archivers,unlimited configurations easy to install and setup. DIZL160.ZIP
DLC1_1.ZIP 55668 1999-04-13 02:09:06 Would you like to be able to delete entries over a set number of days old in your RA.LOG file? DLC.EXE will remove old entries, saving them to a backup file if required then archive the backup. Fully configure-able for number of days to keep and arc DLC1_1.ZIP
FED-001C.ZIP 21926 1999-02-28 10:29:08 Converts a FastEcho Revision6 (1.45+) configuration file to a RemoteAccess 2.5x messagebase. Configurable, fast, automated, free. By Simon Avery - 2:255/90 FED-001C.ZIP
IMMEMO11.ZIP 31063 1998-08-03 09:43:18 IMMemo v1.1 for Intermail v2.5x, 7/28/98 IMMemo formats the DOS Console Display screen to show a list of Fido INBound Netmail Messages (up to 5 Total) at the bottom of the screen while Intermail is Idle and running. Supporting programs to Set/C IMMEMO11.ZIP
IMMEMO12.ZIP 29535 1998-08-05 21:09:02 IMMemo v1.2 for Intermail v2.5x, 8/03/98 IMMemo formats the DOS Console Display screen to show/list UNRead Fido INBound Netmail Messages (up to 5 Total) at the bottom of the screen while Intermail is Idle and running. Supporting programs to Set IMMEMO12.ZIP
IREXD098.ZIP 744704 1998-06-21 18:07:30 Internet Rex 0.98 wide beta B for DOS program for sending your BBS mail over the net. Supports email, FTP, MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO, Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor, Binkley, D'Bridge and more. Packed with features. IREXD098.ZIP
KASADATE.ZIP 77053 1998-04-15 08:15:50 KASADATE.EXE Rel 1.0 04/13/98 DOS Utility to quickly create and read a list of all new files created on your system today. NO SETUP, Just UNZIP and GO! FREEWARE!! KASA Entertainment-Presents KASADATE.ZIP
KASAZER0.ZIP 69688 1998-04-16 06:37:50 KASAZER0.EXE Rel 1.0 04/12/98 Delete/Kill all the 0 Byte files accumulating and taking up Directory entries on your system. DOS utility FREEWARE! no setup. Just UNZIP and go at it. (c)1998 KASA Entertainment-Presents KASAZER0.ZIP
KASAZER2.ZIP 77836 1998-04-15 17:12:26 KASAZERO.EXE Rel 2.0 04/15/98 Delete/Kill all the 0 Byte files accumulating and taking up Directory entries on your system. DOS utility Update: Produces list of Files Deleted w/built in list viewer. tanks HUGGY! FREEWARE! no setup. Just UNZIP a KASAZER2.ZIP
KEYS.ZIP 33704 2000-11-20 09:45:28 Key Generators for timEd and NetMgr Included in this package are key generators for timEd and NetMgr. by Gerard van Essen KEYS.ZIP
NET100.ZIP 184614 2006-12-27 23:32:58 Netmgr 1.00 for DOS as distributed by the author. NET100.ZIP
NET100P.ZIP 159650 2006-12-27 23:33:04 Netmgr 1.00 for OS/2 as distributed by the author. NET100P.ZIP
NETMDOK4.ZIP 37401 2006-12-27 23:33:24 German Documentation for Netmgr NETMGR04.DOK Eine deutsche Dokumentation der englischen NETMGR Doku V.1.0 von Gerard van Essen, uebersetzt von Klaus Kulbarsch, am 04.09.1999. Letzte berarbeitung 13.09.1999 nach Durchsicht von Norbert Bilek. NETMDOK4.ZIP
ONELN1_4.ZIP 90356 1997-10-25 15:45:26 Oneline comment wall. Let your callers leave oneline messages to the next caller. * REMOTEACCESS & PROBOARD BBS * ONELN1_4.ZIP
PKLTS201.ZIP 93586 2006-12-27 23:32:48 PKLITE DOS executable compressor and uncompressor. Shareware. You need this if you want to apply ARTFIX to the 16-bit DOS versions of Timed or Netmgr. PKLTS201.ZIP
RBFAE1_1.ZIP 53969 1997-09-08 22:19:04 RemoteAccess Block File Area Editor Would you like to be able to edit or create large blocks of file areas in one go ? Well now you can. You can create or alter every flag in every file area in one go. Great for adding that new shareware CD you RBFAE1_1.ZIP
SLEEP_47.ZIP 34099 1997-06-21 03:39:32 [00] Sleep v4.7. Sleep for/till a time or file, ask, scheduled events, DV/OS2/Windows aware. SLEEP_47.ZIP
SMNU110A.ZIP 71081 1998-02-01 18:56:00 SabreMENU Version 1.10a Light Bar Driven Multi-Use Menu to create a Multi-Choice Menu for your most frequently used programs at your finger tips. Shells out and uses 0k memory. That's right, none, so your programs run exactly like they would if SMNU110A.ZIP
SS-112.ZIP 297686 1998-08-16 12:58:06 SysOp statistics v1.12 RA statistics program for RemoteAccess 2.0x/2.5X Sys-Stat features: high quality- The famous Node/Weekly - Report Filelist generator, SYSUTIL, User upgrade system, JAM/Hudson News generator, Most Wanted! Today callers lis SS-112.ZIP
SWIZ100A.ZIP 26905 1998-02-01 18:57:00 SRWizard Version 1.00a Want to WIN at BRE? Then you need a Wizard! SRWizard will convert the DOORFILE.SR file so you can play BRE locally allowing up to 18 players using SabreMENU. Never again will you have to manually enter a fake user name to SWIZ100A.ZIP
TIM110.ZIP 382632 1995-12-02 21:32:12 Timed 1.10 for DOS as distributed by the author. Fast msg editor TIM110.ZIP
TIM110P.ZIP 366074 1995-12-02 21:32:14 TimEd 1.10; Fast msg editor supporting TIM110P.ZIP
TIM110PZ.ZIP 365678 2006-12-27 23:33:20 Timed 1.10 for OS/2 as distributed by the author. TIM110PZ.ZIP
TIM110X.ZIP 388708 1995-12-02 21:32:10 TimEd 1.10; Fast msg editor supporting TIM110X.ZIP
TIM110XZ.ZIP 386451 2006-12-27 23:33:14 Timed 1.10 for DOS (DOS-extended version) as distributed by the author. TIM110XZ.ZIP
TOVE003.ZIP 12977 1997-06-09 01:12:00 tove - trigger to move or copy a file tove is a batch file util that will read user specified file(s) in a directory, and copy or move them if they contain a user specified search string. Read the sample .ini file for program usage. Freebie / versio TOVE003.ZIP
UULOGIN2.ZIP 176327 1997-07-27 20:51:00 [00] uuLogin Version 2.10 - uucp login mgr uuLogin is a utility to allow sysops to accept uucp calls through their frontend mailers! uuLogin will prompt for and will validate incoming calls and pass off to uucico if validated. Features include: =Acc UULOGIN2.ZIP
WAITM101.ZIP 64509 1998-09-19 11:39:38 Multitasker aware batch file utility that will wait until a file is either created or deleted. Will also wait for specified time in Minutes, Hours, Time and Days of the Week to allow for events and more. Sets the environment with Day WAITM101.ZIP
WAITM110.ZIP 65653 1998-11-29 18:05:04 Wait-Mate! v1.10a Multitasker aware batch file utility that will wait until a file is either created or delted. Will also wait fro a specified time in Min., Hours, Time and Days of the week to allow for events and more. Sets the environment wit WAITM110.ZIP
XP310-1.ZIP 534171 1995-09-29 17:22:42 CrossPoint Version 3.10 - Teil 1/2 XP310-1.ZIP
XP310-2.ZIP 519548 1995-09-29 17:23:00 CrossPoint Version 3.10 - Teil 2/2 XP310-2.ZIP
XP310F.ZIP 132724 1995-09-29 17:23:18 CrossPoint Version 3.10 - Fido-Modul XP310F.ZIP
XP310Q.ZIP 71058 1995-09-29 17:23:46 CrossPoint Version 3.10 - QWK-Modul XP310Q.ZIP
XP310U.ZIP 258128 1995-09-29 17:24:04 CrossPoint Version 3.10 - UUCP-Modul XP310U.ZIP
Total 37 Files, 6242 Kilobytes

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