Listing created 2024-08-23 at 14:24

W95Net - Win95:_Netzwerk

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W95Net - Fidonet Win95:_Netzwerk
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
CMB2B.ZIP 2283031 1997-03-12 06:26:22 Manage your browser's cache deposit with ease CMB2B.ZIP
HD95CP11.ZIP 56732 1997-02-26 01:18:50 HD95COPY Dieses Programm liest einfach die Platte hardewaremaessig aus und speichert diese Daten mit Zusatzinformationen in einer Datei am Netzwerk (oder auf einem anderen Medium, das Sie ueber einen Laufwerksbuchstaben ansprechen koennen). Von dieser kann dann ebenfalls mit HD95COPY ein Restore auf die anderen Geraete gezogen werden. (Es werden nur tatsaechlich benutzte Sektoren gespeichert!) Da HD95COPY ein DOS-Programm ist, setzt dies keine Installation von Windows 95 voraus! HD95CP11.ZIP
PGRAF102.ZIP 618710 1997-08-31 11:07:02 PingGraph v1.0.2: Ping response time grapher PingGraph is a multi-threaded graphical TCP/IP network monitoring and diagnostic tool for Win95/NT. PingGraph can graph response time within your Local Area Network (LAN). It can keep an eye on the response time of your favorite Internet multi-player game servers. It can even monitor your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to help you make sure you are getting the advertised connection quality and stability for which you are paying. PingGraph works over all TCP/IP networks, whether hard wired or dial-up to show you the response time between your system and any other system on the Internet. The freely distributable unregistered software is fully functional, with the exception of storing only a limited number of favorite sites, and only allowing one copy to run at a time on a given system. Special requirements: TCP/IP network (dial-up or direct connect). Shareware. Uploaded by the author. PGRAF102.ZIP
RSU32102.ZIP 150020 1997-02-26 01:18:46 RSU32 is a program that can - determine update levels, - modify the registry, - modify INI files, - insert environment variables, - synchronize folders WIN95 Netzwerk RSU32102.ZIP
SAFEIT12.ZIP 1746238 1997-02-26 01:15:06 The main purpose of Safe-It is to allow the user to have multiple configurations for their Windows95 TCP/IP network settings. If you work on a LAN and have multiple configurations and need to have multiple configurations stored so that you can use them whenever you want with just a click of a button, then Safe-It is all you need. It simplifies the task of storing the settings so you wont have to retype them over, it will do this for you with just a click. Win 95 SAFEIT12.ZIP
ZMAP.ZIP 1917785 1997-08-31 11:07:30 ZipMapper: LMHOSTS manager/connection manager Zipmapper 2.0.0 is an LMHOSTS and Network connection manager. ZipMapper will allow you to manage your LMHOSTS file, connect network drives, disconnect network drives, browse the network, and access commonly used utilities like command prompt and common drive connection and disconnection dialogs, all from one program. Very convenient help via tool tips. Includes support for almost all LMHOSTS tags, and works in 95 and NT 4.0 too. (Even re-sources automatically like nbtstat -R in NT). With ZipMapper, you can quickly add remote computers and connect to shared resources from the same program. Special requirements: None. Shareware. Uploaded by the author. ZMAP.ZIP
Total 6 Files, 6613 Kilobytes

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