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Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
RFC0966.ZIP 15865 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0966: Host groups: A multicast RFC0966.ZIP
RFC0967.TXT 4857 1997-12-18 13:16:14 RFC-0967: All victims together RFC0967.TXT
RFC0968.TXT 2636 1997-12-18 13:16:16 RFC-0968: Twas the night before start-up RFC0968.TXT
RFC0969.ZIP 11940 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0969: NETBLT: A bulk data transfer protocol (Obsoleted by RFC998) RFC0969.ZIP
RFC0970.ZIP 8514 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0970: On packet switches with infinite storage RFC0970.ZIP
RFC0971.ZIP 6565 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0971: Survey of data representation standards RFC0971.ZIP
RFC0972.TXT 3941 1997-12-18 13:08:58 RFC-0972: Password Generator Protocol RFC0972.TXT
RFC0973.ZIP 7233 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0973: Domain system changes and observations (Updates RFC882) (Obsoleted by RFC1034) (Obsoleted by RFC1035) RFC0973.ZIP
RFC0974.ZIP 6304 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0974: Mail routing and the domain RFC0974.ZIP
RFC0975.ZIP 8508 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0975: Autonomous confederations RFC0975.ZIP
RFC0976.ZIP 8742 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0976: UUCP mail interchange format standard (Updated by RFC1137) RFC0976.ZIP
RFC0977.ZIP 16064 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0977: Network News Transfer Protocol: Proposed Standard for the Stream-Based Transmission of News RFC0977.ZIP
RFC0978.ZIP 2527 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0978: Postel, J.B Voice File RFC0978.ZIP
RFC0979.ZIP 11840 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0979: PSN End-to-End functional specification RFC0979.ZIP
RFC0980.ZIP 7198 1988-11-17 01:00:00 RFC-0980: Protocol document order RFC0980.ZIP
RFC0982.ZIP 3527 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0982: Guidelines for the specification of the structure of the Domain Specific Part DSP of the ISO standard NSAP address RFC0982.ZIP
RFC0983.ZIP 14264 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0983: ISO transport arrives on top of the TCP (Obsoleted by RFC1006) RFC0983.ZIP
RFC0984.ZIP 17584 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0984: PCMAIL: A distributed mail system for personal computers (Obsoleted by RFC993) RFC0984.ZIP
RFC0985.ZIP 17413 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0985: Requirements for Internet RFC0985.ZIP
RFC0986.ZIP 3292 1988-11-18 01:00:00 RFC-0986: Guidelines for the use of Internet-IP addressesin the ISO Connectionless-Mode Network Protocol [Working draft] (Obsoleted by RFC1069) RFC0986.ZIP
RFC0987.ZIP 31944 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0987: Mapping between X.400 and RFC 822 (Updates RFC822) (Obsoleted by RFC1148) (Updated by RFC1026) RFC0987.ZIP
RFC0988.ZIP 11721 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0988: Host extensions for IP multicasting (Obsoletes RFC966) (Obsoleted by RFC1054) (Obsoleted by RFC1112) RFC0988.ZIP
RFC0989.ZIP 19539 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0989: Privacy enhancement for Internet electronic mail: Part I: Message encipherment and authentication procedures (Obsoleted by RFC1040) (Obsoleted by RFC1113) RFC0989.ZIP
RFC0990.ZIP 46302 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0990: Assigned numbers (Obsoletes RFC960) (Obsoleted by RFC1010) (Updated by RFC997) RFC0990.ZIP
RFC0991.ZIP 13658 1988-11-17 01:00:00 RFC-0991: Official ARPA-Internet protocols (Obsoletes RFC961) (Obsoleted by RFC1011) (STD 1) RFC0991.ZIP
RFC0992.ZIP 17205 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0992: On communication support for RFC0992.ZIP
RFC0993.ZIP 20248 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0993: PCMAIL: A distributed mail system for personal computers (Obsoletes RFC984) (Obsoleted by RFC1056) RFC0993.ZIP
RFC0994.ZIP 27831 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0994: Final text of DIS 8473,Protocol for Providing the Connectionless-mode Network Service (Obsoletes RFC926) RFC0994.ZIP
RFC0995.ZIP 21974 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0995: End System to Intermediate System Routing Exchange Protocol for use in conjunction with ISO 8473 RFC0995.ZIP
RFC0996.TXT 6205 1997-12-18 13:16:50 RFC-0996: Statistics server RFC0996.TXT
RFC0997.ZIP 34029 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0997: Internet numbers (Updates RFC990) (Obsoleted by RFC1020) RFC0997.ZIP
RFC0998.ZIP 15186 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0998: NETBLT: A bulk data transfer protocol (Obsoletes RFC969) RFC0998.ZIP
RFC0999.ZIP 17699 1988-11-05 01:00:00 RFC-0999: Requests For Comments summary notes: 900-999 (Obsoleted by RFC1000) RFC0999.ZIP
RFC1000.ZIP 83956 1993-03-07 22:30:04 RFC-1000: Request For Comments reference guide (Obsoletes RFC999) RFC1000.ZIP
RFC1001.ZIP 41434 1993-03-07 22:28:00 RFC-1001: Protocol standard for a NetBIOS service on a TCP/UDP transport: Concepts and methods (STD 19) RFC1001.ZIP
RFC1002.ZIP 23686 1993-03-20 22:25:34 RFC-1002: Protocol standard for a NetBIOS service on a TCP/UDP transport: Detailed specifications (STD 19) RFC1002.ZIP
RFC1003.ZIP 6700 1993-03-07 22:19:50 RFC-1003: Issues in defining an equations representation standard RFC1003.ZIP
RFC1004.ZIP 7193 1993-03-07 22:19:28 RFC-1004: Distributed-protocol authentication scheme RFC1004.ZIP
RFC1005.ZIP 18034 1993-03-07 22:23:46 RFC-1005: ARPANET AHIP-E Host Access Protocol enhanced AHIP RFC1005.ZIP
RFC1006.ZIP 8204 1993-09-20 22:21:32 RFC-1006: ISO transport services on top of the TCP: Version: 3 (Obsoletes RFC983) (STD 35) RFC1006.ZIP
RFC1007.ZIP 11985 1993-03-07 22:22:18 RFC-1007: Military supplement to the ISO Transport Protocol RFC1007.ZIP
RFC1008.ZIP 60649 1993-03-07 22:26:48 RFC-1008: Implementation guide for the ISO Transport Protocol RFC1008.ZIP
RFC1009.ZIP 37363 1993-03-07 22:25:04 RFC-1009: Requirements for Internet RFC1009.ZIP
RFC1010.ZIP 20886 1993-03-07 22:23:28 RFC-1010: Assigned numbers (Obsoletes RFC990) (Obsoleted by RFC1060) (STD 2) RFC1010.ZIP
RFC1011.ZIP 16065 1993-03-07 22:51:58 RFC-1011: Official Internet protocols (Obsoletes RFC991) (STD 1) RFC1011.ZIP
RFC1012.ZIP 31033 1993-03-07 22:24:50 RFC-1012: Bibliography of Request For Comments 1 through 999 RFC1012.ZIP
RFC1013.ZIP 56217 1993-03-07 22:29:52 RFC-1013: X Window System Protocol, version 11: Alpha update April 1987 RFC1013.ZIP
RFC1014.ZIP 11107 1993-03-07 22:22:54 RFC-1014: XDR: External Data Representation standard RFC1014.ZIP
RFC1015.ZIP 17840 1993-03-07 22:52:06 RFC-1015: Implementation plan for interagency research Internet RFC1015.ZIP
RFC1016.ZIP 15760 1993-03-07 22:23:32 RFC-1016: Something a host could do with source quench: The Source Quench Introduced Delay SQuID RFC1016.ZIP
RFC1017.ZIP 15699 1993-03-07 22:23:36 RFC-1017: Network requirements for scientific research: Internet task force on scientific computing RFC1017.ZIP
RFC1018.TXT 8101 1997-12-19 20:13:24 RFC-1018: Some comments on SQuID RFC1018.TXT
RFC1019.ZIP 7735 1993-03-07 22:21:34 RFC-1019: Report of the Workshop on Environments for Computational Mathematics RFC1019.ZIP
RFC1020.ZIP 42793 1993-03-07 22:54:30 RFC-1020: Internet numbers (Obsoletes RFC997) (Obsoleted by RFC1062) RFC1020.ZIP
RFC1021.ZIP 4808 1993-03-07 22:49:04 RFC-1021: High-level Entity Management System HEMS RFC1021.ZIP
RFC1022.ZIP 7205 1993-03-07 22:51:40 RFC-1022: High-level Entity Management Protocol HEMP RFC1022.ZIP
RFC1023.ZIP 12399 1993-03-07 22:50:48 RFC-1023: HEMS monitoring and control language (Obsoleted by RFC1076) RFC1023.ZIP
RFC1024.ZIP 26738 1993-03-07 23:27:04 RFC-1024: HEMS variable definitions RFC1024.ZIP
RFC1025.ZIP 3799 1993-03-07 22:49:28 RFC-1025: TCP and IP bake off RFC1025.ZIP
RFC1026.TXT 7351 1997-12-19 20:14:02 RFC-1026: Addendum to RFC 987: Mapping between X.400 and RFC-822 (Updates RFC987) (Obsoleted by RFC1327) (Updated by RFC1138) RFC1026.TXT
RFC1027.ZIP 7170 1993-03-07 22:50:20 RFC-1027: Using ARP to implement RFC1027.ZIP
RFC1028.ZIP 14595 1993-03-07 22:51:12 RFC-1028: Simple Gateway Monitoring RFC1028.ZIP
RFC1029.ZIP 14539 1993-03-07 22:50:40 RFC-1029: More fault tolerant approach to address resolution for a Multi-LAN system of Ethernets RFC1029.ZIP
RFC1030.ZIP 11437 1993-03-07 22:51:58 RFC-1030: On testing the NETBLT Protocol over divers networks RFC1030.ZIP
RFC1031.ZIP 6681 1993-03-07 22:49:00 RFC-1031: MILNET name domain transition RFC1031.ZIP
RFC1032.ZIP 9376 1993-03-07 23:02:52 RFC-1032: Domain administrators guide RFC1032.ZIP
RFC1033.ZIP 9894 1993-03-07 22:50:54 RFC-1033: Domain administrators operations guide RFC1033.ZIP
RFC1034.ZIP 35071 1993-03-07 22:52:52 RFC-1034: Domain names - concepts and facilities (Obsoletes RFC882) (Obsoletes RFC883) (Obsoletes RFC973) (Obsoleted by RFC2065) (Updated by RFC1101) (Updated by RFC1876) (Updated by RFC1982) (Updated by RFC2181) (STD 13) RFC1034.ZIP
RFC1035.ZIP 33050 1993-03-07 22:53:24 RFC-1035: Domain names - implementation and specification (Obsoletes RFC973) (Obsoleted by RFC2136) (Obsoleted by RFC2137) (Updated by RFC1348) (Updated by RFC1995) (Updated by RFC1996) (Updated by RFC2065) (Updated by RFC2181) (STD 13) RFC1035.ZIP
RFC1036.ZIP 14508 1993-03-07 22:50:58 RFC-1036: Standard for interchange of RFC1036.ZIP
RFC1037.ZIP 50763 1993-03-07 23:07:28 RFC-1037: NFILE - a file access protocol RFC1037.ZIP
RFC1038.ZIP 4727 1993-03-07 22:49:42 RFC-1038: Draft revised IP security option (Obsoleted by RFC1108) RFC1038.ZIP
RFC1039.TXT 6364 1997-12-19 20:10:56 RFC-1039: DoD statement on Open Systems Interconnection protocols (Obsoletes RFC945) RFC1039.TXT
RFC1040.ZIP 22799 1993-03-07 23:03:40 RFC-1040: Privacy enhancement for Internet electronic mail: Part I: Message encipherment and authentication procedures (Obsoletes RFC989) (Obsoleted by RFC1113) RFC1040.ZIP
RFC1041.ZIP 3791 1993-03-07 23:01:46 RFC-1041: Telnet 3270 regime option RFC1041.ZIP
RFC1042.ZIP 10551 1993-03-07 23:21:34 RFC-1042: Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over IEEE 802 networks (Obsoletes RFC948) RFC1042.ZIP
RFC1043.ZIP 14080 1993-03-07 23:03:22 RFC-1043: Telnet Data Entry Terminal RFC1043.ZIP
RFC1044.ZIP 26913 1993-03-07 23:04:24 RFC-1044: Internet Protocol on Network System's HYPERchannel: Protocol specification RFC1044.ZIP
RFC1045.ZIP 70512 1993-03-07 23:10:52 RFC-1045: VMTP: Versatile Message Transaction Protocol: Protocol specification RFC1045.ZIP
RFC1046.ZIP 9727 1993-03-07 23:02:34 RFC-1046: Queuing algorithm to provide type-of-service forIP links RFC1046.ZIP
RFC1047.TXT 6058 1997-12-19 20:17:38 RFC-1047: Duplicate messages and SMTP RFC1047.TXT
RFC1048.ZIP 5251 1993-03-07 23:02:22 RFC-1048: BOOTP vendor information extensions (Obsoleted by RFC1084) RFC1048.ZIP
RFC1049.ZIP 6201 1993-03-07 23:02:58 RFC-1049: Content-type header field for Internet messages (Updated by RFC1154) (STD 11) RFC1049.ZIP
RFC1050.ZIP 15473 1993-03-07 23:02:54 RFC-1050: RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol specification (Obsoleted by RFC1057) RFC1050.ZIP
RFC1051.TXT 8005 1997-12-19 20:17:08 RFC-1051: Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams and ARP packets over ARCNET networks (Obsoleted by RFC1201) RFC1051.TXT
RFC1052.ZIP 9808 1993-03-07 23:18:46 RFC-1052: IAB recommendations for the development of Internet network management standards RFC1052.ZIP
RFC1053.ZIP 14984 1993-03-07 23:21:06 RFC-1053: Telnet X.3 PAD option RFC1053.ZIP
RFC1054.ZIP 12470 1993-03-07 23:19:46 RFC-1054: Host extensions for IP multicasting (Obsoletes RFC988) (Obsoleted by RFC1112) RFC1054.ZIP
RFC1055.ZIP 4293 1993-03-07 23:18:40 RFC-1055: Nonstandard for transmission of RFC1055.ZIP
RFC1056.ZIP 23159 1993-03-07 23:19:42 RFC-1056: PCMAIL: A distributed mail system for personal computers (Obsoletes RFC993) RFC1056.ZIP
RFC1057.ZIP 15971 1993-03-07 23:22:26 RFC-1057: RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol specification version 2 (Obsoletes RFC1050) RFC1057.ZIP
RFC1058.ZIP 27388 1993-03-07 23:21:10 RFC-1058: Routing Information Protocol (Obsoleted by RFC1723) (Updated by RFC1388) (STD 34) RFC1058.ZIP
RFC1059.ZIP 38276 1993-03-07 23:26:06 RFC-1059: Network Time Protocol version 1 specification and implementation (Obsoletes RFC958) (Obsoleted by RFC1119) RFC1059.ZIP
RFC1060.ZIP 46585 1993-03-07 23:27:20 RFC-1060: ASSIGNED NUMBERS (Obsoletes RFC791) (Obsoletes RFC1010) (Obsoleted by RFC1340) (STD 2) RFC1060.ZIP
RFC1061.TXT 35 1997-12-19 20:18:14 RFC-1061: Not Issued RFC1061.TXT
RFC1062.ZIP 57677 1993-03-07 23:30:54 RFC-1062: Internet numbers (Obsoletes RFC1020) (Obsoleted by RFC1117) RFC1062.ZIP
RFC1063.ZIP 8190 1993-03-07 16:33:32 RFC-1063: IP MTU Discovery options RFC1063.ZIP
RFC1064.ZIP 16701 1993-03-07 23:22:42 RFC-1064: Interactive Mail Access Protocol: Version 2 (Obsoleted by RFC1176) (Obsoleted by RFC1203) RFC1064.ZIP
RFC1065.ZIP 10339 1993-03-07 16:32:58 RFC-1065: Structure and identification of management information for TCP/IP-based internets (Obsoleted by RFC1155) RFC1065.ZIP
RFC1066.ZIP 18516 1993-03-07 19:22:34 RFC-1066: Management Information Base for network management of TCP/IP-based internets (Obsoleted by RFC1156) RFC1066.ZIP
RFC1067.ZIP 15032 1993-03-07 16:34:54 RFC-1067: Simple Network Management RFC1067.ZIP
RFC1068.ZIP 14485 1993-03-07 16:33:42 RFC-1068: Background File Transfer Program BFTP RFC1068.ZIP
RFC1069.ZIP 5937 1993-03-07 19:20:28 RFC-1069: Guidelines for the use of Internet-IP addressesin the ISO Connectionless-Mode Network Protocol (Obsoletes RFC986) RFC1069.ZIP
RFC1070.ZIP 10798 1993-03-07 19:21:00 RFC-1070: Use of the Internet as a subnetwork for experimentation with the OSI network layer RFC1070.ZIP
RFC1071.ZIP 17399 1993-03-07 16:34:02 RFC-1071: Computing the Internet checksum (Obsoleted by RFC1141) (Updated by RFC1624) RFC1071.ZIP
RFC1072.ZIP 11432 1993-03-07 16:33:04 RFC-1072: TCP extensions for long-delay paths (Obsoleted by RFC1323) RFC1072.ZIP
RFC1073.TXT 7865 1997-12-19 20:12:02 RFC-1073: Telnet window size option RFC1073.TXT
RFC1074.ZIP 3843 1993-03-07 16:32:08 RFC-1074: NSFNET backbone SPF based RFC1074.ZIP
RFC1075.ZIP 13393 1993-03-07 16:34:16 RFC-1075: Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol RFC1075.ZIP
RFC1076.ZIP 27138 1993-03-07 16:34:56 RFC-1076: HEMS monitoring and control language (Obsoletes RFC1023) RFC1076.ZIP
RFC1077.ZIP 36537 1993-03-07 19:24:32 RFC-1077: Critical issues in high bandwidth networking RFC1077.ZIP
RFC1078.TXT 3362 1997-12-19 20:16:44 RFC-1078: TCP port service Multiplexer RFC1078.TXT
RFC1079.TXT 5112 1997-12-19 20:16:48 RFC-1079: Telnet terminal speed option RFC1079.TXT
RFC1080.TXT 6914 1997-12-19 20:16:52 RFC-1080: Telnet remote flow control option (Obsoleted by RFC1372) RFC1080.TXT
RFC1081.ZIP 9124 1993-03-07 19:20:52 RFC-1081: Post Office Protocol - version 3 (Obsoleted by RFC1225) RFC1081.ZIP
RFC1082.ZIP 7896 1993-03-07 19:20:18 RFC-1082: Post Office Protocol - version 3: Extended service offerings RFC1082.ZIP
RFC1084.ZIP 5521 1993-03-07 19:20:30 RFC-1084: BOOTP vendor information extensions (Obsoletes RFC1048) (Obsoleted by RFC1395) RFC1084.ZIP
RFC1085.ZIP 15274 1993-03-07 19:21:24 RFC-1085: ISO presentation services on top of TCP/IP based internets RFC1085.ZIP
RFC1086.ZIP 5571 1993-03-07 19:20:52 RFC-1086: ISO-TP0 bridge between TCP and RFC1086.ZIP
RFC1087.TXT 4696 1997-12-19 20:15:04 RFC-1087: Ethics and the Internet RFC1087.TXT
RFC1088.TXT 5919 1997-12-19 20:15:08 RFC-1088: Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over NetBIOS networks RFC1088.TXT
RFC1089.TXT 4628 1997-12-19 20:17:52 RFC-1089: SNMP over Ethernet RFC1089.TXT
RFC1090.TXT 6367 1997-12-19 20:17:56 RFC-1090: SMTP on X.25 RFC1090.TXT
RFC1091.ZIP 4324 1993-03-07 19:20:56 RFC-1091: Telnet terminal-type option (Obsoletes RFC930) RFC1091.ZIP
RFC1092.ZIP 4071 1993-03-07 19:42:50 RFC-1092: EGP and policy based routing in the new NSFNET backbone RFC1092.ZIP
RFC1093.ZIP 6727 1993-03-07 19:43:18 RFC-1093: NSFNET routing architecture RFC1093.ZIP
RFC1094.ZIP 14289 1993-03-07 19:45:20 RFC-1094: NFS: Network File System Protocol specification RFC1094.ZIP
RFC1095.ZIP 36615 1993-03-07 19:46:10 RFC-1095: Common Management Information Services and Protocol over TCP/IP CMOT (Obsoleted by RFC1189) RFC1095.ZIP
RFC1096.TXT 4804 1997-12-19 20:15:40 RFC-1096: Telnet X display location option RFC1096.TXT
RFC1097.TXT 5660 1997-12-19 20:15:44 RFC-1097: Telnet subliminal-message option RFC1097.TXT
RFC1098.ZIP 15776 1993-03-07 19:45:18 RFC-1098: Simple Network Management RFC1098.ZIP
RFC1099.ZIP 14293 1993-03-07 19:45:04 RFC-1099: Request for Comments Summary RFC Numbers 1000-1099 RFC1099.ZIP
RFC2257.TXT 181935 1998-02-07 09:37:48 RFC-2257: Agent Extensibility (AgentX) Protocol Version 1 RFC2257.TXT
RFC2258.TXT 35714 1998-02-07 09:37:56 RFC-2258: Internet Nomenclator Project RFC2258.TXT
RFC2259.TXT 60191 1998-02-07 09:38:02 RFC-2259: Simple Nomenclator Query Protocol (SNQP) RFC2259.TXT
RFC2260.TXT 28760 1998-02-07 09:38:10 RFC-2260: Scalable Support for Multi-homed Multi-provider Connectivity RFC2260.TXT
RFC2261.TXT 131175 1998-02-07 09:38:20 RFC-2261: An Architecture for Describing SNMP Management Frameworks RFC2261.TXT
RFC2262.TXT 90441 1998-02-07 09:38:28 RFC-2262: Message Processing and RFC2262.TXT
RFC2263.TXT 147416 1998-02-07 09:38:34 RFC-2263: SNMPv3 Applications RFC2263.TXT
RFC2264.TXT 173018 1998-02-07 09:38:42 RFC-2264: User-based Security Model (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv3) RFC2264.TXT
RFC2265.TXT 79826 1998-02-07 09:38:50 RFC-2265: View-based Access Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) RFC2265.TXT
RFC2266.TXT 137166 1998-02-07 09:38:56 RFC-2266: Definitions of Managed Objects RFC2266.TXT
RFC2267.TXT 21595 1998-02-07 09:39:04 RFC-2267: Network Ingress Filtering: Defeating Denial of Service Attacks which employ IP Source Address Spoofing RFC2267.TXT
RFC2269.TXT 12433 1998-02-07 09:39:10 RFC-2269: Using the MARS Model in non-ATM NBMA Networks RFC2269.TXT
RFC2271.TXT 131366 1998-02-07 09:39:16 RFC-2271: An Architecture for Describing SNMP Management Frameworks RFC2271.TXT
RFC2272.TXT 90632 1998-02-07 09:39:24 RFC-2272: Message Processing and RFC2272.TXT
RFC2273.TXT 147677 1998-02-07 09:39:32 RFC-2273: SNMPv3 Applications RFC2273.TXT
RFC2274.TXT 173209 1998-02-07 09:39:40 RFC-2274: User-based Security Model (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv3) RFC2274.TXT
RFC2275.TXT 80017 1998-02-07 09:39:46 RFC-2275: View-based Access Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) RFC2275.TXT
RFC22XX.ZIP 1376600 1998-04-16 01:00:00 RFCs 2200 - 2299 RFC22XX.ZIP
RFC23XX.ZIP 1395385 1998-10-26 16:29:02 RFCs 2300 - 2399 RFC23XX.ZIP
RFC24XX.ZIP 336473 1998-10-20 14:11:00 RFCs 2400 - RFC24XX.ZIP
RFCINDEX.ZIP 74668 1997-12-04 19:39:00 RFC Index 0001-2234 RFCINDEX.ZIP
SAPSQL.ZIP 61694 1997-02-24 14:59:12 NLM: SAPSQL 1.4 protokolliert SAP Pakete im Novell Netz SAPSQL.ZIP
SENO352W.ZIP 5404268 1997-11-03 00:50:40 SCSI Express for NetWare 3.5.2 <Evaluation> SCSI Express for Novell NetWare is a complete package that contains all of the NLMs, device drivers, and utilities you need to manage storage devices on your Novell NetWare server. Some new features from SCSI Express 3.x - Netware 3.12, 4.0x - 4.11 supported - Unlimited device support thirty day evaluation license. - Dynamic sever login. - CD-ROM jukebox on-disk catalog. - New automatic application setup. - CD-ROM subscription update. - Tool tips, improved help and overall faster performance. - Documentation in *.PDF format Check out Web page at! SENO352W.ZIP
SENO402W.ZIP 10988668 1998-05-29 04:28:10 SCSI Express 4.0.2 for NetWare <Evaluation> SCSI Express for Novell NetWare is a complete package that contains all of the NLMs, device drivers, and utilities you need to manage storage devices on your Novell NetWare server - Netware 3.1x, 4.x supported - Unlimited device support thirty day evaluation license. - Manage CD towers, CD jukeboxes and MO - Administration from server-based menu and client-based interface - Combine up to 200 CDs into a single NetWare volume - Support hybrid CD-ROMs - Update subscription CDs - Lock CD and MO media in drives during I/O activity - Balance I/O load between titels in stand alone devices - Prevent eject of CDs and MO disks while mounted - Span multiple MO disks in a jukebox as one contiguous NetWare volume - Cache jukebox directory structures and data in RAM - Schedule multiple users accessing different discs in a jukebox concurrently - Backup directly to MO media - Documentation in *.PDF format Check out Web page at [] SENO402W.ZIP
SNLIST.ZIP 16053 1997-02-24 14:59:00 listet die Seriennummern aller Server im Netzwerk auf SNLIST.ZIP
ST340G.ZIP 1066192 1997-07-13 23:22:40 Stomper v3.40 deutsch Modem-/ISDN- Sharing im Netzwerk DOS, Netware, Win3.x/95/NT ST340G.ZIP
ST342G.ZIP 978261 1998-11-02 02:41:00 Stomper v3.42 deutsch Modem-/ISDN-Sharing im Netzwerk DOS, Netware, Win3.x/95/NT ST342G.ZIP
TOKEN.ZIP 1135352 1997-01-15 01:23:26 SMC Token Ring driver, Version 0.19, 12 TOKEN.ZIP
TRACK.ZIP 14809 1995-10-09 23:00:40 Track V1.5; zeigt Router-Infos an wie TRACK an der Server CONSOLE Freeware von Wolfgang Schreiber TRACK.ZIP
TSPARSE.ZIP 31034 1997-02-13 13:22:52 sucht (und kuerzt) Sparse Dateien TSPARSE.ZIP
W16-301D.ZIP 2775325 1998-11-11 11:50:36 Pegasus Mail 3.0(R1d) f r Windows 16bit englische Version W16-301D.ZIP
W32-255.ZIP 1805837 1997-12-05 20:06:08 Pegasus Mail fuer Win32 V2.55 W32-255.ZIP
W32-301D.ZIP 2902140 1998-11-11 11:53:12 Pegasus Mail 3.0(R1d) f r Win95 und NT englische Version W32-301D.ZIP
WINPM254.TXT 5838 1997-06-08 21:12:00 README zu WINPM254.ZIP und W32-254.EXE WINPM254.TXT
WINPM255.ZIP 1761945 1997-12-05 20:06:28 Pegasus Mail fuer Windows 16bit V2.55 WINPM255.ZIP
XCAPT110.ZIP 19802 1995-06-12 02:10:02 verbessertes CAPTURE; leitet mit einem Aufruf alle 3 (bzw. 9 bei VLMs) LPTs um XCAPT110.ZIP
XFER20A.ZIP 19329 1995-01-02 21:28:04 uebertraegt Binderyobjekte wie User/Gruppen von einem Server zu anderen XFER20A.ZIP
ZIPNLM.ZIP 109309 1997-02-13 13:22:48 ZIP/UNZIP NLM ZIPNLM.ZIP
Total 170 Files, 35294 Kilobytes
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