Listing created 2024-08-23 at 14:24

Vir_W32 - VirNet_Win95/NT

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Vir_W32 - Fidonet VirNet_Win95/NT
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
AVP32114.ZIP 1497286 1997-07-21 10:57:56 AntiViral Toolkit Pro by Eugene Kaspersky version 3.0 Build 114 Virus Detection and Disinfection for Windows95/NT [rel. 02.07.97 incl. upd. 19.07.97] *RELEASE VERSION* (C) Kami Corp., 1996-97. AVP32114.ZIP
AVP32115.ZIP 1502660 1997-11-17 04:01:22 AVP 3.0 build 115 for Win95/NT [rel. 13.Nov.1997, includes update up to Nov. 15.1997] *RELEASE VERSION* expires: DEC-31-1997 AVP32115.ZIP
AVP32117.ZIP 1796582 1998-01-08 02:06:02 AVP 3.0 B117 Win95/NT incl. cumulative update 9801 AVP32117.ZIP
AVP32118.ZIP 2101956 1998-03-24 23:49:10 AVP 3.0 B118 Win95/NT incl. cumulative update 9802 AVP32118.ZIP
AVP32119.ZIP 2144760 1998-04-13 17:19:02 AVP 3.0 B119 Win95/NT incl. cumulative update 9804 AVP32119.ZIP
AVP32120.ZIP 2428086 1998-06-26 18:58:00 AVP 3.0 Build120 for Win95/NT incl. cumulative update 9806 Expiration Date: 21 Jul 98 AVP32120.ZIP
AVP32122.ZIP 2489870 1998-07-31 21:37:14 AVP 3.0 Build 122, Preview, Win95/NT only incl. cumulative update 9807 with installer AVP32122.ZIP
AVP32123.ZIP 2583341 1998-08-12 20:27:12 AVP 3.0 Build123, Preview/BETA, Win95/98/NT only AVP32123.ZIP
AVP32124.ZIP 2710738 1998-11-29 14:49:32 AVP 3.0 build 124a, incl. cumu. update 9808 and updates 980919; Win95/98/NT AVP32124.ZIP
AVP32126.ZIP 3317584 1998-12-25 16:03:08 AVP 3.0 build126 PREVIEW, Win9x/NT AVP32126.ZIP
AVP32128.ZIP 3522349 1999-01-31 23:34:08 AVP3.0 build 128, PUBLIC TEST VERSION, Win9x/NT AVP32128.ZIP
AVP32129.ZIP 3530399 1999-03-27 18:58:34 AVP3.0 build 129b RELEASE, Win9x/NT AVP32129.ZIP
AVPSW.ZIP 470143 1999-01-05 15:01:32 AVP System Watcher is able 2 remove Win32.BO (aka Backorifice Trojan) from memory, from disk and from the Registry. You can also watch/kill running tasks and some "sensible" keys in the registry. AVP System Watcher was written and is Copyright by Paolo Monti, AVP Distribution Italy. AVPSW.ZIP
FW32G100.ZIP 995911 1998-03-29 17:00:00 F/WIN32 1.00 dt. (Shareware) [30.03.98] Heuristisches Antiviren-Programm f r die Erkennung von bekannten und unbekannten Makroviren. Erkennt und reinigt mehr als 2000 Viren f r Microsoft Word 6.0 / 7.0, Word 97 und Excel 97. Mit detaillierter Analyse, Validierung von Makros und vielen anderen Funktionen. Ben tigt Windows 95 oder Windows NT 4.0. (c) 1998 Stefan Kurtzhals FW32G100.ZIP
FW32G110.ZIP 990131 1998-04-23 17:10:00 F/WIN32 1.10 dt. (Shareware) [24.04.98] Heuristisches Antiviren-Programm f r die Erkennung von bekannten und unbekannten Makroviren. Erkennt und reinigt mehr als 2300 Viren f r Microsoft Word 6.0 / 7.0, Word 97, Excel 5.0, Excel 95 und Excel 97. Mit detaillierter Analyse, Validierung von Makros und vielen anderen Funktionen. Ben tigt Windows 95 oder Windows NT 4.0. (c) 1998 Stefan Kurtzhals FW32G110.ZIP
FW32G111.ZIP 1017876 1998-05-16 17:11:00 F/WIN32 1.11 dt. (Shareware) [17.05.98] Heuristisches Antiviren-Programm f r die Erkennung von bekannten und unbekannten Makroviren. Erkennt und reinigt mehr als 2300 Viren f r Microsoft Word 6.0 / 7.0, Word 97, Excel 5.0, Excel 95 und Excel 97. Mit detaillierter Analyse, Validierung von Makros und vielen anderen Funktionen. Ben tigt Windows 95 oder Windows NT 4.0. (c) 1998 Stefan Kurtzhals FW32G111.ZIP
FW32G112.ZIP 1031121 1998-06-28 17:12:00 F/WIN32 1.12 dt. (Shareware) [29.06.98] Heuristisches Antiviren-Programm f r die Erkennung von bekannten und unbekannten Makroviren. Erkennt und reinigt mehr als 2300 Viren f r Microsoft Word 6.0 / 7.0, Word 97, Excel 5.0, Excel 95 und Excel 97. Mit detaillierter Analyse, Validierung von Makros und vielen anderen Funktionen. Ben tigt Windows 95 oder Windows NT 4.0. (c) 1998 Stefan Kurtzhals FW32G112.ZIP
NNT318P.ZIP 309606 1998-07-09 19:18:00 Netshield NT + ViruScan NT v.3.1.8 Patch NNT318P.ZIP
NTS-304E.ZIP 790241 1997-09-17 07:01:16 VirusScan for Windows NT Command Line by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows NT 3.5+. Version 3.0.4 (3008a) 08-29-97 NTS-304E.ZIP
NTS-312E.ZIP 816802 1997-10-24 19:39:02 VirusScan for Windows NT Command Line by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows NT 3.5+. Version 3.1.2 (3009a) 10-16-97 NTS-312E.ZIP
NTS-314E.ZIP 1522576 1997-11-20 19:14:00 VirusScan for Windows NT Command Line by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows NT 3.5+. Version 3.1.4 (3010) 11-21-97 NTS-314E.ZIP
NTS-315E.ZIP 1083524 1998-01-28 19:16:00 VirusScan for Windows NT Command Line by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows NT 3.5+. Version 3.1.5 (3101) 01-29-98 NTS-315E.ZIP
NTS-317E.ZIP 1123913 1998-03-30 19:17:00 McAfee VirusScan for Windows NT Command Line by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows NT 3.5+. Version 3.1.7 (3102) 03-31-98 NTS-317E.ZIP
NTS-319E.ZIP 1172649 1998-07-23 03:19:00 McAfee VirusScan for Windows NT Command Line by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows NT 3.5+. Version 3.1.9 (3107a) 07-23-98 NTS-319E.ZIP
NTS-320E.ZIP 1188422 1998-08-28 03:20:00 McAfee VirusScan for Windows NT Command Line by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows NT 3.5+. Version 3.2.0 (3108) 08-28-98 NTS-320E.ZIP
NTS-322E.ZIP 1224615 1999-01-29 04:42:18 McAfee VirusScan for Windows NT Command Line by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows NT 3.5+. Version 3.2.2 (3112) 12-22-98 NTS-322E.ZIP
REMEX.ZIP 679 1998-12-25 16:13:24 REMEXDetectionModule WinNT REMEX.ZIP
TB95803A.ZIP 1183928 1997-10-28 00:03:00 Thunderbyte Anti-Virus for Windows 95 TB95803A.ZIP
TB95803C.ZIP 1176510 1997-11-28 05:13:06 Thunderbyte Anti-Virus For Windows 95 TB95803C.ZIP
TB95804A.ZIP 1140208 1998-01-28 17:24:48 TBW95 Evaluation Windows95 v8.04a TB95804A.ZIP
TB95806C.ZIP 1091660 1998-07-13 20:47:20 ThunderByte For Win95 TB95806C.ZIP
TB9X809.ZIP 1180723 1998-12-06 00:09:00 ThunderByte Anti-Virus for Win9x - Included are TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk, TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck and TbUtil. TB9X809.ZIP
TB9X809B.ZIP 1151711 1999-01-26 00:09:00 ThunderByte Anti-Virus for Win9x - Included are TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk, TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck and TbUtil. TB9X809B.ZIP
TB9X810.ZIP 1203120 1999-03-16 00:10:00 ThunderByte Anti-Virus for Win9x - Included are TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk, TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck and TbUtil. TB9X810.ZIP
TBNT803A.ZIP 1113997 1997-10-28 00:03:00 Thunderbyte Anti-Virus for Network TBNT803A.ZIP
TBNT804A.ZIP 1084985 1998-01-28 17:27:20 TBWNT Evaluation WindowsNT v8.04a TBNT804A.ZIP
TBNT806C.ZIP 1066958 1998-07-13 20:53:06 ThunderByte For WinNT TBNT806C.ZIP
TBNT809.ZIP 1104998 1998-12-06 00:09:00 ThunderByte Anti-Virus for WinNT - Included are TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk, TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck and TbUtil. TBNT809.ZIP
TBNT809B.ZIP 1121363 1999-01-26 00:09:00 ThunderByte Anti-Virus for WinNT - Included are TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk, TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck and TbUtil. TBNT809B.ZIP
TBW95801.ZIP 1029651 1997-05-29 00:01:00 TBAV Version 8.01 fuer W95/Win NT TBW95801.ZIP
TBW95802.ZIP 976938 1997-07-28 00:02:00 Norman ThunderByte Virus Control for W95 (Formerly known as ThunderByte Anti-Virus) This file contains the evaluation version of Norman ThunderByte Virus Control for Windows 95. This is a Microsoft certified product! TBW95802.ZIP
TBW95803.ZIP 1177101 1997-09-26 22:13:02 ThunderByte Antivirus v8.03 - Windows 95' version. TBW95803.ZIP
TBW95804.ZIP 1142534 1998-01-09 15:56:42 TBW95 Evaluation Windows95 v8.04 TBW95804.ZIP
TBW95806.ZIP 1163641 1998-06-19 00:06:00 ThunderByte Anti-Virus - (Win 95) Version 8.06c 19.06.98 TBW95806.ZIP
TBW95807.ZIP 1166178 1998-07-23 20:33:36 ThunderByte For Win 95 TBW95807.ZIP
TBW95808.ZIP 1171788 1998-10-02 20:20:12 Thunderbyte Anti-Virus - Win9*.* TBW95808.ZIP
TBWNT802.ZIP 953752 1997-07-28 00:02:00 Norman ThunderByte Virus Control for Windows NT (formerly known as ThunderByte Anti Virus) This file contains the evaluation version of Norman ThunderByte Virus Control for Windows NT. This is a Secure Computing and NCSA certified product! (Version 8.02) TBWNT802.ZIP
TBWNT803.ZIP 1108194 1997-09-26 22:16:00 ThunderByte Antivirus v8.03 - Network version. TBWNT803.ZIP
TBWNT804.ZIP 1070569 1998-01-09 15:56:42 TBWNT Evaluation WindowsNT v8.04 TBWNT804.ZIP
TBWNT806.ZIP 1088909 1998-06-19 00:06:00 ThunderByte Anti-Virus - (Win NT) Version 8.06c 19.06.98 TBWNT806.ZIP
TBWNT807.ZIP 1091529 1998-07-23 20:36:14 ThunderByte For Win NT TBWNT807.ZIP
TBWNT808.ZIP 1096431 1998-10-02 20:23:02 ThunderByte Anti-Virus - Win NT TBWNT808.ZIP
UNREMEX.ZIP 39830 1999-01-05 14:52:00 WinNT.Remex desinfector and decryptor (Win9x, too) UNREMEX.ZIP
V95DOC30.ZIP 399196 1997-02-21 18:26:50 VirusScan for Windows 95 by McAfee, Inc. Documentation for Version 3.0 (PFD-format) V95DOC30.ZIP
V95I302E.ZIP 3915264 1997-06-02 10:46:38 VirusScan for Windows 95 by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows 95. Version 3.0.2 (3004) 05-28-97 V95I302E.ZIP
V95I310E.ZIP 4928163 1997-07-22 15:36:56 VirusScan for Windows 95 by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows 95. Version 3.1.0 (3007) 07-21-97 V95I310E.ZIP
V95I311E.ZIP 4948903 1997-09-03 19:11:00 VirusScan for Windows 95 by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows 95. Version 3.1.1 (3008a) 09-04-97 V95I311E.ZIP
V95I312E.ZIP 4908066 1997-10-23 19:12:00 VirusScan for Windows 95 by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows 95. Version 3.1.2 (3009) 10-24-97 V95I312E.ZIP
V95I314E.ZIP 5005938 1997-12-16 19:14:00 VirusScan for Windows 95 by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows 95. Version 3.1.4 (3011) 12-17-97 V95I314E.ZIP
V95I316E.ZIP 4382649 1998-03-30 19:16:00 McAfee VirusScan for Windows 95 by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows 9x. Version 3.1.6 (3102) 03-31-98 V95I316E.ZIP
V95I318E.ZIP 4448186 1998-06-15 19:18:00 McAfee VirusScan for Windows 9x by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows 9x. Version 3.1.8 (3105) 06-16-98 V95I318E.ZIP
V95I319E.ZIP 4490426 1998-07-29 18:00:44 McAfee VirusScan for Windows 9x by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows 9x. Version 3.1.9 (3107a) 07-23-98 V95I319E.ZIP
V95I320E.ZIP 4799979 1998-09-04 03:20:00 McAfee VirusScan for Windows 9x by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows 9x. Version 3.2.0 (3108) 09-04-98 V95I320E.ZIP
V98I401E.ZIP 8722628 1998-11-11 20:01:00 McAfee VirusScan for Windows 98 by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows 9x. Version 4.0.1 (4001) 11-12-98 V98I401E.ZIP
V98I402E.ZIP 8715642 1998-12-14 20:02:00 McAfee VirusScan for Windows 98 by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows 9x. Version 4.0.2 (4002) 12-15-98 V98I402E.ZIP
VGREPW11.ZIP 554763 1997-03-02 20:59:48 VGrep95 - version 1.1 - Windows 95/NT (GUI) version of VGrep for DOS. Required VGrep data base. VGREPW11.ZIP
VNTI303E.ZIP 3456346 1997-08-20 19:03:00 VirusScan for Windows NT by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows NT Workstation 3.51 SP5 or later. Version 3.0.3 (3008) 08-21-97 VNTI303E.ZIP
VNTI314E.ZIP 5236266 1998-02-18 19:14:00 VirusScan for Windows NT by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows NT Workstation 3.51 SP5 or later. Version 3.1.4a (3012) 02-19-98 VNTI314E.ZIP
VNTI320E.ZIP 5867718 1998-09-10 03:20:00 VirusScan for Windows NT by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows NT 3.51 SP5 or later. Version 3.2.0 (3108) 09-10-98 VNTI320E.ZIP
WC971031.ZIP 988562 1997-11-01 04:27:52 Cumulative AVP Update 10/97 for Win95/NT with Installer hatched by VirNet Germany WC971031.ZIP
WC9801.ZIP 1033556 1998-01-08 02:08:06 AVP cumulative update 9801 ->Win95/NT nur ab Build 115 oder hoeher verwenden WC9801.ZIP
WC9802.ZIP 1099419 1998-03-03 20:55:28 AVP cumulative update 9802 ->Win95/NT nur ab Build 117 oder hoeher verwenden WC9802.ZIP
WC980214.ZIP 1063183 1998-02-17 13:08:54 No description available WC980214.ZIP
WC980404.ZIP 1119692 1998-04-09 21:00:44 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since & cumulative update 9802 with installer WC980404.ZIP
WC980411.ZIP 1124639 1998-04-13 17:18:22 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since & cumulative update 9804 with installer WC980411.ZIP
WC980418.ZIP 1127251 1998-04-23 23:46:32 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since & cumulative update 9804 with installer WC980418.ZIP
WC980505.ZIP 1134368 1998-05-07 22:34:48 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since & cumulative update 9804 with installer WC980505.ZIP
WC980515.ZIP 1139778 1998-05-15 22:46:50 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since & cumulative update 9804 with installer WC980515.ZIP
WC980523.ZIP 1145219 1998-05-24 14:55:04 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since & cumulative update 9804 with installer WC980523.ZIP
WC980620.ZIP 285512 1998-06-22 22:46:50 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since & cumulative update 9806 with installer WC980620.ZIP
WC980627.ZIP 1169977 1998-06-28 14:16:02 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since & cumulative update 9806 with installer WC980627.ZIP
WC9807.ZIP 1197313 1998-07-29 21:37:06 AVP 3.0 cumulative update 9807,Win95/NT. Nur mit Build 120 zu verwenden. WC9807.ZIP
WC980706.ZIP 1174054 1998-07-09 23:10:42 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since & cumulative update 9806 with installer WC980706.ZIP
WC980714.ZIP 1181806 1998-07-16 20:37:32 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since & cumulative update 9806 with installer WC980714.ZIP
WC9808.ZIP 1208856 1998-09-01 23:44:46 AVP 3.0 cumulative update 9808,Win95/NT. only use with build 122 WC9808.ZIP
WC980807.ZIP 1204057 1998-08-09 13:24:44 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since & cumulative update 9807 with installer WC980807.ZIP
WC980813.ZIP 1207500 1998-08-15 17:18:06 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since & cumulative update 9807 with installer WC980813.ZIP
WC980904.ZIP 1217282 1998-09-05 19:14:16 all updates since 31.08.98, incl. cumu. update 9808, Win95/NT. only use with build 120 WC980904.ZIP
WC980919.ZIP 1236471 1998-09-19 17:06:54 all updates since 31.08.98, incl. cumu. update 9808, Win95/NT. only use with build 120 WC980919.ZIP
WC980926.ZIP 1244872 1998-09-29 11:28:42 all weekly AVP3.0 updates since & cumu. update 9808, Win95/NT, only use with build 120+ WC980926.ZIP
WC981003.ZIP 1256980 1998-10-04 21:04:20 all updates since & cumu. update 9808, Win95/NT. only use with build 120+ WC981003.ZIP
WC981010.ZIP 1262170 1998-10-10 18:14:28 all weekly AVP 3.0 updates since & cumu. update 9808,Win95/NT. only use with build 120+ WC981010.ZIP
WC981017.ZIP 1267285 1998-10-19 10:50:20 all weekly AVP 3.0 updates since & cumu. update 9808,Win95/NT. only use with build 120+ WC981017.ZIP
WC981024.ZIP 1271554 1998-10-27 22:38:58 all weekly AVP 3.0 updates since & cumu. update 9808,Win95/NT. only use with build 122+ WC981024.ZIP
WC981031.ZIP 1276073 1998-11-02 20:19:10 all weekly AVP 3.0 updates since & cumu. update 9808,Win95/NT. only use with build 122+ WC981031.ZIP
WC9811.ZIP 1298775 1998-11-27 18:33:34 AVP 3.0 cumulative update 9811,Win95/NT. only use with build 120+ Win95/NT WC9811.ZIP
WC981107.ZIP 1281611 1998-11-09 21:30:24 all AVP 3.0 updates since & cumu. update 9808,Win95/NT. only use with build 122+ WC981107.ZIP
WC981113.ZIP 1284815 1998-11-13 23:13:54 all AVP 3.0 updates since & cumu. update 9808, Win95/NT; only use with build 122+ WC981113.ZIP
WC981207.ZIP 1293415 1998-12-10 23:37:54 complete AVP 3.0 cumu. update for Win9x/NT; only use with build 124+ WC981207.ZIP
WC981217.ZIP 1303245 1998-12-17 23:58:54 all AVP3.0 updates since & cumu. update WC981217.ZIP
WC981229.ZIP 1317212 1999-01-01 14:29:26 AVP3.0 complete cumulative update Win9x/NT only use with build 124+ WC981229.ZIP
WC9901.ZIP 1342482 1999-01-22 00:33:00 AVP3.0 cumulative update 9901 Win9x/NT only use with build 124+ PREVIEW,Win9x/NT WC9901.ZIP
WC990206.ZIP 1358442 1999-02-10 23:41:02 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, incl. cumu. upd. 9901, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ WC990206.ZIP
WC990212.ZIP 1157391 1999-02-14 12:20:40 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, incl. cumu. upd. 9901, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ WC990212.ZIP
WC990220.ZIP 1372214 1999-02-20 21:26:58 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, incl. cumu. upd. 9901, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ WC990220.ZIP
WC990225.ZIP 1377015 1999-02-26 00:27:08 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, incl. cumu. upd. 9901, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ WC990225.ZIP
WC990306.ZIP 1380973 1999-03-06 13:35:06 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, incl. cumu. upd. 9901, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ WC990306.ZIP
WC990318.ZIP 1393668 1999-03-18 20:13:26 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, incl. cumu. upd. 9901, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ WC990318.ZIP
WC990327.ZIP 1394357 1999-03-27 19:04:22 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, incl. cumu. upd. 9901, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ WC990327.ZIP
WC990330.ZIP 1400692 1999-03-30 18:23:32 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, incl. cumu. upd. 9901, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ Note: the wc* and ww* archives can only be used with the edition of AVP. WC990330.ZIP
WC990401.ZIP 1400791 1999-04-01 17:39:40 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, incl. cumu. upd. 9901, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ Note: the wc* and ww* archives can only be used with the edition of AVP. WC990401.ZIP
WC990404.ZIP 1406078 1999-04-04 19:10:58 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, incl. cumu. upd. 9901, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ Note: the wc* and ww* archives can only be used with the edition of AVP. WC990404.ZIP
WC990424.ZIP 1443918 1999-04-24 21:43:58 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, incl. cumu. upd. 9901, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ Note: the wc* and ww* archives can only be used with the edition of AVP. WC990424.ZIP
WC990430.ZIP 1447520 1999-05-02 01:17:54 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, incl. cumu. upd. 9904, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ Note: the wc* and ww* archives can only be used with the edition of AVP. WC990430.ZIP
WW971115.ZIP 129741 1997-11-17 20:58:34 AVP 3.0 complete weekly update Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9710 with installer WW971115.ZIP
WW971125.ZIP 133554 1997-11-29 15:49:58 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9710 with installer WW971125.ZIP
WW971203.ZIP 141022 1997-12-04 22:22:48 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9710 with installer WW971203.ZIP
WW971212.ZIP 145760 1997-12-12 19:15:28 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9710 with installer WW971212.ZIP
WW971220.ZIP 153642 1997-12-23 21:20:42 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9710 with installer WW971220.ZIP
WW971227.ZIP 161518 1997-12-27 19:28:06 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9710 with installer WW971227.ZIP
WW980112.ZIP 128406 1998-01-15 22:16:18 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9801 with installer WW980112.ZIP
WW980119.ZIP 130999 1998-01-19 21:14:52 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9801 with installer WW980119.ZIP
WW980127.ZIP 137083 1998-01-28 22:54:50 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9801 with installer WW980127.ZIP
WW980205.ZIP 240234 1998-02-05 21:36:34 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only Kernel update & updates since cumulative update 9801 with installer WW980205.ZIP
WW980214.ZIP 245994 1998-02-17 13:07:14 No description available WW980214.ZIP
WW980221.ZIP 249322 1998-02-22 14:04:00 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9801 with installer WW980221.ZIP
WW980319.ZIP 130829 1998-03-24 23:53:02 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9802 with installer only use with build 118 WW980319.ZIP
WW980404.ZIP 142186 1998-04-09 21:03:04 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9802 with installer only use with build 118+ WW980404.ZIP
WW980411.ZIP 125726 1998-04-13 17:17:12 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9804 with installer WW980411.ZIP
WW980418.ZIP 128364 1998-04-23 23:45:12 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9804 with installer WW980418.ZIP
WW980425.ZIP 131806 1998-04-28 16:25:38 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9804 with installer WW980425.ZIP
WW980505.ZIP 135556 1998-05-07 22:33:52 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9804 with installer WW980505.ZIP
WW980515.ZIP 140982 1998-05-15 22:46:10 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9804 with installer WW980515.ZIP
WW980523.ZIP 146414 1998-05-24 14:54:12 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9804 with installer WW980523.ZIP
WW980620.ZIP 126307 1998-06-23 20:33:24 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9806 with installer WW980620.ZIP
WW980627.ZIP 130588 1998-06-27 17:24:00 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9806 with installer WW980627.ZIP
WW980706.ZIP 245189 1998-07-06 21:50:54 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9806 with installer WW980706.ZIP
WW980714.ZIP 252924 1998-07-14 20:02:36 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9806 with installer WW980714.ZIP
WW980807.ZIP 128641 1998-08-09 13:22:42 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9807 with installer WW980807.ZIP
WW980813.ZIP 135437 1998-08-15 17:16:36 AVP 3.0 compl. weekly updates Win95/NT only incl. updates since cumulative update 9806 with installer WW980813.ZIP
WW980919.ZIP 149498 1998-09-22 21:59:56 all updates since cumu. update 9808, Win95/NT. only use with build 120 WW980919.ZIP
WW980926.ZIP 157929 1998-09-29 11:25:50 all weekly AVP3.0 updates since cumu. update 9808, Win95/NT, only use with build 120+ WW980926.ZIP
WW981003.ZIP 295984 1998-10-03 17:38:22 all updates since cumu. update 9808, Win95/NT. only use with build 120+ WW981003.ZIP
WW981010.ZIP 301177 1998-10-10 18:13:48 all weekly AVP 3.0 updates since cumu. update 9808,Win95/NT. only use with build 120+ WW981010.ZIP
WW981017.ZIP 306286 1998-10-21 23:19:00 all weekly AVP 3.0 updates since cumu. update 9808,Win95/NT. only use with build 120+ WW981017.ZIP
WW981024.ZIP 310569 1998-10-27 22:40:02 all weekly AVP 3.0 updates since cumu. update 9808,Win95/NT. only use with build 122+ WW981024.ZIP
WW981031.ZIP 315022 1998-10-31 21:12:14 all weekly AVP 3.0 updates since cumu. update 9808,Win95/NT. only use with build 122+ WW981031.ZIP
WW981107.ZIP 320606 1998-11-09 21:31:14 all AVP 3.0 updates since cumu. update 9808,Win95/NT. only use with build 122+ WW981107.ZIP
WW981113.ZIP 323830 1998-11-13 23:12:56 all AVP 3.0 updates since cumu. update 9808, Win95/NT; only use with build 122+ WW981113.ZIP
WW981207.ZIP 116300 1998-12-10 23:36:56 complete AVP 3.0 update for Win9x/NT; only use with build 124+ WW981207.ZIP
WW981217.ZIP 126225 1998-12-18 00:01:58 all AVP3.0 updates since cumu. update 9811 for Win9x/NT; only use with build 124+ WW981217.ZIP
WW981229.ZIP 412013 1999-01-01 14:29:56 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates Win9x/NT only use with build 124+ WW981229.ZIP
WW990206.ZIP 128818 1999-02-10 23:38:08 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates Win9x/NT only use with build 126+ WW990206.ZIP
WW990212.ZIP 138024 1999-02-14 15:43:56 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ WW990212.ZIP
WW990220.ZIP 122621 1999-02-21 13:31:54 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ WW990220.ZIP
WW990225.ZIP 185 1999-02-14 15:43:56 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ WW990225.ZIP
WW990306.ZIP 151292 1999-03-08 16:51:44 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ WW990306.ZIP
WW990318.ZIP 163980 1999-03-18 20:13:16 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ WW990318.ZIP
WW990327.ZIP 164698 1999-03-27 19:04:10 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ WW990327.ZIP
WW990330.ZIP 170962 1999-03-30 18:23:24 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ Note: the wc* and ww* archives can only be used with the edition of AVP. WW990330.ZIP
WW990401.ZIP 171082 1999-04-01 17:39:24 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ Note: the wc* and ww* archives can only be used with the edition of AVP. WW990401.ZIP
WW990404.ZIP 176410 1999-04-04 19:10:52 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ Note: the wc* and ww* archives can only be used with the edition of AVP. WW990404.ZIP
WW990424.ZIP 131434 1999-04-24 21:43:40 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ Note: the wc* and ww* archives can only be used with the edition of AVP. WW990424.ZIP
WW990430.ZIP 134986 1999-04-30 19:58:48 AVP3.0 complete weekly updates, Win9x/NT, only use with build 126+ Note: the wc* and ww* archives can only be used with the edition of AVP. WW990430.ZIP
Total 164 Files, 205294 Kilobytes

© 2003-2025 by Ulrich Schroeter   01179