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W95Int - Win95:_Internet

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W95Int - Fidonet Win95:_Internet
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
95ALLVUE.ZIP 1725595 1998-05-01 00:33:40 95ALLVUE.ZIP
ALLVU210.ZIP 1719824 1997-05-18 05:20:14 AllVue V.2.1.0 (W95) - Do you have about 1,000+ images on your computer? If you do, then try this out. It allows you to speed up the process of finding or reviewing multiple image files. Allows you to view 15 at a time, and has support for all major formats. "License numbers for ViewPics will work with ALLVUE. This upgrade is FREE to registered ViewPics' and AllVue owners! ALLVU210.ZIP
ANYSP119.ZIP 465235 1997-05-26 16:17:58 Measures real speed of your Internet provider ANYSP119.ZIP
APPLEPIE.ZIP 1344502 1997-06-21 13:05:40 ApplePie is an HTML editor that allows you to create your own web pages on the Internet. ApplePie saves you all the trouble of typing in all those HTML tags. With the click of a button, HTML tags come flying into the screen. There is a preview feature that allows you to view your documents with the browser of your choice. You can work with more than one document at a time, and link your HTML documents together. WIN95 APPLEPIE.ZIP
ARACFULL.ZIP 1287862 1997-02-26 01:13:28 Arachnophilia 1.5 Build 1685. Prepare your Web page in your favorite text editor and Drag & Drop for effortless conversion to HTML. ARACFULL.ZIP
AUTOAGNT.ZIP 192974 1997-04-06 03:47:24 AutoAgent 2.1. A scheduler for Forte Agent. Launches Agent at specified time and retrieves new headers/messages and uploads posts. AUTOAGNT.ZIP
AYMAIL11.ZIP 120481 1997-05-26 16:17:26 Sends e-mail to multiple recipients at once AYMAIL11.ZIP
BARKMOM.ZIP 1424895 1997-05-18 05:21:00 BARKING CARDS LITE MOTHER'S DAY EDITION v1.1. A Windows 95 a nimated greeting card application with a zany Mother's Day greetings. It features high quality, full screen animation and sound. You can add your own text, images, recordings or sounds to the card. The card is saved as a self executing file that can be sent to any Windows 3.1 or 95 user. The reg fee is $7.95. By Blaze Technologies, Inc. BARKMOM.ZIP
BNC15BET.ZIP 2055990 1997-06-30 01:55:54 Backup your system using "Binary Patching" Technology BNC15BET.ZIP
BNE15BET.ZIP 3151167 1997-06-30 01:56:26 Client and Server. Backup "Binary Patching" Technology BNE15BET.ZIP
BPFTP03B.ZIP 200948 1997-07-08 02:43:32 Bullet Proof FTP Version 0.3 Beta for Win95/NT BPFTP03B.ZIP
BUTFAC.ZIP 263596 1997-04-27 20:17:26 Button Factory - Erlaubt ohne Programmierkenntnisse Apllet Buttons fr die eigene Honepage herzustellen BUTFAC.ZIP
BYTEFTP.ZIP 966180 1997-06-15 05:55:36 ByteCatcher FTP Client v1.02 for Win95/NT BYTEFTP.ZIP
CALYPSO2.ZIP 2912611 1997-05-26 16:16:52 Multi-feature POP3 and IMAP4 e-mail CALYPSO2.ZIP
CLEANUP.ZIP 2828257 1997-06-14 15:47:38 Verifies HTML code CLEANUP.ZIP
CMED21A.ZIP 1459675 1997-02-26 01:13:56 CMED 2.1a. Toolbars for all HTML elements, Optional remembering of HTML 2/HTML 3.2 dialog box mode, Minor bug fixes. CMED21A.ZIP
CNET3210.ZIP 986385 1997-04-16 07:41:00 CommNET Version 1.0 for Win95/NT CNET3210.ZIP
COOKIE11.ZIP 1964210 1997-04-26 03:04:42 Cookie Crusher 1.01. Cookie Crusher rejects all these cookies, allowing you to get back to your web browsing tasks. COOKIE11.ZIP
COPS.ZIP 1336943 1997-07-09 11:56:18 The AppleTalk client for Windows 95 COPS.ZIP
CW32TRV.ZIP 1209774 1997-02-13 14:31:42 ClearWeb Version 1.01 for Win95/NT CW32TRV.ZIP
DICHAT.ZIP 69972 1997-02-26 01:14:02 Internet Text-Chat 1.0c. Allows you to participate in real time conversations via IRC Servers on the Internet. Requires MSChat.OCX DICHAT.ZIP
DIPRO32.ZIP 415003 1997-05-19 16:07:54 DiDaPro HTML Editor V.2.02 (W95) - :Different from most HTML editors in that it takes very little system resources to operate. Includes built in previewer, spreadsheet style table editor, form editor, color picker, and powerful user tags support. DIPRO32.ZIP
DSM3210.ZIP 1325479 1997-06-11 15:14:52 A visual design tool for creating Style Sheets (CSS1), which, by a incorporating a fully automated and friendly interface, makes creating Style Sheets a breeze. With Style Sheets, you can control the presentation and appearance of your HTML documents, without the limitations of HTML. WIN95 DSM3210.ZIP
DTFTP.ZIP 1769103 1997-03-31 14:09:34 DesktopFTP 1.1. Displays and operates on your network ftp folders just like a folder on your hard drive. Drag n' Drop Support. DTFTP.ZIP
ESIG9730.ZIP 794842 1997-06-15 12:04:00 ESig97 (v3.0) - E-Mail/Signature/Eudora ESig97 is designed to change signature files for most Internet e-mail clients. A sample signature file is included. Shareware $10.00 (US) E-mail: WWW: ESIG9730.ZIP
EUL301.ZIP 3996045 1997-06-14 15:47:02 Eudora Lite mail client for Win3.x and Win95 EUL301.ZIP
FASTHTML.ZIP 377820 1997-06-14 15:48:54 FastHTML i um editor em portugujs para csdigos HTML FASTHTML.ZIP
FDOG097.ZIP 2869565 1997-02-26 01:21:44 File Dog for Windows95 - Version .97b File Dog is an fully automated software program that lets you easily download files from the internet during off-peak hours. With File Dog you just select the files you want, set a retrieval time, then forget it. File Dog wakes up in the middle of the night, retrieves the files you want, and keeps track of everything for you in its activity log. File Dog will fetch for you anytime you want - even while you are fast asleep! y FDOG097.ZIP
FILEDOG.ZIP 2823950 1997-06-14 15:45:26 File Dog for Win95 Version 1.2b FILEDOG.ZIP
FING32.ZIP 1814005 1997-03-19 02:54:12 Finger Thingy 2.1. Both a fully functional client and server. Once you've fingered a host all results can be saved/printed or both FING32.ZIP
FOX.ZIP 1513279 1997-05-18 05:20:04 Fox V.1.2b (W95) - An HTML Editor with a variation on toolbars, it uses tabs instead. Most HTML tags are included in an easy to use and understand interface. FOX.ZIP
FTP97.ZIP 979737 1997-03-03 17:29:34 FTP Explorer 97 v1.0 - Windows Explorer Zusatzprogramm um einfach auf FTP-Server zugreifen zu koennen FTP97.ZIP
FTPEDIT.ZIP 845661 1997-05-17 01:49:06 FTPEdit 1.00. Edit web-pages over FTP quickly and easily. FTPEDIT.ZIP
FTPVOYAG.ZIP 2372564 1997-06-13 05:56:16 FTP Voyager Version for Win95 FTPVOYAG.ZIP
GETGO100.ZIP 567172 1997-07-09 02:24:08 Internet shopping basket for online catalogs GETGO100.ZIP
GETRT13A.ZIP 995918 1997-07-08 06:34:40 Resume FTP or HTTP Downloads if you are disconnected GETRT13A.ZIP
GOZIL20.ZIP 934168 1997-07-05 09:37:52 Get files from fastest site. Resume FTP & HTTP GOZIL20.ZIP
GRV1_1B1.ZIP 1677807 1997-02-26 01:20:30 Anawave's Gravity 1.1: Newsreader - BETA WIN95 GRV1_1B1.ZIP
HDEXPRES.ZIP 2832582 1997-06-13 05:56:44 HotDog Express Version 1.03 for Win95/NT HDEXPRES.ZIP
HMAKEW30.ZIP 191097 1997-06-15 02:24:22 HyperMake 3.00 (win32 version) HTML and IBM IPF builder. Your input is a more simple and intelligent ASCII format. Generates a number of HTML files from one source file, creates content and index. Marking a phrase with a special char places the phrase into the index and all other occurrences will get a link automatically to the marked position. You can enter button ID's (only IPF) directly. Generates frames for two heading levels. Footnotes as bottom frames. Short commands for tables, headings, footnotes, lists and bitmap in text. English and German. Shareware if source file > 20 kB HMAKEW30.ZIP
HPAD25.ZIP 864033 1997-06-16 02:20:52 HTMLpad v2.5: HyperText editor for Windows HPAD25.ZIP
HR1-00.ZIP 2731503 1997-05-09 14:20:34 Hoover Race V.1.00 (W95) - A cool online game where you race bumpercar-like hover cars agains others on the internet. Includes an online meeting room where you can join races, chat and trash talk eachother. HR1-00.ZIP
HTE32_2C.ZIP 1372855 1997-06-21 10:33:02 HTMLed Version 2.0c for Win95/NT HTE32_2C.ZIP
ICQSETUP.ZIP 1307543 1997-03-03 17:27:42 ICQ 1.02. Program that allows internet users to get ahold of one another without all the hassles of dealing with IP addresses. ICQSETUP.ZIP
IHPA97.ZIP 2435570 1997-06-12 03:19:46 Internet Home Publisher Alpha 97 HTML editor IHPA97.ZIP
INSITE69.ZIP 3368811 1997-07-09 11:56:48 The only StandAlone Hebrew WYSIWYG Html Editor INSITE69.ZIP
ITUNER10.ZIP 1897881 1997-05-23 12:26:26 Ituner is a next generation RealAudio 3.0 ITUNER10.ZIP
JAMBA1.ZIP 2746150 1997-06-11 03:05:42 JAMBA Java Editor JAMBA1.ZIP
JAMBA2.ZIP 2593538 1997-06-11 03:06:08 JAMBA Java Editor Java Applets selbstgebastelt, ganz easy mit Jamba ! 30 Tage Trial Version ab Installation Disk 2 von 2 Win 95 Html JAMBA2.ZIP
JTMEDIUM.ZIP 797218 1997-02-26 01:20:48 version 2.1 WIN95 Java Applet that plays sound clips in a variety of styles, flashes text messages you have written in a simple text file and presents an image slide-show(gif & jpg) in synch with the sound-clips and text messages. JTMEDIUM.ZIP
LKPOP100.ZIP 730472 1997-06-12 12:42:32 LT Link Popper v1.00: Automated link utility LKPOP100.ZIP
MD25ANT4.ZIP 1657839 1997-07-04 06:07:46 MDaemon Server Version 2.5 Release A Build for Win95/NT4.0 MD25ANT4.ZIP
MERGE232.ZIP 799292 1997-06-11 11:11:36 Send personalized email to many recipients MERGE232.ZIP
MFAQ32HP.ZIP 91244 1997-06-02 12:04:02 mIRC 5.02 FAQ in windows help format ; mircfaq.hlp MFAQ32HP.ZIP
MIRC502T.ZIP 677097 1997-06-12 12:46:36 mIRC Version 5.02 (32bit) MIRC502T.ZIP
MIRCFQ32.ZIP 83164 1997-05-31 12:26:26 mIRC 5.02 FAQ in windows write format ; MIRCFQ32.ZIP
MTHING12.ZIP 1448700 1997-06-04 12:35:42 Mail-Thing version 1.2 Build 417 for Win95/NT MTHING12.ZIP
MXF.ZIP 2467194 1997-07-08 02:48:00 Bringing eXtended e-mail monitoring to your system MXF.ZIP
NBC32V1.ZIP 170854 1997-06-14 06:48:58 Choose color visually; paste into html doc NBC32V1.ZIP
NC32DEMO.ZIP 3332171 1997-05-22 12:26:56 NetClicker works with Internet browsers by NC32DEMO.ZIP
ND10A2P.ZIP 1101264 1997-06-27 12:38:00 NDaemon News Server Version 1.0 Personal Edition for Win95/NT 4.0 ND10A2P.ZIP
NETLAB.ZIP 499171 1997-07-08 06:34:48 Finger, WhoIs, Ping, Traceroute, Clock sync, daytime NETLAB.ZIP
OB97014.ZIP 1244102 1997-05-22 12:26:40 Celtech Software O'Basic97 is a system script language for Windows95. Standard object-oriented basic syntax with extended registry access, clipboard, DDE client, INI file writing, printing, and more! For registered users: ODBC access, high- level FTP service and a script-to-EXE compiler. OB97014.ZIP
P97V401.ZIP 3639480 1997-06-12 09:11:26 Pronto97 IMAP Mail Version 4.01 for Win95/NT P97V401.ZIP
PICASO10.ZIP 143326 1997-03-03 17:27:48 Picasso 1.0. Simple Wizard-Like application that will create an HTML Document Template for you from scratch. PICASO10.ZIP
PMLW2R34.ZIP 5044179 1997-06-20 04:21:04 PageMill from Adobe version 2.0 R34 Beta for Win95/NT PMLW2R34.ZIP
PRO12.ZIP 1616878 1997-02-13 14:32:14 Teleport Pro Version 1.20 for Win95/NT PRO12.ZIP
RBA2032.ZIP 1823370 1997-07-04 06:12:22 Rubberband: E-Mail Autoresponder for RBA2032.ZIP
RFTP.ZIP 137233 1997-06-16 12:30:54 RFtp Version for Win95/NT4.0 RFTP.ZIP
SINET12D.ZIP 368715 1997-02-13 14:32:24 Suchen im Internet V1.2 fuer W95 Dies Programm integriert sich in das Findmen von Windows 95, so da auf einfache Weise nach Webseiten, Dateien und Personen/Adressen gesucht werden kann. Ein MUST-HAVE fuer jeden, der die gesuchten Informationen im Inter- net schnell finden will ! (WWW-Browser wie Netscape wird bentigt) Deutsche SHAREWARE (ohne Einschr nkung) (c) by SINET12D.ZIP
SKWPTRL.ZIP 7433511 1997-05-18 05:20:50 Sidekick Web Publisher allows you to create SKWPTRL.ZIP
SOMAIL10.ZIP 578873 1997-06-18 16:47:08 SOMAIL10.ZIP v1.0 SoMail(c) 1997 Offline Mail Reader for Windows NT & 95, with support for QWK packets, STMP, POP3 and NNTP. Spell check, MIME support, ext. editor, XX/UUencode file transfer, and much more. With SMTP/POP3 server (NT, single workstation) included. English, French, and Portuguese. Shareware US$35.00. SOMAIL10.ZIP
SX32PR10.ZIP 1368553 1997-06-17 01:58:28 The HTML Editor for people who hate HTML Editors. SX was designed to give web authors an environment where they can quickly edit and create web pages, while maintaining a site oriented approach to HTML. Featuring a built in Windows Explorer window, SX makes inserting links, images, scripts, etc. as easy as Drag and Drop. Also includes a built in web publisher, image builder(supporting all popular formats) and Tag Popups that give you TAG reference as your typing. If you consider Notepad your HTML editor check SiteBuilder X out. SX32PR10.ZIP
SX32V12.ZIP 1278173 1997-06-19 11:02:28 SiteBuilder X(version 1.2) The HTML Editor for people who hate HTML Editors. SiteBuilder X was designed to give web authors an environment where they can quickly edit and create web pages, while maintaining a site oriented approach to HTML. Featuring a built in Windows Explorer window, the program makes inserting links, images, scripts, audio and video as easy as Drag and Drop. Tags Popups show tag paramaters and possible values as your typing. Also includes: Web Publisher - Upload files with full directory structure Image Builder - Supports GIF JPEG BMP and TIFF Images Custom Tags - Create your own Tags Smart Tags - Format according to current code. Tag Popups - Tag Reference as your typing! If you consider Notepad your HTML editor, check SiteBuilder X out. SX32V12.ZIP
TERRA20.ZIP 1034318 1997-06-13 06:01:32 Terrapin FTP Browser Version 2.0.1 for Win95 TERRA20.ZIP
UNMOZ_IE.ZIP 395720 1997-05-10 10:20:14 UnMozify for Internet Explorer V.6.0 (W95) - UnMozify allows you to selectively retrieve information from Netscape's cache for viewing offline UNMOZ_IE.ZIP
URL2HTMD.ZIP 77133 1997-07-05 09:41:06 URL2HTM Version 1.04 WIN95 This program will convert the Internet Shortcuts or "Favorites" created by Microsoft Internet Explorer into an HTML file. Each "Favorite" that you create with Internet Explorer is a small file which contains the URL or address of the web page. If you have a lot of old "Favorites" they can take up a lot of space on your hard drive. This program will make an HTML file which contains links to all your favorite sites. You can delete the Internet Shortcut files and get all the disk space back. You can also use the links on your HTML homepage. URL2HTMD.ZIP
VSWEB30.ZIP 1031183 1997-04-26 03:02:56 ViruSafe WEB 3.01. Plug-In Anti Virus for Internet Web Browsers. Automatically scans downloads and prompts to delete if infected. VSWEB30.ZIP
W32-254.ZIP 1786653 1997-07-08 06:31:52 Pegasus Mail for Windows 95 v2.54 Windows client W32-254.ZIP
WARD165.ZIP 1524894 1997-06-11 06:21:26 WAR FTP DAEMON for Win95/NT Version 1.65 WARD165.ZIP
WDOG25.ZIP 181268 1997-04-12 16:48:30 Internet WatchDog V.2.5 (W95) - : Internet Watch Dog is a Windows NT / 95 utility that will monitor all your internet services 24 hours a day, ensuring, your email path, web site and other TCPIP services are responding. WDOG25.ZIP
WEBMAS12.ZIP 999747 1997-06-22 01:53:44 webMASTER Pro v1.2: the ultimate, complete solution for managing entire web sites and editing HTML documents in an intuitive environment. Includes internal MSIE broswer, color picker, site analyzer, backup, and much more. Shareware by Galt Technology. 32-bit. WIN95 html WEBMAS12.ZIP
WEBNIK36.ZIP 931802 1997-04-27 06:10:18 Internet Timer / AutoDialer/AutoConnect-Discon WEBNIK36.ZIP
WEBPEN42.ZIP 1339753 1997-06-12 09:12:10 WebPen HTML Editor and Authoring Tool- Win95 WEBPEN42.ZIP
WEBWV97E.ZIP 2687276 1997-06-08 12:56:52 Web Weaver: Powerful, feature-rich HTML WEBWV97E.ZIP
WEBWV97F.ZIP 2776299 1997-06-18 16:56:16 Web Weaver 97: Feature-rich HTML editor WEBWV97F.ZIP
WETSOCK.ZIP 95622 1997-03-03 17:27:56 WetSock 2.5. Delivers current weather conditions and forecasts to your desktop WETSOCK.ZIP
WH95V2.ZIP 1036026 1997-05-20 09:40:40 Win Hacker 95 V.201 - The best utility that WH95V2.ZIP
WHITESTR.ZIP 670838 1997-07-02 06:25:52 Homepage wizard creates your homepage fast WHITESTR.ZIP
WINTEL32.ZIP 668827 1997-04-05 09:23:12 WinTel v1.6 for Win95/NT - a Dialup/Telnet/FTP client WINTEL32.ZIP
WIRC502S.ZIP 450594 1997-07-02 06:26:02 WIRCSRV IRC Server v5.02 for Win95/NT mircfq32.wri WIRC502S.ZIP
WP14US.ZIP 233570 1997-05-24 12:13:34 WinProxy by LanProjekt V.1.4 Final (W95) WP14US.ZIP
WPC32.ZIP 980578 1997-06-19 04:11:22 Web Page Creator Version 5.80 for Win95/NT WPC32.ZIP
WPL2001A.ZIP 2881687 1997-07-03 11:03:28 Create PriceLists in HTML with Online Ordering editor WPL2001A.ZIP
WPROXY20.ZIP 835878 1997-06-16 12:30:26 WinProxy Version 2.0 Beta 1 for Win95/NT by Ositis WPROXY20.ZIP
Total 95 Files, 134035 Kilobytes

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