Listing created 2024-08-23 at 14:24

Vir_Prog - VirNet_programs_(old)

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Vir_Prog - Fidonet VirNet_programs_(old)
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
AD1101E.ZIP 323563 1997-03-12 18:26:58 Advanced Diskinfoscope, v. 11.01 of 10.03.97 (non-comm) AD1101E.ZIP
AVPD109.ZIP 829342 1997-04-13 19:00:00 AntiViral Toolkit Pro by Eugene Kaspersky beta 3.0 build 109. AVP 3.0 for DOS April 1997. (C) Kami Corp., 1996-97. AVPD109.ZIP
AVPL109.ZIP 800777 1997-04-13 19:00:00 AntiViral Toolkit Pro by Eugene Kaspersky 3.0 build 109. Light version (AVPLite) April 1997. (C) Kami Corp., 1996-97. AVPL109.ZIP
CM220.ZIP 364219 1997-03-04 18:47:30 ChekMate 2.20 Known/Unknown Virus Detection Utility Detects Changes To The Following: Memory, Boot Sector(s), Partition Table Protected Files, Interrupts and CMOS. Launches BAIT Files to Entrap/Snare File Infecting Viruses. Give it a try - Lots of NEW features: - Word Macro Virus Detection & Removal *128* bit Cryptographic Fingerprints, Byte for Byte Comparison of Files/Areas. Detects many Boot/Partition Viruses In MEMORY - Generic Detection System. Does NOT Use Scan Strings. CM220.ZIP
FMAC202.ZIP 100177 1997-03-11 17:55:42 F-MACRO - F-Macro v2.02, Scanner and disinfector for MS Word document macro viruses. Copyright (c) 1997 Data Fellows Ltd. FMAC202.ZIP
IL0041.ZIP 1432691 1997-03-04 18:47:10 Latest InocuLAN Signatures (2.32) NLMs and Standalone Version IL0041.ZIP
IL0111.ZIP 69278 1997-02-27 19:06:00 InocuLAN 4.0 Sig. Update 3.21 -> 3.21a Note: These files update InocuLAN version 4.0, and cannot be used to update InocuLAN version 2.5 or 3.0. IL0111.ZIP
I_M311C.ZIP 428758 1997-03-04 18:46:32 INTEGRITY MASTER V3.11b <ASP> virus scanner and data Integrity! Works well under DOS, OS/2, Win95, Win3.x. Easy to use but protects against much more than just viruses! Hardware glitches, software bugs, even deliberate sabotage are detected. If a virus strikes, IM identifies it by name and (unlike other programs) also indentifies any viral damage. It will even detect new and unknown viruses in memory and provides full CMOS protection! I_M311C.ZIP
PM-300E.ZIP 811229 1997-02-23 18:06:54 ScanPM Protected Mode VirusScan by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses. Requires DOS 3.0+. Version 3.0.0 (3000) 02-20-97 PM-300E.ZIP
TB95800.ZIP 1268399 1997-04-15 00:00:00 ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus v8.00 for Windows 95 TB95800.ZIP
TBAV800.ZIP 440693 1997-04-15 00:00:00 ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus v8.00 for DOS - The most complete anti-virus system available. Included are TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk, TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck, and TbUtil. TBAV800.ZIP
TBAVX800.ZIP 96749 1997-04-15 00:00:00 ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus v8.00 (optimized files) This archive contains the processor optimized versions of the resident TBAV utilities. Although the generic utilities as supplied in the normal TbAV archive are fully functional, the processor optimized versions take advantage of processor dependant features and are therefore slightly faster and smaller than the generic versions. TBAVX800.ZIP
TBMXE100.ZIP 340608 1997-02-26 17:56:16 ThunderByte AntiVirus Support for MS Exchange V1.00 TBMXE100.ZIP
TBNTW800.ZIP 1250861 1997-04-11 00:00:00 ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus v8.00 for Windows NT This distribution of ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus (TBAV) for Windows NT comprises the latest release of TBAV for Windows NT. TBNTW800.ZIP
TBW95800.ZIP 1273965 1997-04-15 23:47:26 This distribution of ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus (TBAV) for Windows 95 comprises the latest release of TBAV for Windows 95. TBW95800.ZIP
VENCYC.HQX 115679 1997-03-07 20:09:14 Virus Encyclopedia (optional) VENCYC.HQX
VIBA253.ZIP 462211 1997-04-19 03:53:00 ROSE's Viren Datenbank ViBa 2.53 Beschreibungen zu allen bekannten Viren. Zustzlich mit Tips zum Entfernen, Tools und vieles mehr! Kontextbezogene Online-Hilfestellung. Datenbank im SAA-Standard, mit Maus-, EMS- & Overlay Untersttzung. Beschreibung zu 7500 Viren! Program: Viren Datenbank (ViBa) Version: 2.53/Virnet Release: 18-April-97 Archive: VIBA253.RAR Diskset: [o1/o1] Category: VIRUS DATABASE, VIRUS INFORMAT. Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, R. Roth Requirements: DOS 3.3/1 MB RAM/2 MB HDD/AT Installation: unrar, rar x Documentation: viba.doc, viba.hlp, *.doc Execution: viba.exe, *.bat Registration: 29,-- DM (Aktion)/39,-- DM VIBA253.ZIP
VMAC209E.HQX 1238845 1997-03-07 20:09:42 Virus Scan v.209 for Macintish VMAC209E.HQX
WEB70310.ZIP 2654 1997-03-11 17:55:58 New virus base add-on for Doctor Web, v.3.19 (English version) WEB70310.ZIP
WSCI301E.ZIP 2224902 1997-04-16 18:05:32 VirusScan for Windows 3.1X by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses. Requires DOS 3.0+ and Windows 3.1X. Version 3.0.1 (3000) 04-11-97 WSCI301E.ZIP
Total 20 Files, 13550 Kilobytes

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